I giggled as arms went around my waist and pulled me back to bed. "No. Stay with me!" Carl whined, but I turned to him and kissed his nose. "I can't. I promised Olivia I'd be there at 10, and it's 9:00" I told him and he sighed. "Ten more minutes" He whined and I giggled again. "Fine, but I'm gonna stink all day" I said, and Carl smiled at me. "How about.. we take a shower together?" Carl offered and I weighed the options in my head with a hmm.
"Fine. but if Rick or Michonne comes in it's your turn to cover" I told him. Carl shrugged and I stood up "I'll meet you there" I said and he nodded. In our house there's an upstairs bathroom and a downstairs bathroom. Downstairs is Rick and Michonne's. Upstairs is Carl and I's until Judith is old enough. I grabbed some clothes and snuck into the bathroom. I turned the water on and got in. "They're not even awake yet" Carl called out and the curtain moved. We did our own thing before we washed each other's hair.
I got out first and changed Carl got out and changed too. I re did his bandage, and we walked out of the bathroom laughing before we heard "He-hem" I closed my eyes and breathed in, before turning and seeing Rick and Michonne. "H-Hey guys" I stuttered out. "We need to talk.. Now" Rick said and I flipped my head over to dry my hair, before hanging my towel up. "Chloe!" Rick called out and I then called out "Coming!"
I followed them downstairs to the dining table. I sat next to Carl who held my hand under the table. "I know you two have been together for years" Rick started out. "Are you at least using protection?" He asked and Carl and I instantly blush. "Yes we are" I said. Rick nodded "Good. We don't need anymore babies Carl" Rick said and Carl nodded. "I know dad" I then looked down at my wrist at the watch that was once Noah's. "Crap! I have ten minutes" I said and smiled at Rick "Can I be excused? I promised Olivia I'd-" Rick just says "Go on" I smiled and Kissed Carl's cheek before standing up and leaving.
I walked out of the house and down the street. I reached the pantry and Olivia called out "Ten o'clock on the dot" I giggled and said "Would of been earlier but had a family talk" Olivia shrugged "It's fine. I just need you to do your counts today" I nodded and she handed me my clip board. "I love that you do the extra counts. I can't watch and do it if I wanna sleep" I smiled and shrugged "Its no problem. I'm doing this and helping the infirmary. My father taught me some stuff, but I wish he taught me everything" Olivia smiled at me and I just nodded and walked back to the armory. I counted from every box to every gun. I finished and sat at a little desk Aaron put in here for me. Copying all the counts into a composition book. I had to go through what we had, and what we don't.
"Chloe!" I heard and got up as I went up the hall to the pantry "What's up Oliv-" I cut myself off as I saw Negan's smirk. "Show him where the guns are Chloe" Rick called out, and I nodded. "The armory's inside." Negan turned to us "You run the show in here?" I didn't say anything so Olivia did "We... We just keep track of it all, the rations, the guns." Negan nodded "Good. Smart. Don't let me stop you. Take them out, boys. Show 'em the goods." A guy came over to grab me up I jerked myself away "Don't touch me" I said and walked away from them outside. While Olivia showed them. "She's a fiesty one" Negan said laughing "I like her."
I walked over and sat on the front steps, as Negan called out "While they're at it, I just want to point out to you that I'm not taking a scrap of your food. Slim pickin's in here. And I can't be the only one to notice that you got a fat lady in charge of keeping track of rations, can I? Either way, you starve to death, I don't get shit, so for now, you get to keep all the food. How 'bout that?" Rick just asked "What do you want me to say?" Negan just says"I don't know, Rick. How about a thank you. You think that might be in order? Or is that too much to ask?!" Negan chuckled
"I know we started off on the wrong foot, but what can I say? You forced my hand, Rick. But it's like I've been tryin' to tell you -- I'm a very reasonable man as long as you cooperate, so let me ask you a question, Rick. Are you cooperating?" Rick just asks "What's it look like?" Negan chuckled "Oh-ho-ho. I know what it looks like. But what I really want to know is if we're gonna find all the guns back there or if maybe you got a few just waitin' for their moment... just like my Lucille. They're all in there, to the best of my knowledge. Mm. I am countin' on that, Rick."

Hope//C.G *Finished*
FanficChloe Greene. Meet Chloe. She was adopted by Hershel when she was just 8 years old. She learned how to hunt and protect herself, but soon the world goes to shit. "What's the point of livin if you don't have any hope." ~Hershel "Stay by my side?" "...