Chapter 28

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After the reception was over, Blake and I drove back to the house and changed quickly. I walked into the bathroom and got a quick shower.

"You going to shower before we go?" I asked.

"I don't think so. I'll wait until we get to Atlas."

"Alright. Got everything packed and ready to go?"


I kissed her cheek before grabbing her hand, "Let's go, kitten."

She smiled and we headed to the airport. Ruby and Weiss had left the wedding early to go to Mistral. We were planning on going to Atlas, Vacuo, Mistral, and then Menagerie. We got onto the airplane and eventually fell asleep. Blake shook me awake when the plan landed in Atlas.

"Yang, wake up," she purred softly.

My eyes slowly opened and looked around, "We are?"

"Yep," she said, kissing my head.

We got off, grabbed our luggage, and got a rental, "So, where do you want to go first?"

"It doesn't matter to me."

"Want to get a tour of Atlas?"

"Sure. Sounds like fun."

Atlas was a bit boring, but there were a few time where Blake would be treated badly just for being a Faunus. Seems like the Atlas people still don't treat the Faunus well. Thank goodness we were staying here for one night only. We checked into the hotel and got into our room.

"Did you like Atlas?"

"I liked all the buildings, not much the people."

"I agree. I'm sorry."

"What are you sorry about?"

"About bringing you here. We should have just went to Mistral, Vacuo, and Menagerie. I wouldn't have brought you here if the people of Atlas would be this cruel to Faunus."

"Yang, I don't care that they treat me that way. All that matters to me," she wrapped her arm around my waist, "is you. If they start treating us badly just because we love each other, then it'll matter."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around her neck, "I really did fall in love with the best person ever."

She smiled and put her head in the crook of my neck, purring. I reached up and scratched one of her cat ears. She purred louder.

"I like it when you purr."

Blake smiled and kissed my neck. I pulled away and looked down into her amber eyes, "Not tonight, Blake. Maybe when we're in a better place," I whispered into her ear.

She nodded and we got ready for bed.

We reached Vacuo and ran into a few more Faunus. We saw a few couples together, but most of them were chilling in either a hammock or underneath a palm tree.

"Mostly desert out here," Blake said.

"Yeah. But at least it's warmer than Atlas. Both environment and people."

"Blake?" called a familiar voice.

We turned around and I could feel my eyes turn into a burning scarlet red. I unconsciously clenched my fists, but Blake's hand managed to unclench them and intertwine with my fingers.

"Sun," Blake sneered.

"What are you doing here?"

"On our honeymoon," I sneered.

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