Carl was with Judith while I stayed with Lizzie and Mikah. We were walking back to Cell Block D when suddenly an explosion caused the ground and building to move. "What was that Chloe!" Mika called out scared. I kneeled to their level and said "You two go back to the cell block and stay hidden. Just like we practiced and If I don't come back in 20 minutes and you hear gun shots go straight for the bus do you understand me" The girls nodded quickly as they ran one way and I ran back to C. Suddenly as I went to turn I was grabbed.
"Shh shh its me" Carl told me, and I nodded. "We gotta go" He told me grabbing my hand and we ran towards the exit. We ran outside and stopped as I gasped. The Govender is back. He stood on a tank as Rick stood behind the fences. Carl tugged me over towards Daryl as he kneeled by the inner fence. The governor broke the silence as he yelled "Rick! Come down here. We need to talk." Rick looked up to say "It's not up to me. There's a council now. They run this place." Suddenly the Governor smirked as he looked back and nodded. Another guy went to the van opening the door "Is Hershel on the council? What about Michonne? She on the council, too?"
The guy grabbed Hershel and Michonne making them kneel in front of Rick on the ground with their backs against the Governor. "I don't make decisions anymore." Rick said, and I gulped. Why Hershel. He's a great man. The Governor just smirked as him. "You're making the decisions today, Rick. Come down here. Let's... Let's have that talk." From beside me Carl just faintly says "We can do this. All right?" I sighed lowly and disagreed, "We can't take 'em all on. We'll go through the admin building, through the woods like we planned. We ain't got the numbers no more. When's the last time someone checked the stash on the bus?" I asked, and Daryl spoke up, "Day before we hit the Big Spot. We were running low on rations then. We're lower now." Carl just says "Yeah, we'll manage." I shook my head, "Things go south, everyone heads for that bus. Let everybody know." I said and the person beside me got up and backed up slowly before running into the prison. "What if everybody doesn't know when things go bad? How long do we wait?" Carl asked, and Daryl just says, "As long as we can."
Tuning back to our attraction we're pointing our guns at. Rick then calls out "Let 'em go right now. I'll stay down here. Talk as long as you want. But you let 'em go. You got a tank. You don't need hostages." The Governor just says "I do. This is just to show you I'm serious. Not to blast a hole in our new home. You and your people, you have till sundown to get out of here or they die." I rolled my eyes and Rick says, "Doesn't have to go down this way." The Governor was looking for blood and revenge "I got more people, more firepower. We need this prison. There it is."
"It's not about the past. It's about right now. There are children here. Some of them are sick. They won't survive." The Governor wasn't giving up, "I have a tank. And I'm letting you walk away from here. What else is there to talk about?" Rick fell silent as The Governor continues to say "I could shoot you all. You'd all shoot back. I know that. But we'll win, and you'll be dead. All of you." Rick just repeated himself, "Doesn't have to be like that." The Governor just keeps a strong head, "Like I said, it's your choice."
Suddenly a walker came up and he pulled his hand gun out and turned as he shot it, before continuing to say "Noise will only draw more of them over. The longer you wait, the harder it will be for you to get out of here." Beside me Carl says, "We got to do something." Daryl only replies "Your dad's got it. They're talking." Carl just frustratingly says "We could kill the Governor right now." Daryl just scoffs "From yards?" Carl just snarks "I'm a good shot. I could end this right now." I then scoffed but chuckled, "Yeah, or you could start something else. You got to trust him."
Carl fell silent after that as we kept our aim focused on the Governor, as he talks "You got maybe about an hour of sunlight left. I suggest you start packing. The longer you wait, the harder it's gonna be for you to get out of here." Trying to think on the spot Rick calls out "We can all-- we can all live together. There's enough room for all of us. More than enough." The governor just scoffs. "But I don't think my family would sleep well knowing that you were under the same roof." Rick then calls out "We'd live in different cell blocks. We'd never have to see each other till we're all ready." Hershel then turns and calls out "It could work. You know it could." The Governor took a second to answer. "It could've. But it can't. Not after Woodbury. Not after Andrea."
"Look, I'm not saying it's gonna be easy. Fact is, it's gonna be a hell of a lot harder than standing here shooting at each other. But I don't think we have a choice." Rick tried to reason but the Governor says "We don't. You do." Rick then said "We're not leaving. You try and force us, we'll fight back. Like you said, the gunshots will just bring more of them out. They'll take down the fences. Without the fences, this place is worthless. Now, we can all live in the prison or none of us can." The Governor rolls his eyes as he says, "We'll fix the damn fences."
Suddenly it looked as if Rick was grabbing for straws has the Governor held Michonne's sword to Hershel's neck. My grip on my gun tighten as I took a deep breathe. "You. You in the ponytails. Is this what you want? Is this what any of you want?" The guy on the other side just says "What we want is what you got. Period. Time for you to leave, asshole." Rick just says "Look, I fought him before. And after, we took in his old friends. They've become leaders in what we have here. Now you put down your weapons, walk through those gates... you're one of us. We let go of all of it, and nobody dies. Everyone who's alive right now. Everyone who's made it this far. We've all done the worst kinds of things just to stay alive. But we can still come back. We're not too far gone. We get to come back. I know... we all can change."
The governor held Michonne's sword tighter, as he says "Liar." And cut Hershel's head off. I was in shock as tears went down my face. "No! Ah!" Rick yelled out firing the first shot. The Governor just calls out "Go through the fence in your cars. Get your guns, we go in. Kill them all." I shot and shot and shot trying to kill the people and the man who killed the only father figure I grew up with.
"I'm out of ammo." I called out as I ducked from a bullet. "Run for the bus. I'll cover you." Carl called out, but I shook my head. "I gotta go get the girls" I said as I looked around before taking Carl's head into my hands and kissing him passionately, before taking off running.
I got to the side of the prison when suddenly someone was in front of me. Two of them a guy and a girl, and they snickered as they came up to me. I held my hands up, as the gurl held her gun up. Suddenly the guy was shot first and then the girl was shot, and I looked over to see Lizzie and Mika with a gun. Tyreese stood up from the plants, and we shared a look "Let's go!" Mika said, and I nodded gulping as I ran after them. "Hey! We go that way!" Tyreese yelled, but we ran into the cell block and I ran in to my cell I shared with Carl.
I grabbed my emergency bag as I stuffed some last-minute items in there and turned to the girls. Mikah suddenly ran in and said, "I grabbed the diaper bag!" I smiled as I cooed at Judith "Hey baby ready to go on a trip?" before grabbing her. "Alright let's go" I said, and we ran out towards the bus. Suddenly I jerked Lizzie back as the bus over ran us over as it took off without us. "Alright we go to the woods" Tyreese said as he ran up to us, "remember what Carol and I taught you?" I asked them, and the girls nodded as we then ran into the woods.

Hope//C.G *Finished*
FanfictionChloe Greene. Meet Chloe. She was adopted by Hershel when she was just 8 years old. She learned how to hunt and protect herself, but soon the world goes to shit. "What's the point of livin if you don't have any hope." ~Hershel "Stay by my side?" "...