Chapter 4

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"What did he do? Did he hurt you? Did he do anything to cause you physical pain or mental?" I asked quickly.

"He did nothing of the sort. He's just, not talking to me. I've tried calling him, texting him, and even tried to go over to his house. After he suddenly left during our Christmas celebration, I haven't heard from him since."

"What's his number?"

Blake handed me her phone and I typed Adam's number in my phone. I handed her's back and put my phone away.

"I'll get to the bottom of it, Blake. Don't worry."

Blake sighed and fell onto the couch, "I hope he's alright."

I clenched my teeth together. Adam was, either intentional or not, hurting Blake. He needs to know what his actions are doing. I sighed and laid back onto the floor.

"What do you want to do?" I asked.

"I don't really care. I just want to do nothing."

"I can settle for that. Ruby and Weiss should be coming over soon."

"Those two are spending a lot of time together."

"Didn't you hear?"

"Hear what?"

"They're together. After Christmas, Ruby told her feelings and Weiss confessed to her as well. They were made for each other."

"Think Adam and I were made for each other?"

I took a minute to think about my answer, "To be honest, no."


"I don't really think you were made for each other. He's a Faunus, which is nothing wrong with being a Faunus, but he doesn't seem your type. You're calm and collected, while he's routy and rambunctious. You like quiet places while he's out at Shade probably partying. Shade is know for its parties and how big they can be. It's gotten out of hand in the past before. I honestly think you need someone who will be there to protect you. Who will always have your back in any situation."

"Are you suggesting I should find someone else? And that Adam shouldn't be my boyfriend?" Blake retorted.

"That's not what I'm saying. Blake, I know you're tired and a bit moody, but that was not what I was saying at all."

"Then what were you implying?"

"I was saying that he should be a little more protective and serious towards your relationship."

"He is protective. I'm just worried that he's in a situation that I could have helped him in!"

"Blake, please calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down!"

I sighed and sat up, looking at her, "Blake, I just want you to be happy."

"Are you jealous of our relationship?"


"Are you jealous of Adam and I? Be completely honest."

"To be honest, Blake, yes."

"Why though?"

"He just doesn't seem to be the right person. There's something off about him."

Blake got up and walked towards the door, "I think I should go."

"Blake, please don't go."

"No, Yang. If someone were to truly change and be a right person, it would be you. If you don't approve of me and Adam, then don't bother hanging out with me."

"Blake, please!"

"Goodbye, Yang."

She walked out the door and I was left alone. I stared at the spot where she once was. Tears were streaming down my face as I looked down to the floor, "I love you, Blake."

I got up just as the door was opening. I wiped away the tears and put on a fake smile. Ruby and Weiss walked in.

"Hey, Yang!"

"Hi, Ruby."

"Where's Blake?" Weiss asked. "Thought you said she was going to be here."

"Had to leave early. Family issues," I lied.

"Oh, that stinks. She really should have stuck around. Dad's going to be making his famous tea when he gets home. I know how much she likes tea," Ruby said.

"Yeah, but she decided to leave," I said to myself. "I'm going to head upstairs and do some school work. Call me down if you need anything," I told Ruby.

"Ok. Have fun," she called.

Her and Weiss headed downstairs as I headed to my room. All I wanted to do was call Blake and tell her I was sorry for everything. When I got to my room, I felt my phone going off. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw it was Adam calling.

"Adam? How did you get my number?" I asked.

"Blake gave it to me a while back. She called and told me what happened. I swear, if you do something like that to her again, I will make you be hunted down by my guardians."

"Guardians? Shade is teaching how to become a guardian?"

"Yes. And mine are highly trained. More than you are. They are graduating in a few months. And they work for me and me only. I will repeat what I said, you will be hunted down by them if you say anything like that again to my love. Do you hear me, Yang Xiao Long?"

"Yes, Adam," I said, rolling my eyes.

"Oh, and to keep this between us, the only reason I didn't answer Blake was because I was checking out another Faunus."

"You fucking cheater! You never really wanted Blake because you actually loved her. You wanted her just because of—" I stopped, not knowing what to say.

"I only wanted her because she's a Faunus. Apparently, Shade has a lot of good looking Faunus. And I have my eyes set for this one."

"You better tell her the real reason why you were ignoring her, Adam, or so help me!"

"What are you going to do about it? You two are on bad terms as of now. I don't think you'd want to dig yourself in a deeper ditch. If I were you, I'd keep this between us. Just remember what I said, Yang."

He hung up and I placed my phone on my desk. I looked down at my contacts and saw Blake's name. There was an urge to tell her everything Adam had just told me. But there was also the fear that Adam would attack at her as well. There was only one thing to do, tell Blake she did approve and let her meet Adam in person. Then and there, she will need to reveal Adam. If need be, I would be there to protect her. I would be her guardian.

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