Chapter 13: Despite the losses

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A week later Julian returned to Cliff-Ridge. Every night was cold and long, everyday was hot and long. When he returned the hive force was about to get over the hill, which would start the attack. He was greeted to a bunch of soldiers who recognized him. Johnson was there getting ready to leave with Laura and Sam. Laura saw how beaten up Julian was and she already knew Justin died. She cried and fell to the ground. Julian forces himself to run and catch her. Sam joins them and the three cry in each others arms, Laura more than anyone. After they finish Julian gets a bunch of water, he had barely any on the way back, and a bed. Laura, Sam, and Johnson say goodbye and leave for the old world mountain. About a hour later the hive army begins it assault. The Cliff-Ridge soldiers set up ballistas and catapults on the walls, set the ammo on fire and open fire on the massing hive army. The army is set on fire but quickly recovers and reaches the walls. The archers open fire with fire arrows. A brute is able to get to the gate. Soldiers run past Julian's house and he can hear the screams and footsteps. Julian forces himself off his bed and grabs his sword. The brute at the gate can't be killed due it being covered by the wall. The brute is able to obliterate the gate. The brute is greeted to hundreds of arrows, killing it. The grunts and chargers behind the brute swarm inside the walls. Julian forces his way outside, as he sees chargers and grunts infecting the Cliff-Ridge military. He lifts his sword and himself up. "Open fire at the chargers, swordsman with me!" Julian yells charging. The soldiers, filled with morale, follow his orders. "Siege units, open fire on all brutes outside the walls!" He yells upward. The siege units also follow his orders, mowing down the brutes before than can reach halfway down the hill. 

The old world mountain is filled with hive masses. It's patrolled by giants and the biggest hive army that they've seen. Just then Tristan's ship appears. He floats out of the ship and drops a crate of guns. "Pick them up, we're going to war." Tristan says. They pick them up and he teaches them what he can in two minutes. "Where's Julian and Justin?" Tristan asks, even though he knows Justin is dead. "Justin is dead, Julian is in Cliff-Ridge." Sam says. "My condolences." Tristan says looking at Melissa's necklace. Tristan presses a button on his chair and his ship begins a giant mech suit. "I watched this movie on Earth called Transformers, kinda went overboard." Tristan says as he loads himself into his mech. "What the hell, who is this?!" Johnson yells. "Name's Tristan. Tristan Grave. Now go let's go kill the hive." Tristan says as he runs towards the hive giants, roughly the same size as him. "So, think he can be a distraction?" Johnson asks. "No." Sam says as she follows Tristan. Laura does the same and shrugs. "Ah, what the hell." Johnson says following 

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