Chapter 28: Stand together not alone

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"Melissa sent 15 manned mechs instead of ten, just letting you know." Nicholas says. "No extras for me?" Tristan asks. "Oh, there's about 30 unmanned mechs." Nicholas says. "Send one my way." Tristan requests. "Will do, sir." Nicholas says doing as he was requested. "I don't even live on Reston, no need to call me sir." Tristan says. "With all due respect, sir, you've always lived there. Whether you forgot that or not." Nicholas says. The spare mech lands and Tristan gets in it. "Where are the others?" Tristan asks. "Right there." Nicholas says as he points to the other 14 helping Jessica. "Let's get down there." Tristan says. Nicholas nods and the two jump off the moon and land on the hive swarms. The mechs easily rip through the hive forces on Zaleth. Just then the hive mind uses the moon's mass to it's advantage. The moon hivemind surrounds the planet, making it darker than night, as if no light existed to begin with. Some spare mechs are able to get through, only three. All the mechs regroup after they finish killing the hive. The mechs use their built in flashlight to create enough light to be able to see. Sam, Julian, and Jessica get in the spare mechs. The surviving soldiers are ordered to hide under the dead bodies. "You can't win now!" The hivemind shouts as it launches massive tentacles into the ground near cities, deserts, forests, and mountains. "Not if we stand together and not alone!" Nicholas shouts as the 18 mechs come together. "Are you a general?" Jessica asks Nicholas. "Yes I am, Milady. What about yourself?"  Nicholas asks. Jessica blushes and gives a thumbs up to single she is. "Alright, ma'am, this is your planet, you're in command." Nicholas says relinquishing all command to Jessica. The hivemind starts to move the planet closer to the sun to become the size of the solar system. "I'm assuming this sudden shaking means the planets is moving, my orders are to stop the hivemind!" Jessica orders. All the mechs use their propulsion jets to break out of the hivemind's shield over the planet. They're all able to do it. The hivemind's mouth is the size of the moon itself and it's surrounded by giant tentacles. "You all really think you can defeat me?" The hivemind asks chuckling and attacking. 

"We do!" Julian and Sam shouts as the entire mech squadron attack. Four mechs bring out ion cannons and blast the hivemind with them. It creates sizable holes in the hivemind's shield, bringing some sunlight to the planet. The hivemind uses a massive tentacle on the four mechs, but not before they get another barrage of ion cannon shots off. It damages the tentacle but the four mechs are launched into a nearby terrestrial planet, destroying the planet and the mechs. The other 14 were able to slice off the rest of the tentacles leaving just the mouth and the shield itself. "General, what now?" Nicholas asks Jessica. "Now, we blow up the mouth, that's the weakspot!" Jessica yells. "You sure?" Tristan asks. "Yes I am." Jessica says.

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