Chapter 27

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After I was released from the hospital, my dad had to pick me up and drive me home. The entire time I was silent. All I wanted to do was get home to Blake. She never visited me once when I was in the hospital.

"Yang, I understand you feel hurt, but trust me, Blake wouldn't forget you."

"I know, dad."

He pulled into the driveway and I walked into the house, getting the keys from my pocket. I opened the door and saw it was dark.

"Blake, you in here?"

There was no response. I flicked on the switch and saw something sitting on the kitchen table. I walked over and saw it was a small note.

"Went out to run some errands.

I sighed and walked into my room. It was also dark.

"What's with these damn lights not being on?"

I turned them on and saw Blake was sleeping. I quickly turned the lights off and crawled into bed with her. She turned around and wrapped her arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around her neck and her face snuggled into the crook of my neck. She sniffled slightly and I sighed.

"How's my kitten?"

"Fine," she said in a cracked voice.

"What happened?"

"I've just been waiting for you. I barely slept and ate. Ruby and Weiss came over and tried to calm me down. I just couldn't deal with all of this," she said through sobs.

I couldn't handle all of this. My hand reached underneath her chin and I forced her to look up at me, "Blake, please don't cry. Or you're going to make me cry," I said, my voice cracking slightly.

"I'm sorry," Blake said, wiping her eyes.

I kissed her forehead and then her cheek, "There's nothing to be sorry about."

She smiled and rested her head against my chest, "I'm just glad you're ok."

"How come you never came to see me?"

"I wanted to surprise you with this."

Blake got up and handed me a piece of paper. There were some words typed out and I read through it. It looked like an email Blake had received. A huge grin appeared on my face as I looked up at her.

"Blake, that's great!"

"I thought you'd be excited about it."

"Excited? I love it, Blake!"

I hugged her, swept her off her feet, and spun her around before setting her back onto the floor, "Like how I love you."

"You're so cheesy," Blake snickered.

"But you love it."

"I do love it," she smiled.

I cupped her jaw and kissed her slightly, "I know you do."

She smiled and we crawled back into bed and fell asleep.

~1 Year~ (Sorry about the time skip)

"Ruby, I need help," I whined, trying to fix my tie.

Ruby sighed and helped me straighten up the tie.


"You're welcome."

"How are things with you and Weiss?" I asked, slipping on the last part of my tux. There was a yellow rose attached to the left side of it. And my tie was purple. The three colors that resembled us. Yellow for me while black and purple was for Blake. On the back of my tux, which was stitched by Winter, were our emblems coming together.


"Did you propose to her yet?"

"No. I was planning on it doing it later."

"Gotta do it sometime. You've been dating for, what, since freshmen year of high school?"

"Long time, I know."

I smiled and straightened a few things before turning to Ruby, "How do I look?"

"Ready for Blake."

I looked at the clock, "And ready for the beginning of it all."

I was the first to walk out into the chapel. Then it was Ruby followed by the other bridesmaids. Weiss led Blake's and finally, Blake was walked out by her father. She wore a white dress that had a bit of a purple tint to the bottom and her black emblem was at the bottom left hand side. I walked towards Blake and her arm wrapped around my elbow.

"Take good care of her, Yang," Ghira said.

"I will, Ghira," I smiled.

We walked towards the center and Qrow came out.

"Alright, let's start this wedding off with a bang! Or how you would say it Yang," Qrow said.

"I always kick my weddings off with a Yang," I joked.

The entire crowd had a stiff laugh. Qrow shook his head and introduced himself, "For Blake's side of the family, I am Yang's Uncle, Qrow. I've seen the good and bad sides of Yang. And I'm sure Blake has seen those sides as well," he winked to Blake as she rolled her eyes. "Anyway, let's skip all this boring stuff and head straight into the vows. Blake, would you like to go first?"

Blake nodded her head, "I, Blake Belladonna, take you, Yang Xiao Long, for as long as we shall live. I promise to be forever loyal, caring, and loving to you in sickness or in health. I will be with you for as long as we shall live. Being by your side in dire need. I will forever and always love you."


"I, Yang Xiao Long, take you, Blake Belladonna, as my loving wife. I promise to be loyal, caring, and loving throughout our entire life together. In sickness or in health, I will be your rock, your stronghold, your go to person, your best friend. I will always be by your side, never wanting to leave it. I will forever and always love and protect you."

"May we have the rings?"

Coming down from the aisle came Zwei. He had a pillow attached to his back with the rings on it. Qrow picked them up and Zwei ran back towards Tai. Qrow handed the two rings to Blake and I.

"Blake, do you take Yang to be your loving wife? For as long as both of you shall live?"

"I do," Blake smiled, blushing like she has since the day they started dating.

"And you you, Yang, take Blake to be your loving wife? For as long as both of you shall live?"

"I do."

We slipped each other's ring onto our fingers.

"For the first time in history, I announce you, Blake and Yang, Mrs. and Mrs. Xiao Long! Yang, you may kiss your bride."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck while Blake wrapped her arms around my waist. Our lips met for a short time. We parted and looked over into the crowd, smiling as we held each other's hand. I wished we could live in this moment forever.

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