Chapter 34: Old Stories

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Mahogany Lox POV

"What do you mean you kissed him and didn't mean for it to happen?" I ask Madi and she laughs.

"It was either go with it or fake a seizure," Madi says, "He probably thinks I want to get into a relationship now. I can't have that right now. Piece of advice, choose seizure."

"You don't want to be in a relationship," Lila says, "What about all you're complaining about being single?"

"I don't think you guys listen to me half the time," Madi says and we all laugh. The upstairs had a small TV room so all the girls were in there sipping Mountain Dew and Dr. Pepper from wine glasses.

"I like Ricky but I don't think he likes me back," I say and Ali looks at me.

"And I would like to see you two together," Ali says, "Girls, we have a mission. Do we accept?

"Yes," ALOL shouts.

"Initiate mission Lox and Dillon," Ali says. Everyone clinks glasses.

"You guys are such nerds," I clink my glass with Dakota who laughs.

"Sammi's the cheerleader, tho," Dakota says and we all laugh, "And was the one who had that blonde hair dye."

"You said it would look good on me," Sammi said, "It looked horrible! Even when Madi straightened her hair she looked better."

"She looked awesome with her hair straight," Maya says, "Even when she wears her hair like Mahogany it works. The only time it didn't work was when she put that hair dye in."

"The bottle said caramel brown," Madi said, "How the hell did my hair turn slime green? Someone better explain that to me."

"Wanna know what was bad?" Ali says, "When Dakota got that eyebrow piercing when she was dating that junkie."

"No," Sammi says, "When Maya almost got that tattoo of her ex-boyfriend's face."

"And it was going to be on her breast," Madi laughed, "That was so funny."

"I got something that was better," Dakota says, "When Ali's ex-bf, Brad, got her a t-shirt that said 'Brad and Ali 4eva'."

"I broke up with him the second I saw that damned shirt," Ali said, "Then I threw it in the fireplace and almost burned down me and Madi's house."

"What 'bout you, Lox," Maya says, "Any bad bf stories."

"I usually have good boyfriends," I say and they sigh.

"Your life must be boring," Lila says, "I remember at prom when Sam came and there was this guy there that had a huge crush on Madi. Madi's date was Jc and it was so fucking funny what happened."

"No, it was not," Madi said as she hid her head in her hands, "The guy tried to beat up Jc and Jc nearly threw him into the punch bowl and he ruined my dress that was black. I looked like I belonged in scary movie. It looked like I killed somebody."

"Whatever happened to Rico," Ali asks, "He used to always stare at Madi. I was scared he'd kidnap her."

"But Rico's cool," Dakota says, "Just weird."

"So, Mahogany," Sammi says, "How does it feel to go on tour with a bunch of hot guys as their DJ?"

"Sometimes it's cool, but then I'm like I need my friends or some girls with me," I say and Maya gets up.

"Did Heather tell you?" Maya asks and grabs a black book.

"Tell me what?" I said and Maya flips to a page in the book.

"It says that after we leave, we're all going on a tour together," Maya says, "So, you'll have some girls with you."

"Yay," I say, "I'm so glad we're friends now."

"We are too," Lila says, "Now, since we're friends, go get me a sandwich."

"Bitch, you know where the kitchen is," I point downstairs.

"You'll fit in just fine," Ali says.


edited as of-4-29-15

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