Chapter 25: Burning Up

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Shawn Mendes POV

Someone knocked on the mansion's front door and I opened it to see Madi and Ali. They were back early. Everyone else is coming back in tomorrow.

"Hey, Shawn," Ali said as she came in, "God, what's that smell?"

"It smells like a cow died while eating fish," Madi said as she covered her nose.

"Cameron's cooking," I said and I gagged. I was heading to the beach before I heard the door.

"Omigosh," Madi gagged and ran towards the bathroom.

"She has a weak stomach," Ali explained to me as she sat down on the couch, "What the hell is he making?"

"I don't think he knows," Brent said as he came up behind Ali and hugged her. They walked away from the living room and went outside as Madi was coming back holding her nose.

"Okay, I did not throw up because of that smell," Madi said and she was right. She looked a little sick. She was a little pale.

"You're right," I reached up a hand and put it on her forehead. She was burning up, "You need to go lay down."

"I can't," Madi waved away my hand, "I have to cook dinner and unpack." I realized how much us guys relied on the girls. Lila, Madi, and Sammi were always cooking or cleaning. How come we never did any of that crap?

"No," I said, "You have to get rest, Mads. You're burning up."

"Who's burning up?" Carter said as he came from the hall way into the living room, "Wow, Madi, what happened to your tan? You're all pale."

"She's sick," I tell him and he nods.

"Why aren't you laying down?" he asked her and she shook her head.

"I have to cook dinner for you guys." Madi said again and Carter and I looked at each other. Carter picked her up and started walking up the stairs to the girls rooms.

"Which one is her room?" Carter asked me and I ran ahead of him and pointed it out. We lied her on the bed decorated in black and white covers and tucked her in.

"I'm not sick," Madi said. Carter and I looked at each other again and she glared at us, "I'm serious."
I ran downstairs, grabbed a thermometer and put it in her mouth. It beeped and I took it out. She was over 102°.

"Madi, this is not good," I showed Carter. He shook his head.

"K. Madison, you are not moving from this damn bed until we get a doctor to see you," Carter said.

"I'm fine," Madi started coughing and gagging and I gave her the trashcan near her nightstand that she threw up in.

"Yeah, you're totally fine," Carter said sarcastically, "Throwing up out of nowhere is normal."

"I'm fine," Madi wiped her mouth. How could she wipe her mouth because she threw up and still look pretty?

"Madi, you're not," I said, "It looks like you have a stomach virus."

"Do not move," Carter said, "I'm going to try to get Heather on that emergency phone she gave us."
I sat on the floor next to Madi's bed and leaned on the bed across from hers. Whoever slept where I was has a guitar.

"Whose guitar?" I ask Madi and she points to a picture of Ali on the nightside next to the guitar. Duh. I grab the guitar and start playing a song on it. Madi was humming.

"You know the song?" I ask her and she nods.

"Baby, I been. I been losing sleep," I sang, "Dreamin about the things that we could be. Baby, I been. I been praying hard. Said no more counting dollars. We'll be Counting Stars. Yeah, we'll be Counting Stars."

"I see the light like a swinging vine," Madi sang (her voice sounded rough, horrible) and nodded my head. She was trying to get me to sing more. I sang the whole song for her and she clapped. Even clapping sounded like it pained her.

"Madi. Are you sure you're okay?" I ask her and she nodded again, "No, you're not, Mads. You look paler now."

"Sing another song," Madi whispered hoarsely. I played another tune on the guitar and she smiled. She knew this one too.

"It's late in the evening. Glass on the side now. I've been sat with you, For most of the night," I sang and she smiled more. It made her face look less like a vampire. Soon, she fell asleep.
I finished singing Sing by Ed Sheeran when Carter ran up here. He looked at me weird when he saw the guitar.

"Heather said that she'll have a doctor out here as soon as she can. She said until then, Madi needs to get lots of rest," Carter sat down next to me. I look at him and play a sad tune on that guitar.

"I heard you down there," Carter said, "Singing those love songs."

"Not necessarily," I said and he shook his head. Technically, Counting Stars and Sing aren't love songs.

"You were like 'I need you, darling'," Carter sang a part of the bridge of Sing and I shook my head.

"It made her look less pale," I said and we both look at her sleep. She looked peaceful for once. Carter shook his head at me.

"We all know you and Jack both want her," he said and I looked at him.

"What?" I was confused.

"You and Jack J both want to be with her," Carter said, "Only Jack J. won't say anything about all that crap."

"Jack and I are not fighting for her," I told him, "Plus, I have dibs."

"Dibs?" Carter said, "You have dibs on a girl. Childish."

"Don't act like you don't like her too, Mr. Carter," I said and he shrugs.

"Just don't fight over her like some wild animals," Carter said.

"Three guys want the same girl," I say, "What the hell do you think is going to happen? We're going to talk it out like gentleman?"

"Plus, Shawn, I had dibs on her when I first saw her," Carter said as he left the room. Fuck!


edited as of-3-24-15

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