Chapter 26

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A/N: So the 100 view AU is in process. While I'm writing that, I will still update until the 100 AU comes out. Just to let all of you know, it's long. It's not going to be the usual 1,000 words is the limit. I'm writing with no limit! So, yeah. I hope you enjoy the AU when it comes out and this chapter! BAAAAIIII!!!

"I'm so happy for you, sweetie," Kali said.

"Better than Adam and Sun," Ghira said.

"Oh hush, darling. But I do have to agree with your father, Blake. Yang definitely seems like a better choice."

I smiled and sipped my tea, "Thank you."

"Can I see the ring?" Kali asked.

Blake slipped it off her finger and handed it for Kali and Ghira to inspect. She smiled and handed it back to Blake.

"Must have cost you a lot, Yang," Kali said.

"Well, the money doesn't matter right now," I said, resting my hand on Blake's.

"All that matters is that you two are going to be together," Ghira said.

We talked for a bit more and then we had to meet up with my dad, Raven, Qrow, Ruby and Weiss. As I drove through the city, Blake's hand never left mine.

"Blake, is something wrong? You usually don't hold my hand for this long," I said.

"I'm just a bit nervous about meeting your mother," Blake said.

"My mom really never comes around much. When she does, it doesn't end well. Let's just say that everytime we see her, my uncle Qrow has to physically drag her here."

"Why doesn't your mother ever want to see you?"

"I have no clue. I'd rather not think about it right now."

We pulled into the resturaunt and headed inside. Qrow, Tai, Raven, Ruby, and Weiss were already there. We walked over and greeted them. Blake sat down next to Weiss as I sat down next to Ruby.

"Good to see you're here safely," Tai said.

"Yeah," I said.

"Was there any traffic coming here?" Qrow asked.

"Not much. How about you, Uncle Qrow?"

"Well I thought it was going to be hard to get your mother here, but she actually came quite easily."

"I just didn't want to fight it today, Yang. I know I have to come around often."

"What was you wanted to tell us?" Tai asked after we talked for a bit.

There were only two people who knew about this. Ruby and Weiss knew. I had called Ruby one night, when Blake was out for a walk, and asked her what I should do. Weiss had given me a suggestion as well.

"Well, last night I had asked a very important person a life changing question."

"And that was?" Raven asked.

"Mom, I don't think you met Blake yet."

"I have not."

"Mom, Blake. Blake, Raven."

Blake waved from her end of the table and Raven waved as well.

"She's the important person right now. And what I asked her, well, long story short, I'm getting married."

Tai had spit out his drink he had. He wiped his face and looked up at me.

"Married?" Tai asked.

"Yeah. I asked Blake if she would marry me," I said, a small blush appearing on my face.

"Way to go, fire cracker," Qrow said.

Ruby and Weiss were trying to contain their smiles, which they can now do. Tai smiled, getting a bit teary eyed.

"My baby girl, is all grown up."

"Congratulations, Yang," Raven said.

"Thanks, mom."

The night wore on as we all talked to each other. When we finally parted, Blake fell asleep in the car. I myself started to get a bit tired, but we were close to being home. But, I dozed off a bit and was snapped awake along with a heavy sigh from Blake. I looked up and there was some blood coming down from my forehead. I frantically looked around and saw that Blake was ok. She was looking at me, the same terrified look I had. There was some blood coming down from her cheek, but there was a terrified look on Blake's face. I looked down and saw that left arm made this weird shape.

"Well, that's unfortunate."

My head slumped to the side and Blake tried to keep me awak.

"It's going to be ok, Yang. Yang, stay with me! Yang!"

My eyes fluttered close, but came back up for a few more moments, "Blake, come here."

She moved a bit closer to me and with my right hand, I cupped her cheek and gave her a light kiss, "I love you, Blake."

"Yang, no! Yang, stay with me! Yang!"



My eyes fluttered open as a blinding light appeared, making my eyes water. I try to prop myself up, but fall on my attempt. Pain surged throughout my entire left arm as I groaned in pain. Sweat rolled down my forehead as I tried to move my right arm, but it turns out, it was removed. I looked down at my arm and saw the small stub and the metal part that allowed the arm to be attached to. I look around and saw someone sitting in the corner, asleep.

"Ruby?" I asked.

She opened her eyes and sighed with relief, "Blake called us after what happened. Weiss and I came here as fast as I could."

"What did happen?"

"Blake thinks you fell asleep for a split second. The car ended up running into a tree."

"How's Blake?"

"She's at your house, resting."

"Who's with her?"


"Ruby, I shouldn't have made that drive home."

"Yang, we all make mistakes. Blake will forgive you. She understands it was a complete accident."

I sighed, "I know, but I don't feel like she would."

"Yang, Blake is your soon to be wife. Both of you have forgiven each other for the big and small mistakes you've done."

I smiled, "Thanks, Ruby."

"Also, Weiss took your robotic arm and gave it to Atlas to fix it up. You should be getting it in the mail in about two days. Your left arm is broken and in a cast."

I lifted up my left arm, "I can see that."

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