The Fox and the Hound pt 3

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part 3!

It's really long haha

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person P.O.V.

It had been six months since Richie had rejected Eddie. The fox pup was now an adult, his sleek red coat suiting him rather nicely. He hadn't heard from Richie since that last day, but he knew the puppy he once knew was gone.

Eddie was roaming around the forest, minding his own business, when his ears caught the faint sound of a car coming up the dirt road. He hunkered down, flattening his large ears to his head as he watched for the car. Eventually, a beaten up truck came cruising down the road, two dogs sitting inside. Eddie squinted at the hound in the passenger seat, eyes widening in realization.

Richie was that hound.

Eddie jumped to his paws, running back home. He paced the floors of the house, trying to figure out how to visit Richie without being caught. The red fox frowned, a thought flashing over his mind. What if Richie didn't want to be friends? Eddie gnawed at his lip, anxiously running over the plan in his head. He couldn't mess this up.

Later that night, Eddie ran out through the cat door, making his way through the forest to Richie's yard. He snuck up around the back, squeezing under the fence. Richie seemed to be asleep, but Eddie watched the way his nose twitched every so often, reminding him of the danger the hound represented.

"Eddie." The fox jumped, fur standing on end.


"What are you doing here? You know you can't be here," the dog frowned.

"Wait, just- I... I wanted to know if we can still be friends," Eddie said hopefully.

"Eddie... I'm a hunting dog now."

"So?" Richie sighed.

"You don't understand... Eddie... I hunt animals like you. I kill animals like you. I've killed so many foxes..." The hound trailed off.

"... So?" Eddie insisted stubbornly, albeit a little hesitant this time.

"So we can't be friends. I'm sorry, Eddie." Richie turned to look at the door to the house. "Now go, before someone catches you. And don't ever come back." The fox stared at the ground dejectedly. He barely even heard the loud barking from the doghouse. Bill had woken up, and wasted no time in alerting the hunter of Eddie's location.

"Eddie! Run!" Richie hissed. The red fox took off, running into the forest, Bill at his heels, the hunter and Richie not far behind. He ran with tears in his eyes, blurrily darting between trees. He was barely ahead of Bill, the large dog barking and running after him. Eddie hopped across some train tracks, Bill close behind. The fox teetered at the edge, jumping off and bracing himself for impact. He landed safely in all fours, hiding in some bushes.

Bill, however, wasn't so lucky.

The old hound dog knew he couldn't make the jump, wasting precious seconds on the train track. He was so focused on Eddie he didn't hear the train coming until it was too late. Bill flew through the air, almost in slow motion. Eddie, Richie, and the hunter watched with horror as Bill landed, a sickening crack echoing through the forest air. Eddie sat, open-mouthed, gaping at the crying hound. He used the distraction to escape, glancing back at Richie just in time to catch the death glare the hound sent. Eddie shivered, running off into the night.


Bill had been lucky, only his leg had been broken. It meant the hound wouldn't be hunting for awhile, but would be fine after it healed. Richie felt both relief for Bill and anger towards Eddie. If that fox hadn't come to visit him, Bill wouldn't have broken his leg. It was all Eddie's fault. Richie quickly swore to get revenge on Eddie for what he had done.

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