No, You Listen

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Requested :)

Thanks for 600 views! Wow didn't think it would be so popular!

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person

Patrick knew it wasn't right. Someone like him, with someone like Eddie? It just wasn't right.

Richie and Eddie were out together, eating ice cream. Patrick was there too, but by himself. He watched the two of them flirt madly with each other. It made him sick. Eddie was so perfect, perfect for him. Richie was merely a roadblock.

The next day, Patrick left a note in Eddie's locker, telling him to meet at the ice cream place after school. Eddie, thinking the note was from Richie, was indeed there. What Patrick didn't know was that Stan and Bill were getting ice cream that day. Eddie sat alone, licking his ice cream. He felt betrayed by whoever left that note. Why would they ask him out, and not show up?

But Patrick was there. He had been watching Eddie. He finally had the courage to go up to him.

"Hey, Eddie." Eddie jumped, startled.

"P-please don't!" He gulped, shaking his head and leaning back.

"Calm down, I just wanna talk." Eddie slowly sat up, narrowing his eyes.

"About what?"

"This." Patrick leaned in quickly, kissing the boy right on the lips. Eddie pulled away, gasping and coughing.

"What the fuck!?" Eddie exclaimed angrily.

"Sorry, it's just that I like you, Eddie, I like you a lot. But you always hang out with that Richie guy, and he doesn't like me much," Patrick explained.

"Well, you did bully us for most of our lives," Eddie pointed out, frowning angrily. "And for the record, Richie's my boyfriend, so of course I spend time with him!"

"Oh." Patrick got up and left, unaware of the two boys gaping at the scene they had just witnessed.

"We gotta tell Richie."


"He did WHAT?!" Richie exclaimed, fury lacing his voice.

"He kissed Eddie!" Stan explained. "Then they talked, Eddie looked upset, and Patrick just left."

"Oh he is SO gonna get it!" Richie curled up his fist, teeth clenched in anger. Eddie was his. Nobody else's. He stormed off, heading to find Patrick and Eddie.

Eddie was easy, he was at his house. Richie roughly grabbed him by the arm, dragging him away.

"Rich. Richie! Stop, you're hurting me!" Eddie struggled in his grasp. Richie swiftly turned, taking Eddie's other wrist and holding him still.

"Did Patrick Hockstetter kiss you?" He asked bitterly.

"Yeah, but-"

"That's all I need to hear." Richie threw down Eddie's hands, storming away. Eddie rubbed his sore wrists. They were already forming bruises.

"Richie, wait, we need to talk."

"No we don't." Richie walked faster, trying to avoid him. Eddie ran up to Richie, taking a puff from his inhaler. "Go away."

"Richie, listen-" Richie turned, grabbing Eddie's wrists again. Eddie struggled a little, trying to loosen his grip.

"No, you listen. I love you, Eddie. And I don't like it when other people have their hands on you. You're mine."

"Well how do you think I feel about this? All he did was kiss me, I didn't kiss back or anything. We talked, and he left. That's the end of it." Eddie huffed. "And please let go, you're hurting me!" Richie immediately released Eddie, who's wrists had white marks in the shape of fingers.

"I'm so sorry Eds, I'm just a little upset. I just want you to be mine, and only mine."

"I am yours. Just, don't go after him, ok? He will beat you up," Eddie advised. Richie nodded.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered.

"I know you didn't. It's ok, really."

"No, it's not. Eddie, I want you to have the best, I want you to feel special, I want you to be happy," Richie admitted. Eddie stayed silent. "I just want you to know that. I love you, forever and always."

"I appreciate it, but you don't have to do anything for me to love you. Just be yourself, because that's what I love the most. You."

"Tozier!" Someone shouted. Eddie and Richie turned to face none other than Patrick Hockstetter. Richie instinctively held his hands out in front of Eddie.

"What do you want?"

"You know what I want," Patrick retorted. "Now give him to me."

"Never. Leave him alone."

"Richie..." Eddie warned. Richie stepped toward Patrick, holding Eddie's hand.

"Run." It was so quiet, so small that Eddie barely heard it. They ran, narrowly avoiding Patrick lunging for them. They ran until Eddie had to stop and take a breather on the sidewalk.

"Thank you, Rich."

"Anything for you, bubba."

Not really Valentine's Day, but just in time for it! I might upload another one tomorrow, keep an eye out for it!


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