in the hospital

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*Hermione's P.O.V.*
"Draco..." I look up to see her still asleep with a tear in her eyes, she must be dreaming of him or something. "Draco..." she kept saying his name and it was cute because it reminds me of the day Ron said my name in his sleep. "How is she." I turned and saw Harry and my eyes widened because she was talking in her sleep. "She's ok." "That's good." He sat next to me and I was praying she didn't say his name but that didn't work. "Draco..." he looked at her and me with shock. "Did she just say." "Yeah she did." "There friends again and you didn't tell me or Ron." "I just found out ok, and you can't keep her away from him." "Why not he is fawl and cruel." "But she likes him and when they didn't talk she cried every night she even cut herself." He looked at me with a shocked face and took her arms and saw the scars on her arm. "She did this all because she didn't talk to him." "She likes him and she wanted to be friends but she couldn't because of you and Ron." "Huh I feel so bad now, if I knew I would of... I might of... I don't know." "Harry I know you like her but she loves Draco they've been friends since day one and they are close just like she is with us since day one you have to let her be friends with who she wants, you want her to be happy right." "Of course I do but Malfoy is." "I know he is but she doesn't see him like that so you and Ron need to get over it I did." "Huh ok I'll let her be friends with Malfoy." "Harry are you crazy." "Ron!" "He is." "We know but we both want Nikita happy and Malfoy makes her happy we have to so she doesn't hurt herself again." "Huh fine but if he hurts her again I'm going to kill him." "Draco..." we all looked at her and she was crying and we didn't know why. "Draco... I need you." I got up and started walking to the door. "Where you going." "To get Malfoy what do you think." I ran Down to the great hall and saw Draco looking at his food then I walked up to him. "What do you want you filthy little mudblood." "Shut up crab, what granger." "She's is saying your name in her sleep and she just said she needs you." His eyes got big and he stood up and looked at me. "Take me to her now." I nodded and walked out with him right behind me then we started running to the hospital wing, when we got there the nurse was standing by her bed. "Harry what's going on." "I woke up that's what." The nurse left and she smiled at me and Malfoy and her smile faded when she saw him. "Nikita." She tuned to Harry ready for him to scream at her but he didn't. "Nikita it's ok we know and we're ok with it." Harry put his hand on her scars and rubbed her arm and Ron just hugged her. "We want you to be happy Nikita even if it is Malfoy that makes you smile." "Thanks Ron thanks Harry your the best friends I could ever ask for." They hugged her and then they got up and walked to me and Malfoy and Ron grabbed my hand and pulled me by him and they looked at Malfoy. "If you ever hurt her again you two are over for good got it." "Whatever." He walked passed us and went to her and hugged her. "I'm so glad your ok."

*Nikita's P.O.V.*

"I'm glade your ok." "Me too." Hermione and the boys left and Draco sat next to me with his sweet smile that melts my heart. "I'm so sorry for what happened." He had tears in his eyes one ended up falling. "Hey shh its ok it's not your fault I'm ok." "But you got hurt and with that spell." "Hey look at me." He lifted his head he was crying. "I'm ok and we can now talk in public or around Harry and them." He smiled and got up and hugged me. "I missed you so much." "I know." He pulled away and looked into my eyes and smiled and I smiled back. "What." "Umm... I never said this to you before but I should have but... your... so beautiful." My cheeks go red and I just hugged him and he hugged back. "Thank you Draco." "Your welcome." I got out of the hospital three days after I woke up and I walked to class with Draco and Hermione when we had class together and it was cool. "Ugh this is impossible." "Miss Fulton do you have something to share with the class during this test." "No professor Snap." "Then be quiet." "Yes sir." He went back to his book and I couldn't get anything done on my positions test, I got it done right at desmisel. "Thank you Miss Fulton you may go." I walked out and Draco was waiting for me since he didn't have positions with me. "So how did it go." He said while I hugged him. "Horrible." "You think you failed it." "I didn't know one answer to the test, thanks to you." "What how did I do it." "Your the one who took my book when I was studying and told me hangout." "Oh come on you loved the afternoon at the lake." "Yes but I didn't study." "Huh, I'm sorry really I am if you failed the test I'll buy you any candy you want." "Any kind." "Oh no what have done." I smiled and took his DATDA's book and ran to class. "Hey." He ran after me and when I got to class I ran into mrs. McGonagall . "Professor I'm so sorry." "That ok dear I was actually looking for you." Draco slowed down when he saw mrs. McGonagall. "Hello professor." "Hello Malfoy, I'm glad you two are friends again." "Use too, now Nikita can I have my book back please." "Sure." He smiled and walked in but he turned around. "Nikita come with me please." "Yes professor."

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