Secretly talking to draco

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For the past two weeks you and Draco have been sneaking around just to talk once someone saw you so you had to push him and call him a no good fal git and It killed you. Today hagret was teaching for the first time and you were standing in the front next to Harry and he was being a jerk to him. "Shut it malfoy." he smirked and became a dick. "Dementor Dementor." all turned around then him and his goons put there hoods up and made ghost sounds. I grabbed Harry's arm and gave Draco a angry look that was real. "Awe is someone mad." i froze to her voice. "Shut it pansy." "she turned to look at Draco in shock then she looked back at me. "What she's just a no good freak." "what did you call me pug face." I saw Draco smirking then. I was on the ground. "Ahhh you bitch." she pulled her wand and cased a spell. "Ahhhhhh." "pansy that's enough now go." she want back to the school and I saw Draco about to cry but I mouthed. "I'm ok Draco." he nodded then hagrett asked us who would like to see hegwet, everyone backed up but me and Harry but Draco pulled me back fast. "Well done Harry, now come and bow." he did as told and hegwet did the same then hagret put harry on hegwet and flew away. We all sat and waited and Draco was behind me. "Don't turn around but are you sure your ok." "I'm fine Draco really." "you want to sneak off and talk." "I'd love too but Ron and Hermione are watching my every move since... Never mind." "NO what." "shhg Draco careful." "I don't care tell me." wait until were alone." "ok leave your book so you can come back and get it." "ok." after class i got half way through the forest before I said anything. "Shit, i forgot my book you go ahead I'll catch up." "ok don't be to long." "I won't." i walked back and saw Draco when he saw me he smiled when i got closer he hugged me. "So what were you saying." "I cut my arm the night we stopped talking and Hermione caught me and now her and Ron watch my every move." "let me see." i pulled up my sleeve and he almost cried, he kissed my scars and i started crying. "I'm sorry this happened To you." "me too." I hugged him and cried he picked me up bridal style and carried me back to school then he put me down before we walked in. "Thanks." "your welcome." he walked in and then you ran and hugged him from behind and he hugged you back then walked off to class since you had a free period. "Huh I love having you as a friend again Draco but i want more then that but you'll never know." you went to your dorm and read your favorite muggle book The OutSiders. And smiled because Draco popped into your head.

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