Year 4 day one

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I woke up put my Robs on then I noticed my necklace was gone. "Oh no oh no oh no." I was looking everywhere then Hermione came in. "What are you doing." "My necklace it's gone Draco will hate me." Tears streaming down my face Hermione helped me up and hugged me. "Just tell him the truth and he won't be upset." I nodded and walked to the great hall Draco saw me crying and sat up, I took a deep breath and walked to Draco then I saw Pansy. "You!" She looked at me with a oh now what look. "Give me back my necklace you foul git." She smirked and grabbed it but it bit her. "Ow oh you stupid little." "Give it back Pansy that's not yours." I saw Draco standing she took it off and threw it it landed in the flam. "NO!" Then it came flying out and I turned to see mad eye moody. "Hey you go my dear." "Thanks mad eye." He smiled then went to Pansy. "Now you get to class." She got up and ran out I held the necklace and the snake was rubbing my thumb and it made me happy. "You ok? Was this the reason you were crying!" "Yes I thought you would be mad that I lost it." "What no of course not I might of gave it to you but if you lost it I wouldn't be mad." He hugged me then my little brother Emilio came running up. "Hey mom Harry wants you." "Mom?" "He's my brother but he calls me mom because I took care of him." "You have two brothers!" "Yeah Emilio is a month older then the one I lost." "Huh I'm sorry about that." "Hey don't be it wasn't your fault." "I know." Emilio was pulling my rob. "I got to go." I was pulled to Harry Harry then Ron hugged me and kissed my neck. "Ronald!" "What!" "You know better then to do that." "Oh come on I did it all summer." "Half of the summer and only because I promised you if you got out of bed." "Ugh come on one time." I looked and saw Jake smirking and Draco pissed time to have some fun with Draco. "I got something better." I turned to Ron grabbed his robs and kissed him full on and he wrapped his arms around me then I pulled away I saw Jake with a wide open mouth. "A fly will fly in there if you don't close your mouth." He did then I saw Draco with anger I got up with a small smirk and walked out with him behind me. He grabbed my arm kinda thigh and pushed me to the wall still holding my arm. "Hey!" "What the hell was that!" His grip thighed. "Ow your hurting me!" He had anger in his eyes mixed with sadness. "I didn't mean it I just wanted to get my brother to shut up now please let me go your hurting me Marcus." I put my hand my mouth and Draco's eyes changed and his face softened and he let me go. "What did you say." I just fell to the floor in tears the memories coming back like a wave. "I'm so sorry I don't know what came over me." I looked him and grabbed his robes and shirt. "Nikita?" I pulled him in and Kissed him with all the passion I had and he kissed back my hands slowly went to his hair and his went from the wall to my hips, we pulled away and his eyes were sparkling. "Draco I'm sorry." "And I'm sorry for hurting you." He pulled me up and hugged me. "Now let's get to position." We got to class and I was sitting next to Hermione, Harry and Ron they were talking about stupid stuff while me and Hermione were working well I was trying too but Draco kept looking at me with a loving smile. "What's with Draco." "We had a heated kiss in the hall before class." "Oh was he mad." "Yeah but he calmed down before I kissed him." "Nice." I laughed and Snape hit me and Hermione in the head. "Ow dad." "get to work now!" I glared at him and finished my work and turned it in. "Nikita can you help Malfoy he is having trouble." "sure dad." I went and sat next to him and grabbed his that was on the bench and put it on my knee. "Hello." "H-Hi Nikita." "did you just stutter." "NO." he put his head down in shame and rubbed my knee with his thumb. "Mmm that feels so relaxing Draco." he smirked and then moved his hand, then he went higher and I panicked. I stood up and he turned to me. "Um well I see your good now." his eye's got big when he realized. "Nikita I'm sorry I." "don't say anything Malfoy." he tenses up at how I said his name. "Nikita please." "just drop it." I got my stuff and left and cried. I was in a empty corridor crying I saw Draco walk up with flowers. "Ha." "I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you I'm so stupid." "that's for sure." "Hey!" "hahah come here you." I got up and kissed him. "I'm guessing I'm forgiven." I smiled and kissed him again. "I'll take that as a yes." I grabbed his hands and put them on my bum but he moved them. "No it's ok." "I can't, at least not here not now it won't feel right." "I understand but next time if you move your hand up give me a heads up first." he smirks. "So what I'm hearing there will be a next time." "maybe." I pecked his lips and walked away with my head held high and a smirking Draco behind me. "Harry!" he smiles at me and walks to me and Draco walks by. "Hey what's up." "you ready to find out who's in the game's." "sure am."

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