Chapter 2

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"Good morning, class. I am Professor Port. This class teaches all about the fighting styles of what it means to be a guardian. I was one of many to sit where you are sitting today. Let's begin class by opening up your brand new textbooks."

Port's class seemed as if it would never end. The bell finally rang, signaling second period. There were six periods in a day. But right now, it seemed as if the day would never end. I headed out with Blake and we both head towards English.

"So, Blake, what do you like to read?"

"Fantasy. Some romance."

"That's cool. I'm not the type of person who likes to read for fun."

"Well, it does pass time quickly."

"Yeah. What do you think we'll do in English?"

"Probably a project. Port had already assigned us two papers due by the end of this week."

"Think so?"


I was almost tackled to the ground by Ruby.

"Hey, Rubes!"

"Hi. Hi, Blake."

"Hi, Ruby."

"Whatcha reading?"

"It's about a boy trying to fight off magical beings."


We walked into the classroom and I noticed the girl who was sitting on the bus.

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Weiss Schnee. Heiress to the Schnee Co."

"And what does their company do?" Ruby asked.

"Manufacturing. Production and stuff."

I noticed Blake look up and locked eyes with Weiss. They both scowled at each other and Blake returned to her book. The three of us sat down and waited for class to start.

"Good morning class. I am Professor Goodwitch. To start off the first day, I will be assigning you partners to do a project."

"Told you," Blake said to me.

"Ms. Schnee with Ms. Rose; Mr. Arc with Ms. Nikos; Mr. Ren with Ms. Valkyrie..." Goodwitch read off the list, finally reading the last people. "Finally, we have Ms. Belladonna with Ms. Xiao Long. The project is about getting to know each other better."

At lunch, Weiss, Ruby, Blake, and I all sat together, since there were no other seats available. There were different people around here. There were normal people and others called Faunus. Having the phenotypical trait of an animal. They have always been a target for discrimination and cruel acts. A gang of boys started verbally bullying a Faunus in the corner.

"I've had enough of this!" Blake says, slamming her book down onto the table.

She got up, but I grabbed her wrist, "Don't go there."

"I can't just sit here, watching this discrimination happening before my very eyes."

"Then let me come with you."

We both walked over to the group of boys, "Hey!" I called out.

They turned around and it was the same boy that Ruby and I pissed of because we ran into the back of his seat.

"Want something?"

"Yeah, stop picking on that Faunus," Blake said.

"Why are you defending a kind you're not a part of?"

Blake kept her mouth closed, until I stepped in, "Because she wants everyone to be equal. And that's a trait you don't find much these days."

The boy laughed, causing the others to laugh with him, "Say and think what you want to, blondie. But why start a fight you're not going to win?"

"Don't call me blondie," my tone growing darker.

"Well what do you want me to call you? Why don't I help you? Hi, my name's Cardin? And you are?"

I threw my arm into the air and flung it back down, causing my gauntlets to open up. My fists were soon in the air, ready for a fight, "Just call me sir."

"Yang, maybe we shouldn't," said Blake.

"They started this." Ember Celica closed back up and my fists dropped, "And they should know better than to pick a fight with me."

The boys were a little intimidated by my harsh demeanor and fled when my eyes flashed to red. The Faunus that was being bullied was grateful for our actions.

"Thank you so much! My name's Velvet. And you both are?"

"Blake," she said.

"Yang," I said.

"Thank you kindly."

She walked off to meet up with her friend, her bunny ears following behind her. Blake and I walked back to the table and sat down. Weiss looked a little surprised and Ruby had a huge grin on her face.

"That's my sister!" she said happily.

"Thank you, for helping me," Blake said.

"I would never want anyone to get hurt on the first day. Or any day."

When the day was finally over and all of us got on the bus, Blake and I decided on what we were going to do for the project and that she was going to come over tomorrow to work on it. There had to be a presentation and something that resembled the person we were doing. When the bus stopped in our neighborhood, Ruby and I said goodbye and walked off.

"How'd you like your first day, Ruby?"

"I thought it went alright."

"What do you think you might do with your project with Weiss?"

"I don't know. I got her phone number and we were going to find a day to get together to discuss."

"This project is due next week, so you gotta find a day quickly. Blake is coming with us tomorrow."


We walked back into the house, almost being tackled by our father.

"How was your day, girls?"

"Alright," I said.

"Just alright? Nothing interesting."


"Yang almost got into a fight," Ruby said.

"Yang!" Tai yelled.

"It was a Faunus. She was getting picked on and I had to help. I wasn't just going to let them pick on her. I never got into a physical fight with them."

"Well it's good to see you standing up for people who are being discriminated. But never do that again, at least on the first day of school. You gotta make a good impression on them."

"I think I did, dad."

"I don't want to discuss this. Got homework?"

"Yeah," we both said.

"Get to it."

I walked upstairs and headed into my room. I closed the door and sat down on my bed. I had gotten a text from Blake a few moments ago.

"Is tomorrow still ok with you?"



I put my phone down and stared up at the ceiling. There was something about Blake that made sense to me, but what was it?

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