Will You Marry Me?

804 22 2

Request by Lovedoven101 (Fanfiction.net)! I hope you enjoy! ;)

They are 17 and 18 in this one. :)

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person

"I don't think you should hang around that Tozier boy anymore, Eddiebear." Sonia Kaspbrak sat in front of the tv, as usual.

"What's wrong with Richie?" Eddie questioned. He was washing the dishes before going out. Richie had asked him out, and Eddie had said yes of course.

"He's no good." Eddie stopped, putting the cup he was washing down.

"I gotta go..." Eddie trailed off, grabbing his shoes and adjusting his jacket. As he walked by, Sonia grabbed his wrist.

"I mean it, Eddie. Don't disobey me," She growled. Eddie was frightened, and his wrist hurt. He pulled away, walking out the door. His wrist was already turning a light shade of purple, and there were little indents where her nails had dug into his skin. Eddie sighed. He and Richie had made plans to meet at the park, 3 minutes ago. He hopped on his bike, pedaling as fast as he could. Eddie stopped at the gate leading into the park, taking a puff from his inhaler. He removed his jacket, revealing a nice shirt, Richie's favorite. It was light purple with a folded collar.

"Hey Eds!" Richie called. "Over here!" Eddie ran to him, jumping into his arms. He took a puff from his inhaler, his lungs burning from all the exercise. Richie stared down at the beautiful boy in his arms. "I'm gonna tell them." Eddie's expression changed from pure bliss to nervousness.


"Yeah." Eddie and Richie hadn't come out yet. Eddie, because his overbearing mother wouldn't accept him, and Richie, because his parents were always drunk off their ass and never home. But, as fate would have it, they were home tonight. So Richie was going to tell them, and hope they accept him for who he is.

Eddie frowned, closing his eyes. All he wanted was for Richie to be happy, but his parents... his parents would just upset him. But if Richie was going to come out, so was he.



"I will too." Eddie chewed on his lip. He glanced sideways, then snapped back to focus. "But what if she doesn't accept me?" Eddie's voice was so small, so quiet, that Richie had barely heard him. Richie interlaced his fingers with Eddie's, and looked him straight in the eye.

"Don't worry about her. I accept you. The losers accept you. And that's all that matters." Eddie closed his eyes, leaning into Richie. Both boys fell into the grass, and Eddie rested his head on Richie's belly. They fell asleep like that, snoozing peacefully.

Richie was the first to awaken. He heard the soft snores coming from Eddie, and smiled. Richie pet his hair, waiting for him to wake up. Eddie shivered, snuggling deeper into Richie's side.

"Bubba, you gotta wake up," Richie cooed. Eddie groaned, but obediently opened his eyes, squinting in the sunlight. He sneezed, and grabbed his inhaler. After taking a few puffs, Eddie sighed.

"Did we- did we sleep here?" He asked.

"Yeah," Richie confirmed. Eddie frowned. He sneezed again, coughing too. Richie sat up, rubbing his back. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah," Eddie sniffed, wiping his nose. "But I should probably get out of the grass. Allergies." Richie nodded, scooping Eddie in his arms, and carrying him away from the park. Eddie kept sneezing, and he had his inhaler in his hand.


"Don't be. I love you, Eds. More than everything. You are my world, my lifeline." Richie set him down, and got down on one knee. "Eddie Kaspbrak, will you marry me?" Eddie gasped, putting his hands over his mouth.

"Yes. Yes! Of course I'll marry you!" Eddie exclaimed. "But... what about our parents?"

"They have to know. I'm telling them when I get home." Eddie frowned. "Don't worry Eds, I have the key to my uncle's apartment. He said if we wanted to stay with him we could." Eddie nodded, still trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Okay. I'll tell my mom too." Eddie paused, still tired. "I might be needing that key..."

"Oh, bubba, I probably will too. But at least we have each other! Who cares what those homophobic bitches think?" Richie and Eddie walked home, first to Eddie's house, then Richie walked the rest of the way alone.

"Mom?" Richie called. "I need to talk to you." Richie's mother appeared around the corner, eyes droopy, with the stink of alcohol surrounding her.

"Wwhhat-t," she slurred.

"Mom I'm- I'm getting married."

"Tttthhhhhattttsss ggrrreeaattt hhoonney, wwwhhhooooss tthhhheee lluucckky lllaaddyyy?"

"Actually, it's a guy." Maggie Tozier slapped him across the face.

"Fffffagg," she muttered. Richie ran to his room, grabbing the backpack he had packed earlier. He went outside, and sprinted to Eddie's house. He waited on the doorstep for Eddie to run out.

"Mommy?" Eddie called.

"What?" Sonia grunted.

"I'm getting married," Eddie watched her as she turned around, suddenly taking an interest in what he was saying.

"Really? To who?"

"Um... RichieTozier." He said it really fast, in hope his mom wouldn't be able to understand him. No such luck.

"Richie Tozier? I thought I told you to stay away from him!" Sonia roared, standing up and grabbing Eddie by the arm. "And now you're getting married? What kind of son are you?!" Eddie had tears running down his face. Sonia's grip on his arm was rather tight, and it was bruising his delicate skin. She dug her nails in, making him bleed. Eddie cried out in pain, trying to free his arm from her iron grip.

"Don't. You. Ever. Disobey. Me. AGAIN!" Sonia roared, letting go of Eddie. "YOU HAVE 1 MINUTE TO GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU WORTHLESS FAG!" Eddie was crying harder now. He shakily packed up some stuff, clothes and a first aid kit, along with his favorite comic book. He ran out the door, tripping over something.

"Let's go!" Eddie was picked up off the ground, and dragged around the side of his house. He could barely see with all the tears in his eyes. "Hey, hey, it's ok."

"Richie?" Eddie wondered.

"Yeah, bubba, it's me. Did she hurt you?" Richie asked. Eddie showed him his other arm, with was a nasty shade of green, with deep indents spotted with blood. Richie wiped away some of Eddie's tears, letting him see. Richie's cheek was bright red, with and undertone of yellow. He was bruising too.


"I'm fine. My uncle can pick us up at the gas station, but we have to call. Got any quarters?" Eddie nodded. "Alright. We better get going though." Richie led Eddie away from his house, both of them running. Once they were out of view, they walked. Eddie took a puff from his inhaler, breathing fast.

"Can, we, stop, for, a, moment?" Eddie panted. He was exhausted from running so far. So was Richie. Both of them sat on the sidewalk, and Eddie pulled out the first aid kit. He poured some peroxide over the cuts in his arm, and put a cream on the bruise. Then he put more cream on Richie's cheek, making him wince.

"Thanks." Richie smiled. Eddie nodded. "Let's keep going." They two boys kept walking, and soon enough they were at the gas station. Eddie used a quarter, and Richie called his uncle. They hung out at the station, waiting for him to show up. When he did, Richie and Eddie both climbed into the backseat. Eddie fell asleep in the car, his head resting on Richie's shoulder. They lived with Richie's uncle for awhile, until he passed away, leaving the apartment to Richie. Eddie and Richie lived happily as a married couple for a long time.

Sorry sucky ending, but update amirite! So last night I found a draft I didn't know I had written, and I want to post it but it's a little weird. Pm me if you want to know what it is, because I don't want to say it on this rated T story (hint hint). Leave reviews and such, have a great Superbowl fam!


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