Chapter 2: A hidden threat

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King Theordore, ruler of Reth and Zaleth for almost two decades, was troubled. He was in his room looking at books. Just then his captain, Thomas Grad, came in. "Sire, may I ask why you are in here?" Captain Grad asks. "Well, I'm studying the things I can from before the war." Theodore responds. "Wasn't it just a bunch of city states?" Grad asks. "No." Theodore says. "Then what was it like?" Grad asks in a very troubled manner. "Chaos." Theodore says.

At Justin's house Justin and Sam are having Julian and Laura over for lunch. "The festival yesterday was awesome." Sam whispers. "It really was." Julian thinks. Justin walks in with his specialty, bacon wrapped hotdogs. "Dinner is served." Justin says jokingly. "It's lunch,  hun." Sam says slightly louder than usual. "I know honey." Justin says sitting down. Laura and Justin both race to get as much hotdogs as they can. Sam and Julian only eat one each, Justin and Laura have eight each. After lunch Julian and Laura head to work. Justin prepares to go to work, and Sam is in their bed thinking about what Justin asked her last night. The words repeat over and over again. "War. Returns." She does off and Justin notices. "You good, Sam?" Justin asks, concerned. "I'm fine." Sam says reassuring Justin. "If you say so, I got to go now. I'm late." Justin says as he gives her a kiss and runs to work.

Julian is already in his post. "You're late." He whispers as he gives Justin a friendly jab. "Always am." Justin says reporting to his post. Julian and Justin work at Pimlico Industry, a factory chain run by Wyatt Pimlico. Laura and Sam work as nurses for the guard, Sam is off today. After a few hours Justin overhears Wyatt and Theodore talking. "It's true, all of it." Theodore says in distress, but Justin barely hears it. "Then we have to prepare." Wyatt says in confidence. "Everyone knew this day was coming, but we haven't prepared, Wyatt you need to have your workers..." Justin doesn't hear the rest of the conversation. He assumes they're talking about the tales of before the war, the tales of the virus. Julian gets off work early to meet Laura at a restaurant for dinner.

"How was work today?" Laura asks. Julian gives a thumbs up and looks through the menu. Laura also looks through the menu. A few minutes later the waiter shows up. "I'll take the lobster." Laura says. Julian shows the waiter what he wants, the turkey. After dinner, when Julian and Laura are leaving, they notice a crowd outside the restaurant. "What's going on?" Laura asks a person in front of them. "I don't know." The man says. Just then the guard arrives and grabs the body, it's Wyatt Pimlico, but there's something red with a small brown tentacle on the center on his nose, and a larger version on his neck. Julian is shocked and Laura is confused on what that was. "Please go home, there's nothing to worry about, just another murder." Captain Grad says trying to calm people down.

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