Chapter 21

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The time for semifinals finally approached. I was ready and Ruby and Weiss was going to be there to cheer me on and give me support. The one I was fighting today was a guy from Vacuo. At first glance, he didn't look like he was a fighter. But when we got into it, he definitely was. It took me thirty minutes to take him down. And when I did, the entire stadium roared with cheers. I smiled up to my sister and Weiss. I waved to them and left the ring. They greeted me when I made it up the stairs,

"You did great, Yang," Weiss said.

"That was so cool!" Ruby said.

"Thanks. Looks like I'm going off to the finals."

When the finals did come around, I had an easy fight. It took less than three minutes to take down the girl I was fighting. I had one more round of the finals. And that was me against a guy who came from Atlas. But that wasn't going to be taken place until later tonight. I got my rest and was back at the stadium in about an hour. I made my way into the ring and waited for the fight to begin. When it did, it took longer than I expected. But I got the upper hand. I did my signature move. Kick in the privates, up in the chin, and pin him when he hit the ground.

"For the first time in history! A female Vale contestant has won the Vytal Festival Tournament! Congratulations to Yang Xiao Long!"

I smiled, collected my winnings, and was sent back to Vale the first plane I could get. I missed Blake too much while I was gone. When I got back to the Vale airport, I drove like a madman to get home. When I did, I didn't even bother getting my things out of the car. All that mattered right now, was Blake. I opened the door and Blake was waiting there for me.

"How's my kitten?" I asked.

Tears came into her eyes as she ran towards me. I opened up my arms and hugged her. I swept her off her feet and spun her around. I set her down and kissed her head.

"I missed you," Blake said.

"I missed you, too," I said, pecking her lips.

"I was watching the broadcast. You did wonderful, Yang."

"Thanks," I said blushing.

She kissed my forehead, smiling up at me.

"Blake, I got something to tell you."

"What is it, Yang?"

"How would you feel if we got our own place together?"

She smiled and kissed my cheek, "I would love that."

I smiled and we went to bed. In the morning, Blake and I headed out to see if there were any houses on the market. There were a few we were interested in and kept in mind. We headed back to the house and discussed from there. We made our final decision and the seller called us back. We confirmed we wanted to buy it and we started to pack our things. My dad helped us. Blake had to get her things from her house. So we drove there. When we got to the front door, Blake was hesitant on knocking.

"Blake, you'll be fine. You're parents will understand."

Blake nodded and knocked on the door. Ghira came to the door and smiled, "So nice to see you, Yang. Blake, what's the meaning of this?"

"Yang and I are going to move into a house together."

"I suppose you got rid of Sun?"

"I did."

Ghira smiled and we headed upstairs. Ghira and Kali came up to help Blake get her things she wanted and into my car. We drove back to my house, packed the moving van, and we headed out. We bought a nice sized house in the city. It had a path that led straight to the Forever Falls forest.

"This is such a beautiful house, Yang," Blake said.

"I knew you would like it," I said.

We got everything unpacked in a matter of a few hours. Every appliance was in place. Around 5pm, Ruby and Weiss came over to see the new place and to hang out.

"How are things in Atlas?" I asked, handing them some water.

"It was a bit of a long drive here, but it was managable," Weiss said.

"Things are pretty cool up there. A bit colder than Patch," Ruby said.

"I'd like to see Atlas some time," Blake said. "As well as go back to Menagerie. Where I grew up."

"You didn't tell my that you grew up there," I said.

"That's where I was orginally born. My mother and father were both born there. And when I was born, I lived there for a little bit. When I was three, we moved here and I spent living here until I went to college. Back in Menagerie, everything seemed so different."

"Looks like we might be making a road trip sometime in the near future," I said.

For the rest of the night, we all just enjoyed each other's company.

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