The Fox and the Hound pt 1

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Request by an anonymous reader.

It took me a REALLY long time to get to this one, but the person who requested it specifically said I should get to some of my other requests first, so uhhh... yeah. Sorry it took so long haha oops

Also this was surprisingly difficult to write? Like trying to make them animals, but also human enough to still be the Eddie and Richie we know and love

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Eddie was startled awake by the sound of a nearby gunshot. The young fox was immediately on his guard, his chocolate-brown eyes wide as saucers. He was about three weeks old, just a pup. His pointy ears swiveled toward the new noises, a hunter and his hound dog celebrating their prey. Eddie couldn't shake his looking sense of dread, the young fox watching with apprehension as the hunter picked up the unfortunate animal on the receiving end of his bullet.

He gasped audibly, the limp form of a red fox draped over the sinful shoulder of the hunter. It was his mother. Eddie couldn't hold back the cry escaping from his lips. The hound dog whipped around, staring directly into the fox's terrified pupils. It started barking madly, taking off toward Eddie at a gallop. The pup squealed, dashing into the bushes quickly. He kept running, willing his miniature legs to keep going. Eddie snuck under a fence, escaping the hound dog. Exhausted, the tiny fox stumbled into a small divot in the ground, curling his fluffy tail around his shaking form, and passed out.

When Eddie awoke to find himself inside a building, panic surged through him. His eyes wide as saucers, his black pupils blown in fear. His heart raced as he tried to find his bearings. He was inside what looked to be a house, with a delicious smell radiating from the kitchen. Eddie briefly wondered if the smell was coming from his mother, being tenderly roasted to perfection. Maybe he was next. But, those horrifying thoughts were pushed from his mind when an old lady with a kind face walked in.

"Oh! You're awake! Hello there, little one," she cooed, a friendly grin on her face. Eddie finally noticed the soft blanket he was resting on. There was a hot water bottle next to him, providing heat he used to find in his mother's soft fur. Eddie frowned, recalling the terrible image of his mother, lazily draped over the shoulder of that hunter. He shook his head, yipping softly at the woman.

"Aren't you just adorable!" She chuckled gently. "Now, I think you need a name. Perhaps you already have one?" She looked curiously at the tiny fox in the basket. Eddie cocked his head, staring quizzically at the old woman. "Oliver? No... Lucas?" No reaction. "Let's see... ah! Eddie?" The little fox lit up at that, letting out an excited yap. "Oh my! Eddie it is then." She pet the top of Eddie's head gently, being careful not to hurt the tiny animal.

"Eddie," she repeated, smiling kindly.


"Richie." The name was given to the young bloodhound puppy, with his floppy ears he stepped on as he walked, and his wrinkles that marked his breed. Richie was put outside, free to roam the small backyard area owned by the hunter. He instinctively out his nose to the ground, sniffing around the new territory. When Richie had had enough, he went into the small doghouse, curling up besides the older hound, Bill. Bill was an experienced hunting dog, years of being alongside a no-nonsense hunter made him a steely grump of a dog.

"Get out," Bill growled, pushing Richie out of the doghouse. "Mine." The young puppy whimpered, feeling a cold drop of water land on his head. And another, and another. Soon, it was raining hard, small puddles forming in divots in the dirt. Richie dejectedly moped his way over to the fence, hoping to find shelter from the rain there. Instead, he found a red ball of fur, curled up under the fence.

"Who are you?" Richie asked curiously. The red bundle of fur lifted its head, revealing a young, bright-eyed fox pup.

"Eddie." The fox cocked his head, staring at Richie. "Who are you?"

"I'm Richie." They sat in silence for a moment, both sizing each other up. "Do ya... do ya wanna be friends?" The hound questioned excitedly. Eddie jumped to his paws, a sharp grin on his face.

"Yeah!" He exclaimed. "Wanna go play?" Richie's smile stretched from floppy ear to floppy ear, wiggling under the fence. He pounced toward Eddie, tackling the red fox into the mud. "Oh!" Richie had pinned Eddie to the ground, a proud smirk on the puppy's wrinkled face.

"I win!" He yelled, letting Eddie free to take a victory lap. "Ha!" The fox sighed, shaking his head.

"We weren't even playing a game!" He protested.

"Were too!"

"Were not!"

"Were too!"

"Were n- this is stupid. Can we play a different game?" Eddie suggested. "How about tag?" Richie grinned wickedly.

"Tag! You're it!" He laughed, taking off in the direction of the forest. Eddie gaped at the energetic puppy, a happy smile forming.

"Wait up!" Eddie called, dashing after Richie. A faint "make me" was heard from somewhere in the woods, his oversized ears picking up the far away sound. The fox ran through the forest, listening for a sign Richie was nearby. He heard a muffled giggle from behind a tree, and he took this opportunity to pounce on Richie.

"How'd you find me?" Richie wondered, pinned down by the small fox. Eddie grinned.

"Magic!" He exclaimed, both of them collapsing into a fit of giggles. The two of them played a little longer, before Eddie picked up a faint call from the distance.

"Richie!" The hunter yelled, followed by a gruff bark from Bill.

"I think somebody's calling you," Eddie remarked.

"Hmm? Oh, I should probably go back." Richie turned toward his home, walking slowly. "Eds? Will you come by tomorrow to play?" He wondered.

"Oh, sure," Eddie accepted. "And don't call me that!" Richie just laughed, running back to his home. The fox watched as his new friend ran out of his sight before heading back to his own home. Eddie ran in through the small door flap, hopping into the comfy lap of the old woman. He sighed contently, closing his eyes to take a quick nap.

so? How was it? Part 2 coming soon!

To the anonymous guest reader, I hope this is to your liking :)

While you patiently await an update, maybe a visit to What a Feeling will buy me some time... (please?)

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