Pennywise's Return pt 2

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Pt 2

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person

"Richie!" He turned his head at the familiar voice.

"Eds?" A small figure appeared out of the darkness. "Oh my God, Eds, are you ok?" Richie ran up to hug him, but he passed right through Eddie. "What the-"

"Richie, listen. I don't have much time. I'm being held captive, like Bev was. Go back there, and you will find me. Please hurry." Eddie's figure was fading away, and Richie frantically reached for him. "I'm sorry."

"Eddie!" Richie sat up, drenched in sweat. His heart thumped angrily. It was only a dream. But if dream Eddie told him he was still alive, then it was worth a shot. Richie wasted no time in packing a bag with a few essentials: snacks, water, flashlights, and a poker stick he found in his garage. He went back to the Neibolt house, desperate to find Eddie.

Richie walked through the dark hallways, the flashlight being his only source of light. He stopped when he saw the three doors marked with blood, not scary at all, scary, and very scary. He knew where he was. Richie shuddered, remembering the last time he was here. He kept walking until he found the well that led to the sewers. The rope was hanging down, almost like it had never fallen. Richie climbed down quickly, losing his balance a few times.

Once Richie was safely on the ground (iT's nOt rEaLLY tHaT saFe tHo), he went through the tunnels leading to the room Eddie was supposedly in. He was greeted by the lingering stench of blood and death. The floating kids were back up, less than last time, but still a good amount. He started to tear up, not seeing Eddie anywhere. He finally spotted him, wiping away his tears. Eddie was a good 10 feet off the ground, but close enough to be able to climb Pennywise's belongings and bring him down.

Richie started to climb, with only one thing in mind: Eddie. He climbed up, scaling the tall pile quickly. Once he was close enough to Eddie, he jumped off, reaching out to bring him down. Both boys landed with a soft thump, they fell slowly, almost as if they had a parachute. Richie was overjoyed, but it didn't last long. Eddie was still unconscious, and Richie racked his brain to remember what they did to wake Bev.

"C'mon Eds, please wake up!" Richie begged. He couldn't remember. Richie started to break down, upset that he got so far, but couldn't save him. "Oh, Spaghetti, what should I do? I can't remember what we did to wake up Bev!" Richie was crying quite loudly, with big, breathy sobs making his whole body shudder. His Eddie Spaghetti wasn't breathing. He wasn't living. Richie wasn't sure how to fix it. Was he too late?

Richie kept crying, letting it wash over him in waves of sadness. He lay himself on top of Eddie's limp body, and put an ear to his chest, looking for a heartbeat. There wasn't one. Yet Richie had the feeling that he wasn't gone, not yet. He searched his brain once more for a solution, but he couldn't seem to figure it out.

"I-I'm so s-so sorry E-Eds, I f-f-failed you!" Richie wailed. "I-I hate t-that I c-can't, that I-I can't- that I can't save you!" He yelled out at no one in particular. Richie's eyes were red and puffy, and his cheeks were wet from crying. His heart ached for Eddie. Richie decided to give Eddie one last kiss before leaving forever. Richie took a deep breath, and messily squished his lips onto Eddie's. When he pulled away, Eddie gasped loudly and coughed.

"Holy shit!" Richie screamed. Eddie fumbled with his inhaler, taking a couple puffs and letting his breathing even out. "I thought you were dead! Don't scare me like that!" Richie slapped Eddie's arm softly. Eddie groaned, still lying on the ground. "Are you ok?" Richie asked, his voice full of concern. Eddie just groaned again and rolled over onto his side. His body convulsed, and he puked. Eddie dry heaved as Richie got nervous again.

"Eds? Is that- is that blood?" Richie tried to inspect the throw up, and it did look like blood. Richie watched as Eddie convulsed again, puking. Richie panicked, picking up Eddie bridal style and making a run for it. His legs were cramped from sitting, so he was slow at first, but he picked up speed, running through the tunnels and out of the house. Eddie looked pale, and he was sweating profusely. His eyes rolled back, and his body went limp in Richie's arms.

Something was definitely wrong with Eddie. Richie ran back to his house, calling for an ambulance. It arrived quickly, loading Eddie into the back.

"Are you family?"

"Yeah, I'm his brother." Richie lied. He climbed in, scared out of his mind. When they reached the hospital, Eddie was rushed into the ER, followed by many doctors. Richie sat down in the plastic chairs in the waiting room. He was devastated. Richie had gone through many emotions today, with finding Eddie and assuming him dead, to the kiss and Eddie's awakening, and now this. He couldn't even think of the possibility that Eddie might die, for real this time, stuck in the hospital.

"Edward Kaspbrak?" Richie jumped to his feet, his heart thumping in his chest. "He's fine, just a virus, but a nasty one at that. He's in room 118 if you want to see him." Richie relaxed slightly, knowing Eddie was ok. Looks like he'll just be sick for awhile.

"Thanks!" Richie sped down the hallway, looking for 118. He walked in, and another wave of sadness washed over him. Eddie was hooked up to many machines, most of which were beeping or blinking or doing something annoying. Richie sighed. Eddie was still passed out, his eyebrows furrowed slightly. Richie pulled up a stool and sat next to him, grabbing his hand. It was cold and clammy. Richie felt his head, and he was burning up. Poor Eddie. Richie slowly fell asleep, holding Eddie's hand the whole time. They were just happy to be together safely.

Wow that took longer than expected huh


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