Chapter 19

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"Blake, what are you still doing up?" I asked. I checked the clock and it read 2am. She got off the couch and walked up to me.

"It seems you take over three hours to do errands."

I sighed. I had to tell her the truth, "I didn't do errands. I work at a fight club. Fighting."

Blake's ears flattened and her expression softened up," Yang, why would you do that?"

"I get more money than working at Neptune's shop."

"Then get a new job."

"No one will hire someone who has a robotic limb. Especially when it comes to traveling. I don't like explaining to security why I have a robotic arm." Blake shook her head. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the two rolls of 3 million dollars. "I earned 6 million dollars, just fighting Pyrrha. And I made another hundred on the fight I was scheduled. And Neptune only pays me $50 a week."

"I didn't say I didn't disapprove, Yang. You're using the skill Beacon taught us."

I smiled at her. I walked upstairs and put my money I earned into a shoebox that was in my closet. I opened it up and saw the rest of the money I had earned over the past two years I had worked there. Excluding the 6 million I made tonight, I had over 5 thousand dollars. It was enough to buy a house for me and Blake. I headed downstairs and saw Blake was sliding around the tile floor. I slid next to her, grabbed her waist, and pulled her close. She smiled. I pulled out my phone and played Perfect by Ed Sheeran. I pulled away from her and set my phone on the counter.

"May I have this dance, my lady?"

Blake rolled her eyes and blushed, "Only for you, Yang."

I grabbed her hand, wrapped her hand around her waist while Blake's wrapped around my neck. We started swaying back and forth in time with the music. I spun her a few times and I started singing along. When the ending came, Blake and I were inches apart. My heart told me to make contact, but my mind told me to stay where I was. I still needed to regain her trust. Tears slipped from my eyes as I pulled away. Blake's ears flattened once more, tears slipping from her eyes as well.

"I'm sorry," I said, grabbing my phone and running upstairs. I closed my door and flopped onto my bed, crying into my pillow. My heart knew we had regained each other's trust in a short amount of time. But my head was still trying to give it time. But my gut agreed with my heart. I wanted her back so badly.

Around 3am, I heard crying coming from Ruby's room. I jumped out of my bed and ran into the room. I saw Blake was in the bed, crying in the sheets. I immediately got into bed and comforted her. Her head found its place in the crook of my neck. My hands rubbed her head and scratched her ears.

"Shhh. I'm here, Blake. I'm here."

"Yang, please forgive me. I feel like you're not eventually going to."

"Blake, please don't cry," I said, almost crying myself.

I kissed her forehead, calming her down slightly. I placed my right hand underneath her chin. I pushed her head up, making her look up at me.

"I have already forgiven you. When we were at the waterfall, I had forgiven you right then and there. I didn't want to admit it to you, but when I came in the first night to comfort you, I knew my feelings never left. They were still there. When we were dancing together, I wanted to kiss you every chance I had."

"But you didn't," Blake said.

"And I have this one chance. And I promise you," I said, lifting her head closer to mine, "I won't miss this chance." My lips met her's and she kissed back instantly. We held there for a few seconds until I parted from her. I kissed away her tears and looked at her. "You're just as beautiful as I remember, Blake. You'll never lose your beauty."

Blake smiled and purred into my neck. I fell asleep to the sound of her purr. It was calming and I loved every second of it.

In the morning, my eyes opened up and I saw Blake was curled up in a ball next to me. Her back was in my stomach and my right arm was wrapped around her. I proped myself up, wrapped my other arm underneath her, and pulled her closer to me. She woke up, startled she was moved from her position. She rolled over and our eyes locked.

"Morning, Kitten," I said softly.

"Morning, Yang."

I kissed her forehead and rubbed her cat ear. She purred against my neck, clearly enjoying it. I got up and headed to my room to get ready for work. I headed back inyo Blake's room and she was ready.

"Think Neptune will hire you?"

"I think," Blake said. "If anything, I could just learn from you."

We headed out and when we got there, my phone started ringing. It was Cardin.

"I have to take this real quick. I'll be in in a minute."

I answered, "Yes, Cardin?"

"Hey, Yang. How you doing?"

"I was doing alright until you called me."

"Don't be like that. Anyway, I have something for you tonight."

"What is it?"

"Someone's been dying to pick a bone with you. They're going to be here tonight. I know you're off tonight, but he gave me an offer I couldn't resist."

"Cut to the chase, Cardin."

"Alright, alright. You're one of my best. He's one of the best in the entire league."

"Wait, I didn't know there was a league."

"He came from Mistral. They have a league in the black market. He's undefeated and ranked number one in the league. He's offered me a trade. If you win, not only will you get a billion dollars."

"Wait wait, a billion dollars?"

"Yeah. Not only will you get that, but you will also be traded into Mistral's league. You're second against him. You've only been beaten once. If you beat him, that makes you tied with him. If I trade you for him, you get the chance to break that tie in Mistral. If you do, you'll be moved to the professional league in Atlas. It's a big opprotunity for you, Yang. I expect to hear back from you in less than ten hours."

"Before you go, Cardin, who are we talking about?"

"Mercury Black."

Cardin hung up and I was standing there, in shock. When I was in college, he was there. I had fought him and he had lost. He's now wanting a rematch. So be it. I dialed Cardin up again.

"That was quick."

"I'll do it."

"Alright. See you at 9pm."

I hung up and headed inside. Today went by quickly. Orders came in and out. Blake wasn't rejected, but wasn't hired. She was going to be trained by Neptune. When we got home around 5pm, I told Blake what was happening. She sighed, her ears flattened.

"Yang, this is risky."

"But think about it, Blake. When you're in the professional league, you make more than what you would in the minors and in standalones."

Blake sighed once more, "Alright. I'm going with you though."

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