Year 6 as a death eater

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I woke up with no Draco and I looked at my arm and moved my finger over the mark then the door opened to a shirtless Draco with a breakfast tray. "Hey beautiful." "Did you make me breakfast." "My mom but I got the tray." "Hahaha what did your mom say to you having no shirt." "She asked if did it and my face went red and she smiled." "Really." "Yeah then She said thanks for being quiet." "Hahaha well at least we can keep quiet." "Yeah." He gave me my breakfast and I after taking a few bites I pushed it off my lap and ran to the bathroom with Draco behind me. "You ok." "I think so it could just be a stomach bug." "You sure this is the third time you had morning sickness." "I'm sure." "Nikita have you ever thought about taking a pregnancy test." "Huh I did three days ago." "And." "Negative all three I even used muggle test and negative." "There's something wrong." I had shorts and a tank top on so he carried me downstairs and it helped a bit. "Mom Nikita needs to see a doctor." "Why what's wrong." "She has been getting sick for three days." "Ok let's go." We got to the hospital and the first thing they did was cheek to see if I pregnant and it came back negative then they did more test. "Well I think I found the problem." "And." "She has the stomach flu and ana a bad one she can only eat soup and drink water and a small bowl of ice cream once a week. "Ok thanks doctor." Draco picked me up and carried me to the car. "This helps my stomach a bit." "That's good." He got in and sat me on his lap and when we got there not even an hour later he came. "Draco, Nikita time for the meeting." "Mom she can't sit in the meeting look at her." "She can sit next to you." He picked me up and carried me until we got close to the meeting room and I had to walk but I held on to Draco and sat next to him and put my head in his arm without thinking. "Nikita can you please sit up." "Sorry my lord." "Why do you look so pale." "I have the stomach flu sir." "Huh you can skip the meeting for now." "Thank you sir and will it be alright if Draco carried me upstairs I can't walk I'm a bit weak sir." "Yes but Draco come right back after you help her." "Yes my lord." Draco got up and pick me up from the chair and took me back to his room. "Thank you Draco." I kissed his neck and he smiled." "Your welcome little snake, now get some rest." "Tell what happens in the meeting." "Sure thing beautiful." He kissed my head and went back downstairs to the meeting. I fell asleep soon after he left. A week later just in time for school I was better and happy I walked with Draco to the platform he kissed me when we walked in the train he was pulling me to the Slytherin cart. "Draco I can't." "Yes you can my father made sure you could." We walk in and all eyes were on me he pulled me to a both with blaze and Pansy and she was glaring at me then blaze kicked her. "Ouch babe you kicked me." "Sorry." We were talking until there was a black cloud. "What was that." "It was probably someone messing around come sit down Draco well be at hogworts soon." He listened to Pansy and she smirked at me but he kissed me because I was going to kill her then she was pissed. "Hogworts what a pathetic name for a school I would rather throw my self off the astronomy tower then to go back one more year." "What does that support to mean babe." "Be better then going to charms class next year." "Draco stop talking like that please." He looked at me and saw the tears in my eyes and he saw Pansy smirking. "Huh I'm sorry Nikita I don't mean it I'm just a bit stressed." "I know I am too but please don't talk like that." "I'm sorry it won't happen again." He kissed me and I kissed back. He looked up then back at me . "You guys go we're going to check something." "Draco." "Shh." He got up and closed the door and pulled down the shad. "Did your mother tell you it was rude to easdrop Potter, exmottaels!" I saw a figure hit the ground and I cover my mouth. He pulled back his cloke. "Oh yeah she was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin." He kicked him in the face and I stood up. "That was for my father enjoy the ride back to London." He threw the cloke back over him and grabbed my stuff and handed. "Draco why did you that." "I had to I'm sorry." "We can't just just leave him." "Nikita please I know your upset but please don't make me walk alone please." He had tears in his eyes. "Oh Draco come here." I hugged him and kissed him then we walked to the bag area. "What's with the cane." "It's not a cane it's a walling stick." "I'll vogue for these two." "Thank you sir." Draco turned and saw Harry and Lona. "Nice face Potter." Harry nodded his head and Draco walked off. I mouthed, "I'm so sorry Harry." He smiled then Draco called for me. "Sorry Draco I was just looking at Harry's bloody face." It came out way more harshly then I meant it to be. "Nikita I told you I'm sorry." "I know I didn't mean to sound harsh." "It's ok." He kissed my cheek the he went to his table and I went to mine and Hermione was on eager she even hit Ron with a book. "Will you stop eating, your best friend is missing." "Aye turn around you lounitck." "Ron." "What." "Be nice." "He's covered in blood and why is he always covered in blood." "It's his nose this time." "What happened to you." "Nothing, so what did I miss."   He looked at me and I looked away and saw Draco spaced out. "Welcome back every one as you know all of your bags have been cheek." He went on with a speech when he was done he sent us off to bed I looked and saw Draco he was still sitting there so I went to him and he looked at me. "Draco you ok." "I'm just not sure." "Shhh don't say it, huh I'm going to see if I can sleep with you tonight." "Please I need you." I looked at snap and walked to him. "Professor Snape." "Yes." "Can I stay with Draco tonight please." "Sure but just for tonight." I smiled and nodded my head and walked to Draco. "He said yes so let's go." He got up and grabbed my hand and we went to the Slytherin house. "No Gryffindor allowed." "She has permission let her in." "Password." "Hesasethah." The door opened and we went in and Pansy looked at me. "Why is she in here she's not allowed." "Snape said she could so shove off Pansy." He pulled me to his room so I wouldn't kill her. "We all have our own room so your good." "Lucky I wish our house had that." "Sorry love." He kissed me then our marks started to hurt. "Ahh." "Wow." The second we stepped back they stopped. "Put our marks together." We put then together to where they touched and they hurt for a second then they stopped and we looked and our arms were fine nothing changed we looked and put our marks together and he said. "Nikita promise me you will be with me for as long as you can." "I do." There was a shot of pain then it went away. "We have a bound." "Sure do now let's go to bed." he nodded and we changed and went to bed. "I'm glad I get one last night in bed with you." "Me too."

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