Chapter 14

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In the morning, Blake stopped by. When she came in, I was in the garage working on the new arm. Ruby walked came in and got my attention.

"Blake's here, Yang."


I stopped and walked into the living room.

"Sorry about last night, Yang," Blake said.

"Blake, I really don't want to hear it," I said, slightly annoyed.

Blake nodded her head, "Whatcha doing in the garage?"

"I'll show you."

We walked in and sitting on the ground was the robotic arm. I had spray painted it to have the same color to Ember Celica.

"So you're going to use it?" Blake asked.

"I am," I said, picking it up and placing it on my arm. "It doesn't even feel like it's robotic. It feels very natural."

"I'm glad you like it, Yang," Blake said, kissing my cheek.

I smiled and we walked down into the woods. I was going to practice shooting with Ember Celica and the new arm. There were already targets placed years prior of me going to Beacon. Blake sat on a rock while she watched me practice. After about an hour of practicing, Blake came over.

"I think you've done enough for today, Yang."

I panted and wiped a few beads of sweat from my forehead, "One more round?"


I quickly finished up and sat down with Blake, "You seem a bit antsy today, Blake. What's the matter?"

"It's nothing."

We both got up and walked towards the waterfall. Walking down the steep hill, Blake tripped, causing me to fall down with her. We both slowly skidded to a stop half way down. She landed on top of me.

"Sorry about that," Blake mumbled.

"Hey, don't worry about it."

I brushed a few strands of hair behind her ear, revealing her amber eyes staring back at me. My robotic hand touched cupped her cheek and my lips met her's. Blake kissed back and wrapped her arms around my neck. My hands slipped down to her waist, pulling her body closer to mine. My left hand trailed back up and ran through her hair and scratched at her cat ears. Blake melted into the kiss. I licked her bottom lip, wanting entrance. Blake denied and my right hand grabbed her ass. She gasped and my tongue slid its way inside. Our tongues crossed paths and battled for dominance. I won and kept exploring. She pulled away, needing to breath. Before she got any farther, I bit her bottom lip, pulling it lightly. She smiled and I let go. Blake got up and helped me. While we were walking the rest of the way down, my hand grabbed her's. She smiled and leaned against my shoulder. We finally made it and we sat on the rock that was at the small pond by the waterfall.

"I liked that," I said.

"I did too."

After about an hour of sitting there, Ruby and Weiss came down looking for us.

"Yang? Blake?" Ruby called.

"There they are, Ruby," Weiss pointed out.

I waved to them and they came over and sat next to us.

"What are you guys doing down here?" Ruby asked.

"Just remembering old memories," I said.

"What kind of memories?" Weiss asked.

"The day I asked Blake to be my girlfriend."

"You asked her by the waterfall?" Ruby asked.


"Aww, Yang," Ruby said.

"I'm sappy, I know. A typical place to ask someone to be their girlfriend."

"I don't think it was typical at all," Blake said, kissing my cheek.

I smiled and the four of us walked back up and towards the house. When we got back, Weiss and Ruby went out towards the city while Blake I decided to stay here, since we needed to shower.

"You go first," I said to Blake.

"No, you should go first. It's your house," Blake said.

I grabbed a towel and handed it to Blake, "You go first."


I sighed and shook my head, "No. I will respect your privacy, Blake. Maybe when we're older."

Blake's ears flattened and she sighed, "Ok."

"What's the matter, Blake?"

"It's just that, never mind, you wouldn't understand."

"I think I will, Blake."

"For the Faunus, it's mating season right now," Blake said.

I smiled, "Blake, if you told me that in the first place, then I probably would have agreed. How about this, my dad has a huge tub downstairs. How about that?"

Blake smiled, "Ok."

We got our change of clothes and headed downstairs. I got the water running and all we had to do was just wait. I added a few bubbles here and there. I turned off the water and got in. Blake got in as well and we started to blow bubbles at each other.

"There's also this I forgot about."

I reached over to the table and grabbed a remote. I pressed a button and a projector came down from the ceiling and started to play a movie.

"What movie do you want to watch?" I asked.

"Do you have Star Wars?"

I smiled, "Yes we do."

I pressed another button and Star Wars started playing. We both relaxed and started watching.

"This is really cool, Yang," Blake said.

"I use it every once and a while. Dad got it when Raven was pregnant with me. She would usually just sit in here for hours at a time and do nothing but eat ice cream and watch romance movies."

"What did you dad do?"

"He did't bother her. He knew she wanted to be alone when she came down here."

Blake smiled and I moved closer to her. I wrapped my arm around her shoulders, still watching the movie. She turned towards me and licked my cheek. I shivered slightly and she nibbled on my earlobe. She soon backed away and blushed slightly.

"Sorry, it's just that, this is just stupid."

I turned towards her and wrapped my arm around her, "No it's not. I understand that it's mating season."

Blake smiled and kissed my nose. I kissed her and pushed her against the wall.

~Sorry to leave you guys hanging with this! But you probably know what's going to happen next.

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