The Little Merman pt 3

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Part 3

I'm sorry it took so long, I've been watching too many tiktoks oops, but school will end soon enough and I can write more. Enjoy

Request by runningonibuprofen 

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person P.O.V.

After dinner (Eddie skipped the lobster and instead had a lot of salad), the two boys were tired. Prince Richie scooped Eddie up in his arms, carrying him to his bedroom. The smaller boy giggled, a soft, clear sound that seemed to resonate inside Richie's head.

"Alright, this is your bedroom. I'm right down the hall if you need me. Sleep well, Eds," Richie grinned, ruffling Eddie's hair. The shorter boy have him a playful glare in response.

"Oh, I know you love it, Eds," Richie insisted. Eddie rolled his eyes. "Your mom certainly appreciates me more." He wiggled his eyebrows, an lopsided grin gracing his features. Eddie did not like that comment as much as the prince did, and proceeded to close the door, shutting Richie out for the night.

Once Eddie was alone, he ran to the balcony. He sighed, surveying the land thoughtfully. One day he hoped to explore it with Richie by his side. He walked back inside, leaping onto the big fluffy bed. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced, the luxury of staying with the royal family was more than he could ever ask for. Of course, underwater, Eddie was royalty, but it wasn't nearly as interesting as Richie's life.

Eddie snuggled himself into the blankets, feeling comforted by the heavy layers above him. But it still wasn't right. Eddie got out of the comfy bed, trodding down the hallway to Richie's room. He knocked on the door, waiting for a view of the curly-headed prince.

"Yes?" Of course, Eddie couldn't answer. He knocked again, waiting for the prince to realize who was at the door. "Oh! Eddie spaghetti, is that you?" Eddie just knocked again in response. Not being able to speak was making this a lot more difficult than he expected. The door cracked open, revealing a pajama-clad Richie.

"Hiya Eds," he grinned. "And to what do I owe the pleasure?" Eddie's gaze trailed down to the floor, and he bit his lip. Richie looked at him curiously. "Do you... do you want to come in? You can sleep in here if you want." Eddie nodded excitedly. The Prince let out a chuckle, before ushering the smaller boy into the room.

"So, Eds..." Richie stared at the mute boy, in his borrowed clothing that hung down too low, his tiny freckles painted delicately across his nose and cheeks, and his faint strawberry vanilla scent. Everything about him was just so perfect- but Richie's heart already belonged to his anonymous savior.

Richie got back into his bed, Eddie cautiously shadowing. Eddie slipped under the covers next to the Prince, noting the warmth that spread through his body. The raven-haired boy flipped off the lights, and the two of them fell asleep.


In the morning, Richie woke up to find Eddie curled into his side, tucked under his arm. It was absolutely adorable, and Richie had to stop himself from disturbing the sleepy boy. He stayed still, grinning stupidly, walking on clouds. Maybe Eddie could steal his heart... maybe it had already been stolen. Richie had felt connected to the strange boy from the second they met on that beach, and that bond had only grown stronger from there.

Eddie stirred in his sleep, letting out a content sigh that melted Richie's heart. Being here with Eddie felt right, and he was much more sure of his feelings toward the boy now. Richie placed his hand in Eddie's hair, gently massaging his scalp. The sleeping boy's eyes fluttered, drowsy eyes meeting Richie's admiring stare.

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