In a course of a matter of maybe two weeks. I, Chloe Greene have lost several people. Now Tyreese, Carol, Baby Judith, and I are heading to this place that might not even be real called Terminus. I can only hope Carl and everyone else are there. I held baby Judith to my chest, as I rocked her and hummed her a song. When I stopped humming I came up beside Carol and smiled slightly. Carol smiled at me before looking at Tyreese in front of us.
"We're close." She spoke, "I'm gonna get you both there. Make sure you're safe." Carol looked at us and Judith started Cooing. "But I'm not gonna stay." We stopped at the Terminus sign to see how far we must go before we started walking again. A walker came down the tracks at us and Tyreese looked at Carol. "I can't. Not yet." Carol just tells him "You're going to have to be able to." She goes after the walker and goes down with it as she stabs it in the head.
She then looked up and back at us with a shocked face. "More" she whispered, and I nodded as Tyreese grabbed the diaper bag and we took off the opposite direction and hid close to the ground behind a huge tree. I gulped as Carol went to lean up, but she ducked back down, and I jumped as a gunshot went off. The gunfire continued and soon lead all the walkers away. We got up from the ground and got back on the tracks.
"That gunfire, it could have been from Terminus." I spoke as I held the baby closer. "Someone was attacking them. Or they were attacking someone." Carol spoke, and I started bouncing from leg to leg to keep Judith happy. "Do we even want to find out?" Tyreese asked and looked from Carol to me and back to Carol. "Yeah." Carol said, and I went to the sign as I looked at all the tracks. "There's another track due east." I spoke, and Carol nodded. "It'll get us there. We'll be careful. We're gonna get answers."
We came across a guy putting up fireworks. I gave a sleeping Judith to Tyreese, as I walked towards him. Carol put her arm out and I nodded as she handed me her gun. I slowly walked up behind him. Woman on radio called out "10-minute count. You screw up, you're on your own, Martin." I stopped as I listened to the man Martin say "You don't have to tell me. I wipe my own ass. Alex didn't get it. See, I knew the chick with the sword was bad news. Bitch looked like a weapon with a weapon." I made a face as I continued to walk. The woman on the radio then called out "He was always a sloppy-ass mother."
Martin laughed. "Yeah, I told Albert I want the kid's hat after they bleed him out." That was it. I walked up faster and pointed the gun as I cocked it. Martin froze, and I said, "Keep your finger off the button and drop it." Carol and Tyreese walked up behind me. The woman over the radio then called out "They're only doing eight before public face." Before Martin said "Listen, y'all don't have to do this. Whatever you want, we got a place where everyone's welcome." I went to speak but Tyreese called out "Shut up, man." Martin nodded, "Okay." I then snarked "We're friends of the chick with the sword and the kid in the hat."
We tied his hands together and brought him and his supplies into the shed behind him. "They attacked us. We're just holding them." I scoffed at his words and said, "I don't believe you." While Carol went through his things Tyreese still held Judith as he asked "Who else do you have? Do you know their names?" I held my gun in front of him, I faced it down, nut kept a sharp eye on Martin. "We just have the boy and the samurai, that's it. We were just protecting ourselves." I sighed sharply.
"I don't believe you." Martin just looked over at Carol and said "There's a bunch of us out there in six different directions. There was a lot of gunfire back home. We need to set off our charges all at the same time to confuse the dead ones away. That's good for you, too." Carol looked back at him. "No, it isn't. There's a herd heading toward Terminus right now. We don't want to confuse them away. We're gonna need their help." Martin just scoffed "It's a compound. They'll see you coming. If you even, make it that far with all the cold bodies heading over."

Hope//C.G *Finished*
أدب الهواةChloe Greene. Meet Chloe. She was adopted by Hershel when she was just 8 years old. She learned how to hunt and protect herself, but soon the world goes to shit. "What's the point of livin if you don't have any hope." ~Hershel "Stay by my side?" "...