Cindereddie pt 3

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Well a 3rd part was requested so here we go hope it doesn't suck too bad! Have a wonderful new year, happy 2018! Yay! I'm super excited for 2019 because the next chapter is coming out omg I'm gonna see it for sure! The lullaby is called Daddy's Lap, and yes I changed the words but it works soooooo...

Warning: This chapter has sexual assault in it so if you don't want to read it then skip. There's also a bathtub scene, but nothing really happens, but warning if it triggers you. It's rated high T for a reason.

Same rules as the other parts, obvi.

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person

Richie awoke suddenly, having heard a loud scream. He turned to look at Eddie, who was writhing and screaming in his sleep. Night terrors. Richie got up quickly, feeling slightly dizzy. He shouldn't of stood up so fast. Nevertheless, Richie was by Eddie's side in a matter of moments.

"Shhh, Eds, it's ok, you're safe, shhhhh," Richie tried his best to comfort the smaller boy, but it did nothing. Richie sighed, picking him up carefully. He rocked Eddie in his arms gently, and it seemed to calm him. Eddie was soon still. Richie started to sing:

"When the sun drops out of sight

And stars twinkle in the night,

When the birdies fly to rest,

There's a place I love the best:

Richie's lap, 'cause it's my nest.


Lulla, lullaby."

"That was beautiful, Rich." A voice, mulled over with sleep, spoke up. Richie jumped, dropping Eddie, and letting out a small screech. Eddie yelped when he made contact with the floor, hitting his head.

"What the fuck, Eddie! You nearly gave me a heart attack!" Richie exclaimed, clutching his chest. Eddie rolled his eyes, holding his head. Richie realized what happened, rushing to Eddie's side. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah- fuck." Eddie had a huge bump on his head, smack dab in the middle of his forehead.

"Does it hurt?" Richie wondered.

"Like hell."

"Shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't think-"

"It's not your fault, it was just a reflex." A bruise began to form, turning the bump a sickly greenish-red. "But uh, could I maybe have a Tylenol or something?"

"Oh, sure." Richie ran to the bathroom, grabbing a small bottle. "Here, take this." He handed it to Eddie, who quickly downed the pills without water. Richie was slightly stunned, but he snapped out of it. "Everything good, Eds? Can we go back to bed now?" It was 3 in the morning, and Richie was exhausted from the last few days.

"Yeah." Eddie paused, thinking. "Could I sleep with you?" Richie nodded.

"Sure, Eds, but warning: I kick in my sleep!" Richie laughed.

"Ok." Richie and Eddie climbed into the bed. Richie pulled Eddie in closer, wrapping his arms around the smaller boy. They fell asleep quickly, and Eddie didn't have anymore night terrors. Although he did wake up once after being kicked in the leg, he slept well that night.

"Eds? Hey, wake up!" Richie whispered, shaking Eddie.

"Hmm!" Eddie protested, half asleep.

"I have to pee, can you wait here for a minute?" Richie questioned.

"Wash your hands," Eddie mumbled sleepily.

"Ok, I will." Richie left to go to the bathroom, leaving Eddie alone in the bed. He shivered, even underneath all the covers. He wanted Richie back, he was warm. Luckily for him, Richie returned soon after, climbing back into bed. Eddie tucked his head in the crook of Richie's neck, sighing contently.

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