Chapter 7

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A/N: This is not really relevant to the story, but Blake in this picture truly looks like a cat. If any of you see it, then yay! I'm not the only one who thinks that! Anyway, on with the story.

We walked out of the woods, hand in hand, to see Ruby and Weiss waiting for us.

"Hi, Weiss," I said.

"Hi, Yang."

"Did everything go accordingly?" Ruby asked, bouncing on her feet to know.

"Want to tell them, Blake?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded her head, "Turns out, we both had feelings for each other, but didn't know if the other would feel the same way."

"Blake made the first move, if you're wondering, Ruby," I said.

"Yang, I thought I told you to make the first move!"

"Look, that part didn't play out as planned. I was rambling and then Blake shut me up by kissing me."

"So I had made the first move," Blake said, smiling up at me.

"And I don't regret it," I smiled back at her.

"What are you going to do now?" Weiss asked.

"I don't know," I said.

"We could always head to my house and watch a movie," Blake said.

"I'll be down for that," I said.

"Well, Weiss and I are heading going to go out. See you later, then?" Ruby asked.

"Sure," I said. "If you need anything, Ruby, just call."

"Will do," she called. Ruby grabbed Weiss' hand and they walked towards the front of the house and disappeared.

"Did you really plan all of this, Yang?" Blake asked.

"Yeah. I wanted to tell you how I felt, but I thought about telling you today."

Blake smiled, "I also heard you talking to Ruby about your problem."

"About how obvious my feelings were?"


"Then why didn't you say something?" I asked, pushing her lightly.

"I didn't want to. And I also noticed you couldn't stop looking at me."

"Yep, just couldn't take my eyes off of you."

Blake snickered and I kissed the top of her head, looking at her bow.

"You really should take the bow off."

"But I like my bow."

"I would like to see you ears more often."

"How do you know I'm a Faunus?"

"The night when Adam left and you were laying up against me, I took your bow off. And plus, your mother and father are Faunus. Your mom has cat ears and your father has feline legs."

"He has claws and fangs when he needs to unleash them."

"That's so cool! So it was kind of obvious you're a Faunus. Plus, you wanted to stand up to Cardin when he was picking on Velvet for her ears."

"So you don't mind me being part cat?"

"Blake, I will love you no matter what. Faunus or human, it's part of who you are."

Blake smiled and untied her bow, revealing her cat ears. I kissed the top of the one that was facing me. She giggled and pushed me away playfully, "That tickles!"

I laughed and we both walked to her house.

~A Few Weeks Go By~

"How are things with, Weiss, Ruby?" I asked her while we were walking to the bus stop. It was mid March and finals were coming up.

"Alright," Ruby said sleepily. "How are you and Blake?"

"Good. She's sick right now, so after school I'm going to stop by to take care of her, since her mother and father are on a business trip."

"Where'd they go?"

"I think Blake said they went to Atlas and then they're going to Mistral."

"Don't have too much fun with Blake," Ruby joked.

"Hey, we only made out once."

"One time?"

"Yeah. Plus, I need to help her get ready for the finals."

"They're going to have fighting finals too, right?"

"Yeah. We're going to train when she gets better."

The bus pulled up to the corner and we headed onto the bus to see the normal gang: Weiss, Ren, Nora, Pyrrha, Jaune, and Velvet. 

"Another day, another lesson," I mumbled to myself.

When school was finally over and the bus driver pulled into Blake's neighborhood, I said goodbye to Ruby and Weiss. I got off and walked towards her house. When I reached the brown and white colored house, Blake was already waiting there for me. I walked in and we headed into her room. 

"How's my kitten doing?" I asked.

"Alright," Blake said, her voice sounding all raspy. 

"Did you eat anything today?"

"I had orange juice and water. And some fish."

I smiled at her, "Fish is all you ate?"


"Before we start studying, I'm making you eat something."

"Like what?"

"Some soup."

Blake smiled slightly, "Alright."

We headed into the kitchen and I started making some soup as Blake was watching me.

"Do anything interesting today?" I asked.

"Just sat in bed and read a book."

"You need to get out, Blake. Some fresh air would do you good."

"Maybe later we could take a walk after we do some studying."

I poured the soup into a bowl and placed it in front of her. She was about to reach for it until I pulled it towards me.

"Yang," she laughed.

"You gotta give me a kiss first."

"Do you really want to kiss me? I'm sick."

"I'll take my chances."

I leaned in and met her lips. She kissed back, deepening it. My tongue ran across her bottom lip. She gladly accepted and my tongue slid across her's. Before pulling away for air, I bit her bottom lip and pulled it. I let go and looked at Blake. We both smiled at each other and I pushed the bowl towards her.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

"Anything else I can get you?"

"Some tea?"

"Sure thing."

"Kettle's in the cupboard above the oven. Tea leaves are in the pantry."

"Got it."

In no time, I had finished making the tea and Blake finished her soup. I placed her cup in front of her. Afterwards, we headed upstairs to begin studying for the finals.

"There is going to be a fighting final in Port's class. So be prepared to go against any Grimm. I suggest, to get ready for that final, we find all the Grimm that we can and fight them."

"Sounds like a good plan."

And for the rest of the night, we both studied until we fell asleep on each other.

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