The big game

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"Huh today is the game I'm so excited to see you play." "Me too love I hope we win." "How will you be rotting for, us or Slytherin." "You guys of course just because I'm friends with Draco doesn't mean I'll turn on our house." They laugh then Draco ran in and up to me. "Hey Fulton can I talk to you for a second." "Yeah sure." I got up and walked out to the corridor with him then he turned around and slowly pushed me to the wall. "D-Draco." He smirked. "Do I make you that nervous Fulton." "N-No I-I'm just not use to you being so close well anyone for that matter." "Well I hope to see you at the game today and I'm hoping to hear you cheer for me but I understand if you don't." He got closer and kissed my cheek and then he walked off and I just looked at the walk in front of me and slid down the wall. "Whoa Malfoy." "You ok Nikita." "Huh oh I'm fine Fred, Draco just asked me if I was going to cheer for him but I said not to night." "Was he ok with it." "Yeah he was fine."  Fred reached out his hand and pulled me up and hugged then we went back to the great hall. "Hey Nikita what did Malfoy want." "hi Hermione and he wanted to see how I was rotting for." "Oh so you told him." "yeah but he was ok with it." "hum odd." "that's Malfoy for you." "Jake you promised." "ok ok I'm sorry." The day went kinda slow I was walking to hybolegy when someone grabbed me and covered my mouth and pulled me to the side. "Shh it's only me." "Ugh you swank." "Hey!" "What do you want buck teeth." "Hey I would watch it it I was you." "Ahh, get off my no good git you have no right." "Oh no but I can do this." His hand started to go up my skirt and I panicked. "Don't touch me." "Oh shut up." He attacked my neck and make it so I couldn't talk then I felt at sharp pain between my legs and his zipper down. "Ahhhh PLEASE STOP IT HURTS." "Ugh no not yet." He was pushing me to the wall really hard then I felt him go inside me then he pulled away, and blood ran down my leg. "Now that was fun, see you around." He smirked and walked away and I just stood there for a minute then went to the hospital. "I need help." "Oh dear." The nurse ran to me and sat me down. "What happened dear." "Marcus Flint rapped me." Her eyes got big and then she told me to change then she took out her wand. "I'm going to do a rape kit." I nodded the after an hour she was done. "I'm so sorry dear." "Me too." "You're going to stay here for a few days and take this it will keep you from getting pregnant." She gave me a potion and It tasted nasty but I drunk it because I don't want get pregnant. "Ok lay down." I was in the hospital all day then I saw Draco Malfoy running in with red eyes but I just looked away. "Nikita you ok." I didn't answer I just looked at the empty bed next to me then he moved but he touched my face. "Please don't touch me Draco not after." "After what?" "Marcus Flint rapped me in the corridor by hybolegy." "I'm going to kill em." "Draco no please I need you here, I didn't even ask for Fred because I don't want him to know yet." "He will find out soon you know Flint he will blab." "I know and I want to tell him but I don't know how." "You'll figure it out now I better go before Flint gets to the great hall." "Ok." He grabbed my hand for a second then left and I started to cry and think about losing people.

* Draco's P.O.V.*

I got to the mess hall and saw Marcus Flint looking at Fred and then he got up so I ran to him. "Hey mate how you." "Great hey guess what ,I rapped Fred's girlfriend Nikita." "You what." Oh no he heard him. "Why did you rape her what did she ever do to you." "Watch it Malfoy or you'll be sorry." "Your rapped my best friend how could you." "She was tight at first then she got easier." "You little." Next thing I knew I was punching the guy, Crab and Goyle had to pull me off. "Get off me you two." "Malfoy where is she." "The hospital but she's upset she hates her self." "Huh thanks Malfoy." Fred ran off to the door then he turned and looked at me and the others. "Harry, Ron, gorges, Ginny, Jake, and Malfoy you guys coming or not." They all got up and walked to fed and they looked at me and I walked up too. "Let's go see your girlfriend Weasley." He nodded and we ran to the hospital but the nurses were around her. "Oh dear." I ran to her and she had blood on her and her eyes were closed. "What happened to her." "She cut her arm up, she is asleep we put her asleep." "Can you heal her." "Yes but it will take time now only two people can be here right now." "Me Malfoy will stay." "Ok Fred." Everyone left but me and Weasley I just looked at her and tried to hold back my tears but Weasley couldn't he was crying. "Why did he hurt here?" "I don't know she never told me." "She shouldn't be here." "I know and now I'm going to find out why he hurt her." I ran out before he could say anything to me I ran all the way to the Slytherin house because I know he's there. "Password." "Sissthath." "You may enter." I ran in and saw him bragged to his friend but he said she wanted it. "You liver you rapped her she cut her self because of you." "Oh calm down Malfoy why should you care about a stupid Gryffindor anyway." "She's my friend." "Please." He got up and got in my face. "She's your crush we all know you like her that's why your so upset but she doesn't like you because she's with Weasley and not you." "You don't know anything about her." "I do know she liked what I gave her." I punched him and he hit the floor with blood running down his face then I kicked him and punched him again. "WhT is going on here." I turned to see Snape so I backed off. "Malfoy explain your self." "Flint rapped Nikita and he was talking crap about her." "Malfoy come with me." "Yes sir."

* Nikita's P.O.V.*

I woke up to Fred next me he was asleep then I saw Malfoy walk in with Snape and Flint in a bed. "Draco what happened?" "I stood up for you." "Is he in trouble sir." "No." The nurse came in and she said I could go since it was game day. I went to the great hall and Harry jumped on me and hugged me so did everyone else. "We're glad your ok." "Me too.. I looked and saw Malfoy with his head down but then the game was about to start so me and the girls went to the stands and we watched the game, I was screaming and cheering for Harry and the twins then Draco went down and then Harry. "No!" I ran to Harry and he spit out the snitch and then I went to Draco. "You ok." "Not really." They took him to the hospital then I saw Harry and Lockhart. "No not you." "Oh the boy doesn't know what he's saying." He said a spell that took his bones away so we rushed him to the hospital then I saw Draco. "Oh Malfoy your fine you can go." "Milking it a bit aren't we." "You here to rub it in." "What no of course not, you helped me." He looked at me then Fred, I turned and Fred nodded his head then I grabbed Draco and kissed his cheek and he looked at me in shock. "See you around my brave fighter." He smiled the. I went to Fred and hugged him. I stepped back when Harry spit out his healing potion. "I know but drink it Harry please." He drunk it and laid down to rest so we left.

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