Chapter 15: New Crush

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Cameron Dallas POV

(A/N: Don't get used to the boys doing the POVs. Just once in a while they'll get a say. The next couple chapters will be full of their (the guys) point of views so it would be different for a while.)

(A/N: And I really like this chapter because I made Cameron have a little love and so did Jack Gilinsky, only for the wrong girl. Hope you guys love this one.)

I leaned closer to the door and I almost fell.

"What are you doing?" an accented voice said and I turned around and tried to look casual. Maya didn't fall for it.

"Are you eavesdropping?" Maya asked me and I shuffled nervously.

"Eavesdropping is such an ugly word," I say and Maya smiles.

"You're not denying it," Maya said, "Okay, who are we eavesdropping on?"

"Dakota," I say, "I like her and I think she likes me."

"Well, then ask her out," Maya said and I shook my head.

"And what if she shoots me down?"

"Dude," Maya looks at me weird, "You're fucking Cameron Dallas! Very hot dude with a very hot bod! Why would she not like you?"

"Don't you have a boyfriend?" I ask her and blush from the compliment.

"I'm in a relationship. I'm not dead," she rolls her eyes, "Just saying, you should ask her out. Date her first. She likes to go on dates."

"Just ask her," I say and Maya nods.

"It's super easy," Maya says and knocks on the door, "Ask her now."

Maya runs and hides behind a vase. She gives me thumbs up and Dakota opens up the door.

"You, me," I say before she can get a word in, "Date tomorrow. On the beach. Dress nice."

I nod and Dakota nods back then I walk away feeling all confident and shit.

"Yay," Maya catches up with me, "Now was that so hard."

"No," I said, "I feel like I can fly."

"Stop," Maya says, "You can't. You're not that awesome, Cameron."

"Okay," I realized something, "Maya, you've got to help me. What do people do on the beach beside swim?"

"Have beach side dates on the boardwalk," Maya says, "You can make dinner for her."

"Um," I didn't know how to say it.

"You don't know how to cook, do you?" Maya says and I smile nervously, "Well, I can't either."

"Do you know someone who does?" I grab her by the shoulders and shake her. Unfortunately, Alex walked by and saw us.

"Weird," Alex said, "I'm going to keep walking and act like that never happened."

"Wait, Alex," Maya gets away from my grip and grabs Alex's arm.

"What, Maya?" Alex asks.

"Well, 'member the time when Madi taught you how to make that food thingy," Maya says and Alex laughs.

"She taught me how to make homemade Chinese," Alex says boredly. Perfect.

"Great, Dakota's blasian," Maya says, "Do you think you can make that by tomorrow?"

"I'll need Madison to help me," Alex says and Maya shakes her head.

"She'll joke about this," Maya says.

"No, she won't," Alex shakes his head, "She'll complain."

"Do you really need her to make some fried rice?" I ask and Alex looks at me.

"You want egg rolls, don't you?" Alex asks.

"I do," Madi appears out of her bedroom, "I'm so freaking hungry. I feel like making Chinese food."

"You're in luck," I put an arm around her shoulder and guide her toward the kitchen and the others follow.

"Why?" Madi asks.

"Because I need Chinese for the date I'm having with Dakota," I say as we enter the kitchen and Madi looks at me.

"Finally," Madi says, "I was waiting for this to happen. Wait, now I'm the only person in ALOL thats single."

"Madison, don't make it about you," Alex says, "This is Cameron's day."

"And I need Chinese food for the day," I say and Madi nods.

"Fine, I'll do it," Madi says and I grab her and pull her into a hug.

"Thank you," I say and release her.

"On one condition:" she says and I nod for her to go on, "Don't ever hug me again."


Taylor Caniff POV

"That's very dumb," Gilinsky said as he hit the white ball towards the orange seven ball. We were playing pool in the basement of the mansion.

"No it isn't. It's a very good idea," I say and he looks up at me.

"I wouldn't say an idea from you is a good one," Gilinsky said and I glared at him. My plan was brilliant.

As soon as Sam Potteroff was gone, I had full access to Taylor Okinawa. I was going to shower her with gifts and compliments. As they say, kill her with kindness.

"It's going to fail," Gilinsky said but I ignored him.

"Hey, guys," Maya said and I saw Gilinsky almost miss his shot when he saw her. Uh oh. Someone's gotta crush.

"Hi, Maya," Gilinsky said and smiled at her. Yep, a crush.

"You're playing pool?" Maya asked and we nodded, "Can I watch?"

"Sure, Yeah, you can. I mean, if you want. Sure, that's cool," Gilinsky stuttered until I hit his arm and he shut up.

"Ok," Maya said, "Weird."

Maya sat on the sofa facing the table and Gilinsky's hand started shaking.

"Dude, relax," I said.

"I think I like her," he said.

"No, duh." I hit the white ball at the black eight ball and won the game.


edited as of-3-21-15

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