Mer Eddie

854 19 3

I'm running out of ideas so please leave suggestions so I don't have to use prompts. Thanks!

Mermaid AU

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person

Richie couldn't wait. He was taking a trip down to Miami, Florida, and he planned to visit as many beaches as possible. There was a private lake house he rented, and Richie wanted every waking moment spent in the water.

On June 24th, he flew down south to Miami. Finally, Richie would have alone time to do what he wanted. He drove to the house, marveling at the size of the lake. He threw his bag on the bed, grabbing his swim trunks. He changed quickly, running out to the water. He hopped in, enjoying the peace and quiet, and floated on top of the water. Richie jumped, having felt something brush by him. It swam past again, and Richie reached in quickly and grabbed it.

He pulled it up, using all his strength. It was a big creature, almost human sized, only slightly smaller. As his hands surfaced, so did a tail, wide and flat, with raised ridges. Richie kept dragging it up, revealing a scaled creature. Once it was entirely surfaced, Richie got a closer look at it. It was a merman, a young one. His face was freckled, tan, and he had beautiful brown eyes. Its scales and tail were a pale green color.

"P-please don't hurt m-m-me!" It stuttered. Richie loosened his grip, but didn't let it go.

"What are you?" Richie asked.

"I'm a, I'm, uh, a merman?"

"I don't think you answer a question with another question. Are you a merman or not?"

"Yeah." It looked defeated, tired, and embarrassed. It struggled in Richie's grasp, flopping around uselessly.

"If I let you go, do you promise not to go anywhere?" Richie narrowed his eyes.

"Promise. Please let me go!" It wiggled more, and Richie released his hand. It fell back into the water, swimming in a circle and popping back up, keeping the promise.

"So, um, do you have a name?" Richie wondered.

"Of course I have a name!" It scoffed. "I'm Eddie. Do you have a name?"

"Richie." Eddie nodded, smiling at him. "So, Eddie, if you don't mind me asking, why are you in my lake?" Eddie looked down, frowning at the water. He sighed, recalling the memory.

"One day, I was happily swimming in the ocean, minding my own business, when a huge net full of fish closed in around me." Eddie shuddered, avoiding Richie's gaze. "I was brought up into a boat, where a fisherman separated the fish from me, and I was put in a small plastic tub. I don't know what happened after that, but I ended up in this lake."

"Is that it?"

"No. An old scientist would take me inside everyday to conduct a new test. But one day, he stopped coming. It hasn't been long, but I'm out of fish. He died, I know that. But his research should still be inside somewhere." Eddie looked up suddenly, his eyes begging. "Could you bring me something to eat?"

"Uh... What do you usually eat? Fish?" Richie questioned.

"Yes. There are fish somewhere in the house. I don't think they could've gone bad, it hasn't been that long since he died. Please, please, please go find them!"

"Fine." Richie got out of the water, running inside. Eddie was right, there was a huge freezer with fish in it. Richie took the bucket nearby and filled it with fish, and ran back to the lake. Eddie was on the sand, his tail flicking up and slapping hard against the ground. Richie set the bucket down, a good distance away from Eddie, and threw the fish at him. Eddie greedily ate everything, surprising Richie. Eddie licked his chops, before turning beet red.

"Um... Richie?"


"I uh, I need some help. I can't- the water- I-"

"You're stuck?" Eddie nodded. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Pick me up and move me, genius." Richie looked unsure. "I'm not gonna bite you, relax. But, um, please hurry. I kinda need the water."

"You're such an idiot, if you needed the water, then why didn't you stay in it?" Richie sighed. Eddie gave him puppy eyes, and Richie gave in. "Fine." He grabbed Eddie by the waist, picking him up. Eddie wrapped his arms around Richie, in fear of being dropped. Richie waded into the lake, carefully bending down to let the mer go.

"Just, next time, stay in the water." Eddie nodded. Richie went back inside to dry off. He opened one of the dressers to put his clothes in, and noticed a folder in the back. Richie opened the folder, curious. He read part of it, and immediately felt bad for Eddie. The papers inside explained, in full detail, every experiment and test the scientist performed on the mer. He had done some horrible things to Eddie, and it made Richie angry. He felt like the scientist had punched him in the heart. He read through a couple of the pages, before grabbing his trunks and running back outside.


"What?" Eddie asked. He sounded sleepy, and he looked the part, too. Richie just thought it made him look adorable. Richie got in the water, and Eddie slowly swam up to him.

Richie sat in the shallow, letting Eddie hover over his lap. He remembered what he had read, and he looked for the scars, his fingers traced over one on his lower back, and he looked at the missing scales. Eddie flipped himself over, exposing his chest and stomach. Richie gasped in surprise. There was a huge scar on the front of his chest, in the shape of a Y. Richie touched it carefully, making Eddie wince. He didn't remember reading about this one. Richie leaned over and kissed his chest, avoiding his scar. Eddie hummed happily, glad that he had found someone who loved him.

« »

It came time for Richie to go home, but he knew what to do. Instead of flying, Richie would rent a car and bring Eddie home in a tank. Richie and Eddie lived together, happily. Eddie resided in a huge tank with lots of hiding spots, and Richie slept in the same room. They were a good pair, but nobody could ever know about Eddie. And that was how they liked it.

Well, that sucked. Sorry. It seemed like a good idea in my head, but now I'm seriously missing summer. Winter is not my season, ugh. Dry skin and cold weather? Not for me, nuh uh, nope. Winter is just ew. Anyway have a... winter.


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