Sick Day

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So I planned it out so that I'll post a bunch of one-shots at first, then it will slowly kinda stop. But hopefully if enough people read this then I can make more and more! Leave a review, it means a lot and I read every single one!

Shout out to Lilycat1327 (Wattpad) for this oneshot idea! Ilysm!

Disclaimer: I don't own IT.

3rd Person

Richie woke up with a nasty cough and a sore throat. He tried to fight off the migraine forming in his head, but it was too strong. Richie groaned, knowing that he wouldn't be able to hang with the losers today. He lay down in his bed, trying to get some sleep.

"Hey, where's Richie?" Bev asked. "He didn't chicken out on us, I hope." The losers, minus Richie, were at the quarry, and they had a lot planned for the day.

"No, he wouldn't do that. He's probably late." Eddie said calmly, but inside he was nervous. He had never jumped without Richie by his side, it was just so high up that he needed that support. "I can go look for him." Eddie offered.

"What, are you scared?" Bev snorted. Eddie shook his head.

"No. I just don't- never mind. I'm gonna find Richie." Eddie frowned. He hopped on his bike and rode off, pedaling furiously. He was so embarrassed. At least Richie didn't see. But where was he? Knowing him, Richie probably slept in. So Eddie went to his house first.

"Richie?" He knocked on the door softly. "Richie! Are you home?" No answer. Eddie tried the door, it was locked.

He stepped back, looking for a way in. Richie's window was open, and there was a foothold. Eddie thought for a moment, but decided to climb up. He grabbed hold of a lower window, hoisting himself up on top of it. Eddie reached up and grabbed the overhang, and tried to get a foothold. He stepped on a loose brick, and it cracked under his weight. Eddie slipped down, skinning his knees and left elbow on the house. He grimaced, but found another foothold to step on. He used all his upper body strength to pull himself up to the window, and climbed in.

Richie jerked awake from a loud thud. He put on his glasses, and saw that it was Eddie, who had climbed in through his window.

"Fuck, Eds." Richie coughed. "Are you ok?" Richie could see the bloody stain on his carpet near Eddie, and it worried him. "Eds?" He asked again, voice becoming hoarse.

"What? Oh, y-yeah I'm fine, just a little shaken up." Eddie responded, unzipping his fanny pack. "I just need to use your bathroom for a minute." Richie nodded, and Eddiewent into the bathroom, and leapt up onto the counter, washing his knees and elbow in the sink. As the blood washed away, he put cotton balls on the scrapes. The hydrogen peroxide-soaked cotton stung, making Eddie wince. He carefully placed a bandaid on each scrape, and cleaned up.

"Eds, what happened?" Richie whispered, looking at Eddie's bandaged knees.

"I climbed in through your window, what do you expect?" Eddie frowned. "Are you ok? You don't look too good." They both sat down on the bed.

"I don't feel too good either." Richie coughed again. "How bad do I look?"

"Rich, forget your ego for a minute. Why do you feel bad?" He asked.

"Well... my throat hurts, and I got a nasty cough." Richie said. He stared at Eddie, who looked skeptical. "That's it, honest." Eddie sighed, unzipping his fanny pack.

"Come here." He demanded. Richie scooted closer to his friend. Eddie stuck a thermometer in Richie's mouth, and he spit it out quickly.

"What the fuck? If you're gonna stick something in my mouth, at least warn me first!" Richie exclaimed. His face turned red soon after, realizing what he said. "I, uh, meant to say that."

"Sure you did. Just let me help." Eddie responded. He put the thermometer in Richie's mouth, and left it there. Richie scowled the best he could, but it was hard because of the thermometer. It beeped, and Eddie reached over to take it out. When his hand got close, Richie stuck out his tongue and licked it, making the thermometer fall out of his mouth. Eddie shrieked and ran off to the bathroom, washing his hand. Richie snickered, picking up the fallen thermometer. It was 101.7°F.

"Hey Eds?" Richie called. "What temperature is normal again?" Richie knew the answer, he just wanted Eddie to come back. Right on cue, Eddie walked back in.

"98.6, dumbass. And don't call me that!" He exclaimed. "Give me that!" He grabbed the thermometer from Richie, inspecting it. "Oh, jeez Rich, you're really sick! I have something to help with the cough, just let me find it..." Eddie searched his fanny pack for the cough syrup, and gave a small cup of it to Richie. He swallowed the foul tasting liquid, shaking his head.

"Ewww, whoever invented that shitty grape flavor clearly never had grapes!" Richie complained. He crinkled his nose in disgust.

"Yeah, no kidding." Eddie sighed. "Now get some rest. Can I hang out here for awhile? I'll leave you alone." Richie nodded, and so Eddie stayed with his best friend for the rest of the day, monitoring his health. When it was time for him to leave, Eddie kissed Richie's forehead, blushing madly. Richie was fast asleep, but smiled a little. Eddie walked home, and coughed. He froze, turning around to find the drug store. He bought some tissues, more cough syrup, and refilled his inhaler too.

"Eddie bear! Oh no, my poor baby is sick! Go upstairs, honey, I'll take care of you!" She sang. Eddie sighed, knowing that in the morning he would go to the doctor, even though he only had a fever. He only wished that Richie would feel better in the morning, and maybe take care of him like Eddie took care of Richie.

I feel like shit, and that's exactly how this turned out. Shit. Well it's cold and flu season, so this makes some sense.

Thanks again Lilycat1327 for the idea! Go check out her Wattpad account and read her one-shots (amazing!) She's my irl bff :)


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