Camping Trip?

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I'm sorry it's been so long, I've been working on other things. I'm back now, but updates will be slow.

I haven't seen IT part 2 yet and I'm so pissed ugh.

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person P.O.V.

"Whoo! Schools out!" Richie yelled. "Maybe now I'll have time to do something better," he said, winking at Eddie. Eddie blushed, looking everywhere but Richie.

"H-how about, uh, a, um, camping trip?" Bill suggested. "How about, um, th-this weekend?"

"Can't. I'm staying at my grandma's house in Florida all summer," Ben admitted, frowning.

"Neither can I." Mike kicked the dirt with his shoe. "I'm staying on the farm to help out." Richie looked at Eddie.

"We're both going, right Eds?" Eddie's head snapped up to look at Richie, distaste clearly on his face at the idea of living outside.

"I guess," he mumbled.

"Great! Stan the man! Can you go?" Richie asked.

"Um, I guess."

"You gays can go without me. I'm going to stay here," Bev stated.

"Um... Bev, you called us-"

"Did I fucking stutter?" Bev smirked. "You gays have fun now." Richie rolled his eyes.

"Um, when I, uh, when I get h-home, I'll call, um, you guys," Bill said. "Um, well, uh, s-see you, um, soon!"

Stan and Bill walked off, heading in the opposite direction of Eddie and Richie. Richie rambled excitedly, much to Eddie's chagrin.

"-and we can make smores, and tell campfire stories, and sleep in tents, and-"

"Richie, shut up!" Eddie yelled. The trashmouth froze. Eddie wasn't usually so upset over his chattiness. The smaller boy had a large frown on his face, scowling so intensely that even Richie was silent. Well, at least for a few seconds, anyway.

"Eds?" He asked cautiously. Eddie didn't move. His eyebrows furrowed even more, the look of pure anger on his face. "I can stop talking if that helps-"

"Richie. Shut up." Eddie closed his eyes, breathing heavily. He sat on the curb, head in hands. The taller boy closed his mouth, sensing the anger Eddie was trying to suppress. He sighed, relaxing his tensed muscles in exhaustion. "Sorry, I just... I just wanted to spend the summer doing something... alone? With... you?" Eddie stared down, focusing intensely on a pebble next to his shoe.

"Why didn't you just say so? We don't have to go camping with Bill and Stan if you don't want." Richie smiled slyly. "I wouldn't mind a little alone time with my little Eddie Spaghetti." He looked up, rolling his eyes at Richie.

"Don't call me that!" Eddie whined. He sighed, shaking his head. Suppressing a giggle, he covered his mouth, but he couldn't hold in the laughter that came out. Eddie burst out laughing, making Richie take a step back at the sudden outburst. Richie wouldn't admit it, but he was staring at Eddie. Admiring his freckles, his beautiful brown eyes, and listening to his laugh.

"Hey, Eds, why don't we head to the quarry?" Eddie looked hesitant, debating in his mind. "Just you and me. We can go alone."

"That does sound tempting..." he smiled. "Yeah, sure. Let's go." Richie stood up, offering his hand to Eddie. The shorter boy grabbed it, getting pulled up with ease.

"Wow, Spaghetti Man, you're so light! What do you even eat?" Richie joked loudly. Eddie blushed, giggling a bit at his silliness. The pair walked off, hand in hand, on their way to the quarry. And everything felt right in the world.

Guys. I am so so sorry. I've been missing for a really long time, which I didn't anticipate at the time. I went through a lot during the past year I've been missing for, and it's made me busy. But, holiday break means lots of time to avoid my relatives! So hopefully I can write some more chapters soon...

I haven't seen IT part 2 yet, I promise I'm trying to be able to see it but it came out during my most busy time of year (sports ugh) sorry if anything was inaccurate

Hey while you're here you should read some of my other stories, I've got plenty more Reddie if you just look for it!

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