year 5

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I was with my brother the rest of the summer I missed Draco every day, he wrote me everyday and he sent me the necklace I gave back to him it started to play on my finger and when it was on the chain I would rub it's head on my thumb when I put my hand close to it. "I missed you too." I was walking with Harry to the station when someone hugged me from behind. "Hey cutie." "Hi Ron." "you ok." "not really Draco never answered my letters." "He could be busy." "I guess." we got to the train and I sat with Harry and Hermione then a special blond came to the door. "Hey babe you miss me." "Draco!" I jumped in his arms and kissed him. "Why didn't you answer my letters?" "I'm sorry I was busy getting ready for school I didn't have time." "oh it's ok I'm not mad." he kissed me and I smiled in the kiss. "Can we sit together just me and you." "sure, do you guys care if I." "no go ahead." "thanks guys." I grabbed my bags and me and Draco found an empty cart and the second we sat down he attacked my neck with kisses. "Oh Draco I missed you." "I missed you too." the vibration on my neck made me moan and my hands to go strait to his hair. "Draco." he kissed and licked my neck and I threw my head back. "You like it when I do that don't you." "yes oh Draco." he bit my neck but not hard enough to leave a mark. "Mmmmm." he moves up my neck and jawline and kisses me then the door opens. "Draco Malfoy there you are you are support to sit with your house." "pansy shut up." "it's the rules Malfoy now let's go." "let me go I'll be there in a minuet now go." she storms out he lays his head back so I kiss his neck. "Huh thanks." "anytime baby." I kiss him and we go sit with our house's and I'm pouting the rest of the way to school. "Sorry you couldn't be with Draco." "it's ok at least I'll see him in school." "yeah." we arrived at Hogwarts and Draco ran to me and grabbed my hand and we rode a Charge together and thank god we left before Pansy could get on. "Huh I miss cuddling." "me too." I looked and saw this creature pulling the chart but I kept it to my self when we stopped I went up to it and it lowered its head and I pet it. "What you doing." "petting this creature." "there's nothing there love." "yes there is." "Ok what does it look like." "it's black has a beck it's like buckbet but without the feathers and it's Skinner." "it sounds cute but we better go." "huh ok, bye you cute creature." "haha." I took Draco's hand and he turned back and looked at it and he opened his mouth a bit. "You see it now." "yep and your right it is cute." he kissed my cheek and we went to the great hall and had dinner at our table's but we looked at each other. "You two are so weird." broke eye contact with Draco and turned to Seamus. "What dose that mean." "it means what it means a Gryffindor dating a Slytherinit's just insulting." "how dare you speak to me that way and about Draco you have no right." "and you have no right in Gryffindor." I looked at shamus in shock and he just had a strait face. "I can't believe you said that to me." "well it's true." I got up and ran out in tears with Harry, Ron and Hermione behind me. "Nikita stop." I stopped at the stairs and fell to my knees in tears. "Why can't any one see that I love Draco." "we see it yeah we're not big fans of it but we're glad your happy." "no one else See's that." "they will just give it time." I sat there looking at my hands then I finally got up and went to our dorm I saw Seamus and he looked at so I walked up to him. "What." I punched him in the nose and Fred had to grab me by the arm's. "You no good git." I pulled from Fred grip and went to bed and cried my self to sleep I woke up later that night to my pillow was socked with tears, I walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror and my eye's were red I looked at my self as more tears ran down my face. "What's wrong with me." I sat down on the floor and cried as all the bad thing's that happened to me was washing over me like a wave. "I lost people, I lost mom, Emilio, and Cedric I can't lose anyone else." I sat there just reliving everything that happened and after an hour I calmed down but it was time to get ready for school. "Huh I just can't lose anyone else or I'll go over the edge." I got up cleaned my face I put water in my eye's the get them to go back to normal. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Hermione standing by my bed. "Hi Hermione." "You ok?" "Not really everything that happened to me came flooding back." "I'm sorry Nikita Just stay positive and you'll feel better I promise." "Thanks Hermione." She hugged me and then she went to get ready for the day. "I just hope people leave me out." I put my robs on since the room was empty and I putting my shoes on I lost my balance and fell and hit hit my head. "Ahhh." I slowly sat up and felt my head then Hermione came running out. "Are you ok what happened." "I lost my balance and fell, is it bad?" "No but you are bleeding let's me put your other shoe on and I'll take you to the hospital." I nodded and let her do what she said then she helped me up and out to the commodore room where Harry and Ron were. "What happened." "She fell help me huger her to the hospital." Ron ran to my side and helped Hermione and Harry got the door and came along, we got to the hospital and the nurse ran to me. "What happened." "She lost her balance and fell." "It does look bad and she doesn't have a concussion but she looks dehydrated." "I did find her crying this morning do you think that's why she fell." "Yes she was weak so all she needs is water and a bandage on her cut."

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