Chapter 8

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In the morning, my throat felt like it was on fire. I sat up to see that it was 8:21. We both missed the school bus. I looked over at Blake to see she was still asleep. I ran my hand through her hair, moving a few strands behind her ear. I grazed her forehead, which felt very hot. I pressed my palm against her forehead. She was burning up.

"Blake, do you have a thermometer?"

"In my bathroom. Should be in the drawer."

I got up and headed towards the bathroom. I opened the drawer and saw a thermometer sitting in there. I picked it up and headed back to Blake's room.

"Sit up."

She slowly sat up and leaded against the bed's headboard.

"Open your mouth."

Blake slowly opened her mouth and I placed the thermometer underneath her tongue. She closed her mouth and we both waited. The thermometer beeped and Blake opened her mouth slightly for me to take it out. I looked at the number that was shown. 103 degrees.

"Blake, you got a fever."

She was now shivering. I placed a blanket on half of her body. I've only experience a fever once or twice. Her eyes were slowly closing.

"I'll get you something to eat."

She nodded her head and I got up and left her room. I headed downstairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed some bread and put it in the toaster. I got orange juice from the fridge and poured a glass. When the toast was done, I put it on a plate and grabbed the glass. I walked back to Blake's room and set the toast and juice on her nightstand.

"I'll let you rest, Blake."

"Yang," she mumbled.


"Cuddle with me?"


I crawled in next to her. My arm wrapped around her shoulders as her's wrapped around my waist. Her head rested on my shoulder and mine rested atop of her's. I kissed the top of her head and dozed off.

A few hours went by before I woke up. Blake was up and drinking the orange juice I had left her. I smiled at her.

"How are you feeling?"

"Alright. Really tired though."

"That's normal when you have a fever."

"This is the first time I had a fever."



"Well good thing I'm here. I had a few fevers. I'm going to make you some soup."

"I'll come down with you. To keep you company."

I got up and helped Blake down the stairs. She sat down at the table with a blanket wrapped around her. I was getting the soup prepared when I heard her fall back asleep. I laughed to myself and continued on. I poured her another glass of orange juice and got her a bowl. I placed them in front of her and sat next to her.

"Eat up, Blake."

She slowly picked her head up and began to eat. I started to eat when I heard the door open up.

"Blake, we're home!" Kali said.

"In the kitchen, mom," Blake called to her.

Her mother walked into the kitchen and smiled at me, "Hi, Yang."

"Hello, Mrs. Belladonna."

"Your father should be coming in soon. The soup smells great. Who made it?"

"Yang did," Blake said.

"I'll have to try it myself once I help your father. Ghira, I told you not to pack a lot of things with you! Your father never listens to me."

I chuckled along with Blake. Soon, her father came in.

"Hello, girls.

"Hi, dad."

"Hi, Mr. Belladonna."

"Your mother was right. Soup does smell good."

Kali came back in and they both sat down with us.

"Why aren't you two at school?" Ghira asked.

"Blake woke up with a fever. Someone had to look after her," I said. "And I think I'm starting to get a bit sick," I said, coughing slightly.

"Thank you for taking care of her, Yang," Kali said.

"No problem," I smiled.

Blake's hand unconsciously moved her hand towards mine. I reached over and grabbed her hand. Ghira picked up and smiled.

"Are you two dating now?"

"Yes, dad. We are," Blake said.

"Better take good care of her, Yang," Ghira said.

"I will."

"You're way much better than Adam," Kali said.

"Adam wouldn't know what to do in this type of situation. He'd probably have a panic attack," Blake said.

"Probably," Kali agreed.

"I never really liked him," Ghira said.

"Who did?" Yang asked.

"Apparently, Blake did," Kali joked.

Blake's ears flattened as she looked at her mom, glaring.

"I'm sorry, dear, but you know it's true."

"Yeah, I know."

My phone buzzed and I looked at it. It was a text from Ruby. I opened up the message and read it.

"There's an exchange student from Vacuo coming in tomorrow. It's yours and Blake's responsibility to show him around. He's a Faunus."


"What is it, Yang?" Blake asked.

"An exchange student is coming in from Vacuo. He's a Faunus."

"It better not be Adam."

"I hope it's not. We have to show him around Beacon."

"I really hope it's not Adam."

"I'll text Ruby to see who he is."

I texted her and put my phone down. All we do now is wait. A few minutes pass and my phone buzzes.

"They showed us a picture. His name's Sun Wukong. He's a monkey Faunus."

"Ok. Thanks."

"Not Adam," I said.

Blake sighed in relief.

"You better be on your way, Yang. Thank you for taking care of Blake," Ghira said.

"You're welcome," I said.

"I'll walk you out," Blake said, getting up.

I went up into her room and grabbed my belongings. We walked down the stairs and we stood at the front door.

"Will I see you tomorrow at school?"

"If I don't have a fever," Blake said.

"I hope you get better," I said, scratching Blake's ears.

She purred and rested her head against my shoulder. My hand ran through her hair as she picked up her head.

"I'll see you soon, Blake."

"Ok. Bye, Yang," she purred.

I gave her a small peck on the lips and walked out. I waved goodbye to her and walked back to my house, taking the shortcut through the woods. I could tell that it was hard to say goodbye to her. I wanted to spend every moment in my life with her.

~Hey guys! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas or holiday that you celebrate! I am back from my small break and I am ready to get back to the grind. I hope to have some new content for my Weiss X Ruby story soon and as well as this story. I hope you guys like it! BAAAAAAIIII!!!!!!!!!

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