Chapter 16

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~Junior Year of College~

Blake and I have stopped talking for a reason. Every time I asked her if she wanted to talk, she gave me an excuse. Too much work, studying, etc. I was kind of getting annoyed. I pulled up her Instagram page, which she got when she started college, and I scrolled through her profile. The only things she had was a few pictures of her and her friends. I asked Ruby and Weiss if she could get a hold of her, which they did. I was so upset with her that one of my friends tried to calm me down. She got a bit touchy with me, which I ignored, until she tried to kiss me. I pushed her away.

"What the fuck?!"

"I was just trying to calm you down!"

"By kissing me?"

"Didn't you say Blake does that?"

"Yeah, but she's my girlfriend."

"Sounds like she isn't. You can do better than her, Yang."

"What? Like you?"

"Uh, yeah."

"Sorry, find some other girl to hit on. I'm not interested."

I grabbed my keys and phone and took a walk around the campus. It was 1 in the afternoon and there were no classes being held today. I tried calling Blake, but it went right to her voice mail. I sighed, sat on the curb, and watched the leaves fall off the trees. The weather was getting colder each and everyday, just like how my heart is becoming. Cold. I could feel the warmth and love drain out of me. I sighed and tried calling Blake again. This time she finally picked up.

"Hello?" she asked all groggy.

"Blake? Hey, it's been a while."

"Hey, Yang. What time is it?"

"1 in the afternoon. Why does it sound like you just woke up?"

"One second."

She got up and went to the bathroom. I pulled my phone away from my ear and sighed. She had a hangover. She picked up the phone and continued talking.

"You got drunk again, didn't you?"

"What makes you ask that?"

"On your social media page, you posted a photo of a glass of wine in your hand."

"So maybe I did let myself go a bit."

"Why have you been ignoring me?"

"It wasn't intentional, Yang."

"You ok, babe?" asked a husky voice.

"Who's that?"

"Is that Yang?" the voice asked again.


"I gotta go!"

"Blake, no!"


I sighed and slid my phone into my pocket. I knew it from the bottom of my heart, the day she left, that feeling that she was never coming back, was right. I got up and walked to the library. I didn't want any of my friends see me this way.

"Sun, I thought I told you not to say a word!" Blake hissed.

"I'm sorry, but Yang sounded sad when she asked you why you've been ignoring her."

"The only reason I've been ignoring her is since we started to hook up, I don't want her to find out!"

"I think she just did."

"Ugh. This is high school all over again. She probably won't want to be with me. Even after I try to convince her. Also it was your damn fault for getting me drunk last night! And all the other countless nights until we got together!"

"Hey, if you don't want to be together, then just say it!"

"I don't want to be with you, Sun. I want Yang."

"Then she'll just have to wait," he growled.

"Yang, you're going to be ok," Ruby said.

"I don't think so," I sniffled.

I was back in my dorm room. Just wanting this entire day to end.

"I gotta go, Yang. Bye."

"Bye, Rubes."

~2 years after graduation~

I was working at a repair shop close to home. Weiss took over the company and Ruby is working for her. I haven't heard anything about Blake, but I also didn't want to. Ruby and Weiss kept in touch with her and asked me if I wanted to hear what she's been up to. But ever since I called her that day, my heart finally tipped over the edge. I was now cold as ever. the fire inside me died, along with my love for Blake. My boss, who was pretty cool, understood why when I wouldn't do my best on some days rather than others. One day, I received an order on repairing a locket for someone. They dropped it off and left before I could tell them when they could pick it back up. But my boss said it was a regular customer who he knew. They usually know when to come back. I took the box and opened it up. My eyes soon filled with tears. I picked up the locket and flipped it over. There, in a faded, shimmery, white, had these words: I love you, Kitten. Forever and Always. ~Yang. I put the locket back in the box and dried my eyes.

"Everything ok, Yang?" Neptune asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I think I just need to get some fresh air."

"Ok. Don't be took long."

I got up and headed outside. It was a nice spring day. I sighed as I walked past Beacon High. That's when I saw her. She was walking around with Sun. She turned and saw me. Pain was in her eyes. Sun, who's arm was interlocked with Blake's, let go. Blake ran up towards me and gave me a hug. I stood there, doing nothing. She pulled away, tears streaming down her eyes.

"I'm sorry."

"You're going to be doing a lot more than just saying 'I'm sorry.' How could you Blake? This is the second time! I thought you loved me!"

"I do."

"Then if you loved me, you wouldn't have done this, twice!"

"Where is the understanding Yang I love?"

"She died, along with the love for you."

I walked past both of them and headed back towards the repair shop.When I got back, I started working on the locket. It seemed that the latch was broken. When I opened it up, I almost dropped it. There were two pictures inside of it. On the right, was the picture of our first kiss, which was at the waterfall behind my house. On the left, was the picture of Blake and I walking down the board walk. Our backs were facing the camera and the sun was setting. And our hands were entwined with each other's. I closed up the locket and placed it back in the box. The door opened and I turned around. Standing in front of me was Blake.

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