Soulmate AU

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request by OptimisticWatermelon98 (

before I start I just want to apologize for the really long break. I recently discovered a new ship and there's not as much content for them, so I've been doing my part there. I will try my best to divide my attention between reddie and the other couple (parley for those wondering) but currently I'm more focused on the others.

Soulmate AU

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Richie never believed in soulmates. Even with his mark, he didn't really think it was real. You see, Richie Tozier was born with a tiny inhaler on his wrist, his soulmate symbol. Every time he looked at it, the curly-haired boy couldn't help but roll his eyes, or scoff at the symbol that supposedly represented his soulmate.

That is, until he met Eddie Kaspbrak.

Eddie was a small, germophobe boy with a snappy tone and soft freckles. Oh, and he carried an inhaler with him everywhere he went. Richie was instantly attracted to the brunette, and they became fast friends. The taller boy was sure to hide his soulmate mark from Eddie, in fear that he wouldn't have a mark for Richie.

The more they spent together, the harder Richie fell for the asthmatic boy. Their group of friends grew, and soon enough the seven of them, nicknamed "The Losers Club," did everything together. Still, Richie felt his connection with Eddie was stronger than his relationship with the other losers. They would hang out alone, just the two of them. They talked for hours and hours, discussing school and activities and their pasts.

The only topic Richie and Eddie avoided was their soulmate marks.

The pair grew closer, and Richie's feeling for the smaller boy were getting harder to conceal. He went down to the kissing bridge, pocket knife in hand. Taking a deep breath, Richie started carving an "R" into the wooden bridge. He added a "+" after it, shakily bringing his hand up to trace his fingers along the carving. But Richie couldn't bring himself to finish.

The curly-haired boy stared at his unfinished work, frowning. He just couldn't do it. Richie was so sure Eddie was his soulmate, but at the same time, something inside stopped him from carving an "E" next to the plus.

Richie took a step back, sighing. "R + ," it read. Meaningless. He put his head in his hands, trying to keep himself from crying. Why was this so difficult? Eddie had to be his soulmate, his one true love, but... he couldn't do it.

Unbeknownst to Richie, the asthmatic boy in question was behind him, watching with shock as his best friend completely broke down. Eddie let his eyes find what Richie had been looking at, seeing a fresh carving that read "R + ." The brunette bit his lip, trying to build up the courage to say what he needed to say.

"Richie?" The curly-haired boy's head shot up, eyes wide. He quickly wiped away the tears streaming down his face, but didn't turn around.

"What do you want, Eds?" Richie's voice was raw, with a slight waver to it. Eddie sat on the pavement next to the taller boy, looking off into the distance.

"I need to talk to you about something." Richie winced, preparing himself for the bad news he knew was sure to come. But to his surprise, it never came. "I, uh, I think you're my soulmate." Richie's eyes widened in shock, turning to face the smaller boy. Eddie held out his wrist, revealing his soulmate mark. Richie just stared, completely emotionless. The tiny pair of glasses on Eddie's wrist were an exact replica of the coke bottle ones resting on Richie's nose.

"I... I've known for awhile. I always hid it from you and the other losers, but..." The smaller boy's voice cracked. "I think it's time I tell you the truth." Richie stared blankly at the tiny glasses, his mind completely overwhelmed with this new information. "Richie? Please say something," Eddie frowned, biting his lip. The curly-haired boy looked up, his eyes meeting the brunette's.

"I knew it had to be you." He held out his wrist, showing Eddie the tiny inhaler. The smaller boy let out a soft breath, smiling. Richie stood up, offering a hand to Eddie, who gladly took it. "Soulmates?"

"Soulmates." Richie leaned in, pressing his lips to Eddie's. Both boys could feel the fireworks go off, the butterflies in their stomachs fluttering madly. They broke apart, Eddie taking a puff from his inhaler without taking his eyes off the taller boy. Richie scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, a light blush crossing his cheeks.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Eddie grinned, a blush dusting over his freckles.

"You and me both, Rich." The asthmatic boy grabbed Richie's collar, pulling the taller boy down for another kiss.

yay I updated


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