Ice Cream

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Here's another oneshot! Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person

"Hey losers!" Richie exclaimed, bonding over to the group.

"Hi Richie. We were just talking about getting ice cream, wanna come?" Ben asked. "Stan offered to pay."

"Are you all going?" He wondered. Bill and Mike weren't with the rest of them. Richie's eyes wandered over to Eddie, who was looking at the ground.

"I'm not going." Bev piped up. "I have to get home."

"But the rest of us are." Ben stated. "So are you coming or what?"

"Um, sure." Richie agreed. The four boys grabbed their bikes, waved goodbye to Bev, and left to go to their local ice cream parlor. They waited in line, Ben was first, followed by Richie, Eddie, and Stan. After Ben had ordered, Richie was up.

"I'll take the mint chocolate chip, with chocolate sauce on top." He decided. Eddie was still looking at the flavors, so Richie tried to create conversation with the ice cream guy. "Hey, so did you hear about the n-"

"Richie!" Stan hissed. "Stop wasting time!" Richie stepped back from the counter to wait with Ben.

"Uh, could I have the- no, maybe I'll have- actually, um- yeah. Could I have a cookie dough, with extra rainbow sprinkles please." Eddie requested. The man at the counter frowned at him.

"We're out of cookie dough." He grunted.

"Oh! Um, then I'll have vanilla, with rainbow sprinkles please." Eddie squeaked, running toward Richie and Ben.

"That went well." Richie smirked.

"Shut up, Trashmouth." Eddie grumbled. He rolled his eyes at the older boy.

After waiting for a couple of minutes, Stan called them to get their ice cream. Ben had a hazelnut ice cream with caramel sauce, and Stan had a black raspberry with chocolate sprinkles. The boys sat down, and began to eat the ice cream.

It was a hot day, and the ice cream started to melt. Eddie's ice cream trickled down the cone onto his hand, and he immediately wiped it off, tilting the cone. When Eddie went back to eat the ice cream, he found that it was missing. There it was, his plain vanilla scoop and the rainbow sprinkles was melted in a puddle next to Eddie's shoe.

"Fuck!" He cursed, and instead decided to nibble on the cone. But he had forgotten to ask for a sugar cone, and he had one of those weird ones that tasted like plastic. He set it down on the bench, and groaned.

Richie had seen the whole thing, and he felt kinda guilty. Even though it wasn't his fault, Richie wanted to help. He tapped Eddie's shoulder, making him look up. Richie handed Eddie the half eaten cone, nodding. Eddie took it, eating the ice cream. When he reached the cone, he handed it back to Richie, who burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" Eddie wondered.

"Oh nothing. It's just that you really don't like those shitty cones, do you Eds?" Richie asked.

"No. I don't see what's so funny about that." He frowned. "And don't call me Eds!"

"Aww, it's so cute when little Eddie gets mad." Richie sang.

"I'm not little!" Eddie exclaimed, standing up next to Richie. Richie raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything. "I'm not little." He glared at Richie, who was snickering under his breath.

"You sure about that?" Richie teased, bending down to Eddie's height. To his surprise, he was greeted with a slap across the cheek. "Hey!" He exclaimed. "You've got a lot of power for someone your size."

"I can not believe you! I'm not little!" Eddie shouted, walking off.

"No, wait, Eds-"

"Don't call me that!" Eddie fumed. Richie ran after him.

"Look, I'm sorry, I just- I can't help it, okay? I didn't mean to make fun of you, I really didn't, you gotta believe m-" Richie was cut off by Eddie engulfing him in a hug.

"I forgive you." He whispered. "Just don't do it again." Richie squatted so they were face to face.

"I won't." He said softly. "As long as you don't drop your ice cream again."

"No promises." Eddie giggled, looking into his eyes. "If you didn't want me to eat your ice cream, then don't offer it next time!" Richie didn't answer. He stood up to full height, and took Eddie's hand, leading him back to Ben and Stan.

"So are we good now? Cause I wanna know what happened." Stan requested.

And so, as they biked home, Richie explained the whole thing. "And then Eddie dropped his ice cream, so I let him have some of mine, and he ate it all- what a pig!" Richie rambled on and on about what happened.

"I am not a pig! I just ate what you gave me." Eddie defended.

Stan and Ben exchanged knowing glances. They knew what was up, even if Eddie and Richie didn't. They biked home, and it was never brought up again.

That was a really shitty ending... sorry. It's the middle of the night, but I wanted to post, so here we are.


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