I laid against Carl with my ankle propped up on a pillow. "What happened" he whispered as he rubbing my arms with his hands trying to sooth me. Except I was still silent, and Carl leaned up and lifted my hand with his fingers, "Don't shut me out Chloe." He said and I nodded. I opened my mouth when Rick came in "Hey you" He said and came over kneeling next to us. "What'd Pete say about your ankle?" he asked and when I didn't say anything he looked at Carl.
"It's not broken, but he's gonna wrap it she has to stay off it for a few days" He told him and Rick nodded placing a hand on my arm. "Chloe. Tell me what happened." He said and I bit my lip. I explained about Aiden and then I explained Nick. "They pulled Noah right from me. Right out of my grip" I said and tears came down my face again. Rick wiped them away and nodded. "Deanna is talking to Glenn and then she's going to come see you when you're better." He turned to Carl and said "Straight home." Carl nodded, "I got it dad." Carl rubbed my arm with one hand and held my hand with the other. Rick nodded and stood up kissing my head, before leaving us.
Pete came in and gently wrapped my ankle up before giving Carl a couple pills. "It'll help with the distraught. Calm your nerves, but it will make you tired so take it before bed, and with in 24 hours of each other" I nodded and he turned to me playfully smiling "Off of it for at least two days missy. Baby steps" I nodded and he smiled before saying "You can take her home Carl." Carl stood up and crouched in front of me.
I smiled getting on my boyfriend's back and he held my legs to keep me steady. "I've never seen a girl beat the shit out of a grown man" Carl said and I giggled. We reached the house where Maggie and Michonne were waiting for us. "Take her to the bathroom, I'll clean her up okay?" Maggie said and Carl nodded. Silently Carl took me up the stairs and sat me on the sink. He went to walk away but I grabbed his arm. Carl turned and pulled me to him his arms went around my waist and mine around his neck. "Its okay" He whispered.
I nodded and he left me as Maggie came in. "Ill uh.. go get some clothes" Carl said and Maggie nodded closing the door. First she un did my bandages then helped me undress and get in the tub. I held my knees to my chest. Maggie dumped cups of water on me to clean my own and Noah's blood off me. Maggie placed a hand on my neck and I jumped "Hey. its okay, I'm going to take your braids out" she said and I nodded calming down.
Maggie undid my blood and soot soaked braids out before shaking it out. She washed my hair and got all the soap off, as a knock came at the door. "New clothes" Carl said and Maggie smiled softly at me before she got up and opened the door slightly grabbing the clothes and closing it. She helped me out and dressed before helping me hop to my room. Maggie kissed my head and said "I'll be downstairs for awhile okay?" she said and I nodded. I laid in bed in silence until Carl came back up with a glass of water and sterile wraps. He wrapped my ankle for me and helped me sit up to take the white pill. Carl then turned the light off and climbed in bed with me. Carl intertwined our fingers together and I laid my head on his chest. "I love you" He said and kissed my head. "I love you too" I whispered, before almost immediately going to sleep.
I gasped as I woke up grasping the sheets. I leaned up and just started sobbing. "Hey, baby you okay?" Carl asked groggily as he leaned up after me. I sniffled and nodded "Yeah just a bad dream" I said and Carl turned me head to him. He wiped my tears and kissed my cheek. We laid back down and I actually fell back asleep.
Waking up for the second time that morning I was alone. Carl wasn't there and I tried to yell but no one was in the house. I groaned having to pee I stood on my one foot, grabbed my bag, and just hopped to the bathroom. I went and washed my hands before sliding down the stairs on my butt. I caught my breathe but hopped to the kitchen. I grabbed a bottled water I keep in there before hopping to the front porch. I sat on the porch swing taking in the air. I sighed as I sat in silence it was peaceful for once, but it still reminded me of Noah and of Beth.

Hope//C.G *Finished*
FanfictionChloe Greene. Meet Chloe. She was adopted by Hershel when she was just 8 years old. She learned how to hunt and protect herself, but soon the world goes to shit. "What's the point of livin if you don't have any hope." ~Hershel "Stay by my side?" "...