Chapter 24

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A/N: Just want to put this out there, this chapter will have some sensitive content, Such as drugs. Don't do drugs. It's not good for your health and this will be expressed in this chapter. I got this idea when I was watching Puss in Boots the movie. He hid catnip in his boots. And as well all know, cats like catnip. So there you have it. Don't do drugs.

I grabbed my keys, heading out to get a new job. Since I was done with Cardin and quit with Neptune, I wanted to find a job where I could efficiently work with a robotic arm. Blake was along for most of the day. Which she didn't mind.

~Blake's POV~

After Yang left, I walked into our room and into the bathroom. Underneath the sink, I opened up the cabinet and shuffled things around. I grabbed a small bag of something and walked back into the main room. I sighed as I looked at the small plastic bag that was in my hands.

"Damn it, Sun. This is your fault I'm doing this."

I opened the bag and the smell hit me. I sighed, giving into the aroma it had created. I grabbed a small palm full of it and held it. Afterwards, I ended up licking myself, dropping the bag. After the effects wore off, I walked into the kitchen to make myself some lunch.

"You really should get rid of that," Ruby said over the phone.

"I know, but I don't want Yang to be upset that I do that."

"Well, Blake, you should tell her your problem. She would understand."

"I don't think she would. I know how sensitive she is when it comes to drugs."

"Where did you get it in the first place?"

"College. Sun found some and gave me it so that I was high enough that he could do whatever he wanted."

"He's a dick."

"Yeah, I know."

"Well, you gotta get rid of it before Yang sees."

"I see what?" Yang asked from behind.


~Yang's POV~

"What don't you want me to see?" I asked.

"I gotta go, Ruby," Blake said hanging up the phone. "Nothing."

I glared at her and headed into our room. When I walked in, there was something on the floor. I picked it up and saw there were some remains on the floor. I swept them into my hands and put them into the bag. I looked back down at the bag. My heart dropped into my stomach. I walked back into the kitchen.

"Blake, is there something you want to tell me?" I asked.

"No," Blake said.

I glared at her, "Seems like you need to," I said, holding up the bag.

Blake had this look of panic on her face. She sighed and looked up at me, "Ever since college, Sun had found catnip in the black market. He purchased some and made me use it when he wanted to have 'fun' time with me. He would make me use it. And I think he put it in my bag when we came home. I still had it and I was just using it to get rid of the memories."

"Blake, why didn't you tell me this earlier?"

"I thought you would be mad."

"I am! But not at you. I'm mad that you didn't let me know sooner so we could get rid of this. Catnip is basically a drug to you. You could end up getting dependent on it. Which is something hard to pull away from."

"I'm sorry, Yang."

I sighed and threw it out. I washed my hands and walked over to her. I sat down at the table next to her. I took her hand and held it, "Look at me, Blake."

Blake shook her head, tears streaming down her face. I sighed, placed my hand underneath her chin. I turned her to look at me. I stared right into her eyes. Overwhelmed by emotions, my lips met her's. She kissed back and I pulled away after a few seconds.

"Listen, I will love you no matter what, but you need to tell me things like that. I don't want to end up seeing you in a bad spot because of what happened in the past. Live here, in the present."

Blake nodded, "Not to change the subject, but did you find a job?"

"I did. I'm going to start work tomorrow."

"What did you find?"

"A company needs someone who can lift heavy things. I setup an interview with the manager, showed her what I could do, and she hired me right away."

"So you're just lifting?"

"Yeah. It's a car company."

"Well, looks like I'll have more time to focus on my writings."

"You write?"

"I've been a writer for ten years."

"When did you start?"

"Ten years ago. When I was fifteen."

"Blake, how come you never told me this?!"

"Because during that time, I was writing romance novels. It was only for me to read. But I soon grew my genres and discovered I love to write fantasy, non-fiction, and realistic fiction."

"Can I read some of your works?"

Blake nodded and got up. She walked into the office and grabbed a full, written, and edited manuscript. She placed it in front of me and I began reading. Two chapters in and I looked up at her, smiling.

"Blake, we need to find you a publisher. People need to read this."

"I don't think it's that good."

"It's amazing, Blake."

She smiled, "You're one of the first to read a manuscript I had finished."

"How many do you have?"

"I have ten unfinished ones, but only three finished."

I was taken back. I pushed the papers back towards her, "I think I know someone who can help you."

She smiled once more, "This is a big dream for me."

"Your dreams are about to come true," I said, pulling out my phone. I got the number and called the person.

"Hey, Yang. Need something?"

"Yes, I do, Pyrrha. Is your office still open?"

"It is."

"Good, I need to stop in."

"The door is open."

"Great. I'll see you soon."



I hung up and smiled at Blake, "Let's get ready."

~Hey guys! We are so close to 100 views! Once we hit 100, I will make an AU chapter! Just like how I did for my White Rose story. I think you'll like it! So let's get to 100 views to make it happen!

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