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Carter leaned against the wall at the end of the hallway keeping an eye on the room in which Amayra was. He knew Amayra was not safe with Maya. He patiently waited for them to come out of the room. After a few seconds , he saw Maya storming out of the room. She looked ready to kill anything that would come in her way. Carter's forehead creased with worry for Amayra.

As soon as Maya was out of his sight, he rushed towards the room. On entering, he saw Amayra gazing mindlessly at the wall in front of her. Her body was in the room, but her mind was miles away. Carter softly called her name,"Amayra..?"

She abruptly turned her head towards him. "Are you alright?" Carter inquired.

She continued to stare at Carter without speaking a word. After a few seconds, she slowly nodded and Carter breathed a sigh of relief. He slowly walked towards her and said," You took a long time to get back, I thought you might have lost your way to the class....so....I just came to look for you..!"

Amayra glanced at Carter and muttered a thanks.

She didn't understand what happened there in past 15 minutes.She knew for sure that Carter was a trouble for her and as for Maya, She wasn't sure anymore.

The rest of the day went as smooth as it could for Amayra. Other than Carter trying to keep a watch on her and her disastrous introduction in her arts class, nothing eventful happened. After school, Amayra reached her dorm and decided to take a shower, unaware of the other person looming outside her room.

Amayra couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more to the conversation she had with Maya. She wasn't sure that it was genuine concern that led to their conversation and although she knew that being seen with Carter would bring her to the spotlight, she was sure that he wouldn't hurt her. She didn't know why she trusts him, but for some unknown reason, she did.Amayra closed her eyes and sighed deeply as the warm water hit her face.

While Amayra was in the bathroom, Axel entered the dorm room from the window in the back yard. He was waiting for her to get in the shower to enter her room. It wasn't his first time in her room. Whenever Maya would have her "episodes", Axel would sneak into her room and calm her down.Today, standing in this room, he needed someone to calm him down.

He couldn't get his mind off Amayra. In order to know more about her, he read all the reports about her but was unable to find anything out of place. She belonged to a middle class family, the reports said. She was an orphan but was adopted by a couple when she was 3. Her foster mother died in a car crash when she was 8. And as for her foster father, he was an accountant in a partnership firm in Vihan, the small town near Rysterbia. That's it. There was no mention of any sibling or a wealthy connection.

Alex wasn't able to understand that how did the daughter of an ordinary accountant managed to get admission in an institution like Hope Academy, that too after the due date for enrolments.

In order to gather more information about Amayra, he planned to sneak into her room and go through her belongings, but he wasn't able to execute his plan earlier as Maya was in the room.

Alex glanced at Maya's side of the room. It was covered with her belongings. Posters of her favourite male models hung above her bed. On the bedside table , there was a mess of colourful feathers and glassy pebbles in a big glass bowl and an alarm clock was placed on the table.The adjacent wall was decorated with strings and necklaces that Maya liked to make. All in all it seemed lively.

On the other hand, Amayra's side of the room was exact opposite... Dead. The bed was neatly made with white bed sheet and pillow. The bedside table was empty...no clock, nothing. It was like no one resided on that side. There was nothing that could possibly describe her.

He tried to open the drawer in the bedside table. It was locked. Alex looked here and there to find the key of that drawer, but his attempts were a waste. Since the time was running out, he decided to break the lock. He quietly moved to Maya's table and pulled out a safety pin. Alex knew how to open a lock with a safety pin. He used to play this silly game of breaking locks with his friends. With a swift movement of wrist he inserted the pin in the lock hole and twisted it about 2-3 times. After some impatient seconds he heard a click and a triumphant smile lighted up his face.

Surely, there must be something important, something so dear to Amayra that she kept it locked, Alex thought. He opened the drawer as quietly as he can. There was nothing but a worn out white envelope in that drawer. To say that he was shocked would be an understatement. The whole drawer was empty.He was contemplating opening the envelope when he heard the shower go off. He didn't have much time, Amayra would be out any second. In a rush, he grabbed the envelope and climbed out of the window in the back garden.

There was a slight smile on Alex's face when he exited the dorm building. He was happy that he could get one more piece to the puzzle named Amayra, but he was forgetting something. All the way to his home, he tried to recall what was he forgetting. But he couldn't put his finger on it. Lying in his bed, he was recalling the day's events when a thought suddenly struck his mind. He shut his eyes tightly and cursed loudly. He now knew what he forgot.

He never closed the drawer or the window.

A/N: I know I said that I would update on Sunday but since I'll be busy tomorrow, I've updated today.
This chapter may contain typos so please ignore them if possible.

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