The wedding

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One week to go and I'm scared to death more then I was during the bloody war. "Hey Nikita you ready show us the dress." "OK Girls I'm ready." I stepped out of my walk in closet and showed them the dress. "Oh wow Nikita you look gorgeous." "Thanks my cousins wife helped me pick it out." "Its perfect." "I know right." (Knock knock) "Babe can I come in." "Give me a minute sweetie." I ran into my closet and took off my dress and put on my bath robe. "Come in dear." "Sorry to interrupt your girl time but I just wanted to Give you a kiss before I leave." "Uhh you just wanted to see my wedding dress." He smirked and and laughed. "Ok you got me can I please see it." "No Malfoy you know the rules not until I'm walking down the Isle." "Ugh and did you just call my Malfoy." "Sure did." "Oh now your going to get it." "Ahhhhaha." He chased me around the room the down to the living room he was able to grab my waist and pull down on top of him on the couch. "Hahaha Draco we have guests." "I can't help it you do things to me." "Hahaha." The front door opened and little Freddy and scorpius ran in and straight to us. "Mommy, daddy." "Hi mom hi dad." "Hey Freddy boy how's my little man." "Love you too mom." "Oh I'm sorry scorpius how are you pumpkin." "Ok grandmother and grandfather said hello." "Oh thank you dear I'll call them later on today." "Mommy mommy I got to see grandma do magic." "Did you that's great sweetheart." "Mom can you do magic too." "Yes but not right now." "Um Nikita why don't you go talk to scorpius he's a bit upset." "Oh ok here Freddy go to daddy." I gave Draco our youngest son Fred and went to talk to our oldest son scorpius, during the war I found out I was pregnant with scorpius that was thirteen years ago and yes we're still not married we have been waiting for all of our friends to be ok after the war then three years ago I gave birth to your second son Fred he has Fred's hair and eyes and Draco knew he was his son so he said we can call him Fred. "scorpius honey can I come in." "Yeah sure." "Honey what's wrong." "You love Fred more then me, ever since he was born he all you could do was be with him play with and you forgot all about me." "Oh sweetie no I don't I love both of you the same and he's just a baby he needs him mom and there's a story to why I spend so much time with him." "And what's that." scorpius turned and looked at me he looks so much like Draco it melts my heart he even talks like him too. "You see you know how he has red hair." "Yeah but what does that go to do with anything." "Here let me show you a picture." I pulled out my wand and A picture of me and the twins appeared in my hands. Then scorpius sat up and looked at the picture. "Mom is that you when you were my age." "Kinda I was just a bit older and you see the twins behind me." "Yeah and they look kinda like Fred." "These two are my best friends in the world Fred is on the right gorges on the left, fred was killed in the war before you were born me and gorge talk everyday." "Is Fred gorges kid." "No Draco is his father but the reason he looked like Fred is because my love for the twins and your father was combined and it gave me your brother, yes I spend more time with him but that's only because he reminds me of my best friend." "I get it mom, I'm sorry." "scorpius listen to me when you make friends or get a girlfriend keep then close to you and never let them go because if you do it will feel like you have a whole in your heart." Tears started going down my face when the memories of me not talking to Fred broke my heart. "Oh mom please don't cry I know you miss your friend but he's always with you, and Fred can help you remember him." "Oh come here pumpkin." I pulled scorpius into a hug and he hugged me thigh then I heard Ginny scream. "Ginny." I ran to my room with Scorpius, Draco and Fred in his arms. "What's go-." "Hey beautiful you miss me." "Fred your back." "Well I'm a ghost but yeah." "Mommy I'm scared." "Hey little bro don't be that's just uncle Fred." "Huh." "You named one of your kids after me how sweet Nikita." "Well he does look like you so." "You and gorge didn't." "What no Draco is his father it's just my love for him and you and gorge combined to give me him he looked like you but he has Draco's smile and more." "well I'm happy for you so you two married."  "In one week we will be." "why wait thirteen year's." "for our friends." "oh so can I stay until after the wedding." "sure mate." "thanks Draco." he smiled and then walked to Fred. "Hey buddy I'm your uncle how are yeah." "good I love u uncle." "I love you too." the week went by fast the wedding was beautiful and calm the all of my friends kids and mine got along great Scorpius was happy all day and until he went to school. "Our boy is growing up Draco." "sure is."

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