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The girl with long platinum blonde hair and cold grey eyes leaned back on the wall of the abandoned building as she waited for Amayra. Her name left a bitter taste on her tongue. Sure, she didn't know the girl but something about her felt off. Especially the fact that she was able to enter the academy this late and had the attention of academy's "golden boy" bugged her constantly. Even she wasn't able to capture Carter's attention despite knowing him since childhood. Her fist clenched tightly as the thought of Amayra being more beautiful than her crossed her mind. She felt as if she had been challenged.

The sound of footsteps broke her train of her furious thoughts. Jessica's mouth dropped open as she turned to look at her competition. The first thing she noticed was the ugly girl coming towards her. With wavy hair dyed in all possible shades of blue and violet and the tanned complexion, the short girl was anything but her competition. But the fact that surprised her most was Carter fucking Willis behind that trash. She heard the rumours that he was smitten with her but she had no idea it would come to this.

She took a deep breath hoping to mask her face with that of nonchalance. She gave Carter a cold smile as he came to stand near her and said " I didn't expect you here"

Carter just smiled and shrugged, "figured I should be here to introduce you to my acquaintance"

Jessica couldn't control her surprise as her eyebrows lifted till her hairline and she casted a glance towards Amayra, "Acquaintance you say?"

Carter just nodded solemnly and said, "Yeah...her father did some work for my company and hence my father decided to help Amayra. He figured it would be good to have her here so that I can keep an eye on her. And since I know your drill I figured it was time for her to meet you."

Jessica silently processed what he said and then heaved a sigh of relief. So, it wasn't any girlfriend of his or new riches rising and boy was she glad. She nodded wordlessly. It made complete sense; his father might have sent Amayra to keep track of Carter and other. It wasn't new. Almost every other person in the academy had someone sent by their family to ensure that that they were doing what they were supposed to do and also to keep an eye on heirs of their rivals.

She turned to look at Amayra with a forced smile and said " Welcome to Hope Academy". She watched as Amayra's smile mirrored hers and she said a meek thanks. She turned to Carter, gave him a brief nod and marched out of the building with her cronies.

She couldn't shake off the odd  feeling as she lay on her bed at her home. Sure, Carter's explanation made sense as she doubted that he'd lie on his father's behalf but she couldn't help but feel like there's more to it.

That girl Amayra was pathetic. She looked nothing like a person with whom Carter would voluntarily associate. Apart from her obviously horrifying looks, her personality too looked a little bland. Definitely not like the right hand of soon- to –be multimillionaire. But that's what Carter implied, right. No one would send some trash to such a prestigious academy just for charity.

She exhaled loudly and decided that she needed a distraction. She could think about that trash tomorrow. She picked up her phone and dialed the number of her fuck buddy " Hey Axel ! Mind if we have study date?"


Carter and Amayra breathed in relief as they walked towards the ice cream parlour. They knew that Jessica didn't believe everything but she also didn't call them out on the bullshit. That has to say something, right?

Amayra blinked at the red sign "Dezzerts" and walked behind Carter to enter the outlet. "Dezzerts" was everything that its name suggested; colourful and sweet.The place smelled of coffee and sugar. It served coffee, bakery products and ice creams. The walls were painted a soft light blue and floor was tiled white. Black tables were placed randomly surrounded by colourful tall chairs and bean bags. Amayra watched children running around with ice cream cones in their hands as she followed Carter to the ice cream counter. Carter turned to her and asked with a slight smile, "What do you want to order?"

"Dark chocolate fudge in cup please" Amayra replied without giving it a thought.

She watched as Carter raised an amused eyebrow at her and turned to the counter to order her dark chocolate fudge and a bubblegum flavoured cone for himself.

Within two minutes they were seated at the farthest table with their ice creams. Amayra looked at Carter's bubblegum cone and made a face.

"What? Don't look at me like that. Its really good."

Carter replied in his defence. Needless to say, Amayra's face didn't change. She wasn't bothered by his choice of flavour but the cone. She hates rice cones. Once Rakshit tried to make her eat it and ended up with her puke on his shirt.

Yeah..that bad.

They made small talks while eating their ice cream and soon parted their ways, unaware of the danger lurking behind.


Axel now knew about the connection behind Amayra's admission in the academy. He was there hiding in one of the abandoned rooms when the whole ordeal took place. But even after knowing that it was the Willis that supported her, he couldn't help but feel uneasy. Something didn't add up. He was more than curious to know the answers to his questions.

What job her father did to receive such a gracious payment?

Were they really just that or something else?

Were they even telling the truth?

He sighed deeply and walked towards his closet to take out a fresh black t-shirt and a pair of blue denim. Jessica invited her for a study date which was her way of saying that she wanted to fuck and release some tension. The relationship between Jessica and Axel was complicated. Yes, they enjoyed sex but they also cared for each other. They knew each other since they were 10. For Axel she was the girl who befriended him when everyone else bullied him for being bisexual. She was there when he lost his mother. He too never left her side. He was there to hold her when her parents separated. He was there for her when she wanted an outlet for relieving the pent up tension just like now. They both were there for each other, holding the other one together.

Everyone knows that they are best friends but they think their relationship is platonic when it was anything but that. They both are in love, just not with each other.

While Jessica is in love with her childhood buddy, Axel is in love with someone who could never be his.

While Jessica is in love with her childhood buddy, Axel is in love with someone who could never be his

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