Chapter 25: The second morning

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With the second day starting the armies fighting the hive are getting thirsty. The generals allow for a water break. Jessica does the opposite because she's in the heat of the battle. Jessica and her army had no sleep, except for a few men. Jessica had the men drink water quickly, and then they moved out, deeper into the hive infested city. The buildings were covered in hive masses when they entered the hive mist. Then Jessica heard a low but loud roar and then a brute and a few leapers attacked. Jessica's army was able to beat them though, with just a few casualties. As the army kept closing in on the castle the bigger the hive forms and the more people they lose per battle. When they arrive at the castle all they see is a hivemind. "This one is exposed, unlike the last one. Had to beat it out of a mountain." Tristan says as he gets into his mech. He walks towards the hivemind but it grabs him and the army with it's tentacles. It drops a few people, killing them, by accident. "Leave this planet!" It shouts. Tristan takes out his sword and cuts himself out. Then he cuts the tentacle with the army out and catches them with a giant inflatable raft he had stored in the mech's sleeve. The raft safely launches the army back to the others. The hivemind was angry and it expressed that with a scream that made everyone's ears ring for a few minutes. Then the hivemind begins to burst out of the ground. Tristan notices this and tries to escape the city. He's not fast enough. The hivemind gets out of the catacombs and the castle and the city in general. The entire city shatters into oblivion and the hivemind uses the city's mass to make itself stronger. Tristan barely survives this. He's on the top of the hivemind's grotesque head and it's pretty high up.

"I thought the giants were tall." Laura said looking at the hivemind and how it's head is literally in the clouds. "We fought that at the mountain!" Johnson says in shock. "How did we kill one of these?!" Sam asks shocked. "Holy. Fuck." Tristan says. "I think it was one million queens versus one pawn." Jessica says. "Holy mother of fucking shit." Julian says crapping his pants. The other soldiers blurt out similar replies. The hivemind itself blacked out the sky and the whole it made was enormous. Hive forms were coming out of it nonstop. Jessica quickly returned to her command post and ordered all soldiers to converge in a circle. The soldiers take a bit, but manage to do it with minimal losses. Tristan on the hivemind is confused on why the hivemind doesn't just kill Jessica and her army. Then the hivemind jumps and Tristan finds himself on one of Zaleth's moon's face to face with the hivemind. "So, Tristan Grave, do you accept my offer now?" It asks. "What offer?" Tristan asks, confused. "Where you leave Zaleth." It says.

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