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As soon as Carter saw Amayra heading towards the wash room, he quickly pulled out his cell phone and texted his father about the current situation with Jessica. Carter was appointed to protect Amayra at all cost and more than that he considered it his duty to protect her as a friend.

He wanted to protect Amayra. He has known Jessica since childhood and that girl was bad news. He really wanted to introduce Amayra as his friend but he knew it would raise too many suspicions. After all, it wasn't every day that he made a close friend and that too a scholarship student. It wasn't that he didn't like them. He just avoided getting attached to anyone. He barely attended school since he was always busy with his assignments. He didn't want to make a friend, get attached to them and then leave for god knows how long.

But this time it was different. He had to be with Amayra for the major part of the day to protect her and it was even better that he was already drawn towards her. Maybe this time it'd actually work and he would develop a solid friendship with her before he has to leave for next mission.

He was musing over the thought when he received his father's reply. He liked the idea his father gave. Although there was strong chance that Amayra might feel bad and never talk to him again, he was willing to take the risk.

When he looked up from his cell phone, he found Amayra walking towards him. She sat down on the chair and said quietly, "You know what; I'll take up your offer to introduce me as your friend to Jessica but with a slight variation".

When Carter heard that, he felt as if a weight has been lifted from his shoulders. He leaned forward, placing his elbows on the table and said, "And what variation would that be?"

" Look, if you introduce me as your friend, they'll start asking you questions like why and how are you friends with a scholarship student blah blah blah.. so just say that I am daughter of someone who once worked for your father and since your father is generous man, he paid for my rest of the fees of academy and since he doesn't want me stirring any kind of trouble here, he asked you to keep an eye on me." Amayra finished in one breath.

Carter couldn't believe his ears. That was exactly what his father wanted him to tell her. What a coincidence? He mentally chuckled, it's like all the forces up there are with me. It was reasonable too. Since children of many businessmen studied here, the parents often supported children of their secretaries and other key personnel to attend this academy so that they can keep an eye on their ward and other too. It wouldn't raise any suspicions.

Carter watched her face carefully and said "Alright. That'd do. So now will you be kind in enough to come with me to 'Dezzerts' after school so that I can 'keep an eye' on you?"He watched as her face lit up with a smile and she said "Of course".

He was relieved now. He knew that once he mentions his father, Jessica wouldn't dare to lay a finger on Amayra. He sighed in relief and grinned back at her completely aware that many eyes in the cafeteria were watching them. It was good that they talked quietly and the commotion in the hall prevented anyone to hear their conversation.

Soon, the lunch was over and they headed back to their next class. Carter was distracted during the whole class as he eagerly waited for the school to end so that he can introduce Amayra to Jessica and get over with it. At first he was excited to tell everyone that Amayra was associated with him. But now, he dreaded it. What would happen when he won't be here? What if they decided to treat Amayra like they treated other students' connection?

Carter was mulling over these questions when the school bell rang indicating the end of school. Carter saw Amayra putting her things in the bag and decided that it'd be better for them to wait for a few minutes since he knew that Jessica would definitely send some people to fetch Amayra. When Amayra tapped her foot anxiously and looked up at him with questioning eyes, he explained the same to her.

Amayra just shrugged nonchalantly and sighed. Carter knew she was much more nervous than she was showing. He wanted to comfort her, tell her that it'll be alright, but the truth was that he wasn't sure himself.

Carter decided that it'd be best If he acts like he doesn't care about Amayra in front of Jessica. Maybe then she wouldn't try to harm the person he cares for. Carter was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard the sound of footsteps.

He looked at Amayra and tilted his head towards the door telling her that its time. He watched as she jumps to her feet and stand beside him. Carter exhaled heavily and muttered "Here goes nothing."


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