Chapter 24: Under the night sky

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During the night the battle is completely different. Jessica has a group of men go to a nearby town to get as much siege ammo as possible, and arrows. The archers light up the sky and valley below them in order to see. The entire valley is on fire meaning it can't be lit on fire once again. "This battle will go one for at least three days, and you expect to use this entire valley as lighter fuel once?!" Johnson asks questioning Jessica. "I know what I'm doing, it'll spread to the town and burn the masses. Meaning we can go in during the daytime and set up outposts. Strategy, sir, strategy." Jessica says. "Sounds good." Johnson says apologetically. A large hive army emerges from the fire. "What the hell!" Jessica shouts. The flaming hive soldiers use the fire to it's advantage and hurl it towards the army. "Scatter positions!" Jessica yells. The hive only burns half the first line, and majority of the siege equipment. Jessica thinks about her next move as her army runs around and dodges fireballs from the flamers. Then Jessica notices Tristan hovering into the battle with his chair. "What's Tristan doing?!" Jessica yells in surprise. He presses a button on his wheelchair and then it activates a forcefield protecting him from fire. When he gets to the flamers he pulls out a gun and kills them all. "Come on!" Tristan yells. The soldiers look at Jessica. "You heard him, didn't you?" Jessica says. The soldiers follow Tristan and charge. They push through the fire, losing little to no men due to their armor. Johnson stays behind and waits for the right time to use the soldiers with guns. Jessica and Tristan lead the small force in the city. Laura, Sam, and Julian are leading the third and final attack force.

In the city the air is barely breathable, but still has enough oxygen to keep everyone alive. In the city all you can see is brown and red stuff everywhere. It's very quiet. The soldiers can only see a few feet at best. "Where are we going?" Jessica hears some soldiers say. She lights a torch and throws it. The soldiers groan. Then the city erupts in flames, mostly. It clears up in seconds and it reveals a lot of hive soldiers. The area was quickly swarmed. The soldiers knew the area so they had home field advantage. The hive grunts died quickly. Then a giant emerges from the hive fumes. Tristan, of course, calls in his ship. He uses the ion cannon on the giant instead of turning the ship into a mech. The giant dies and turns into a human body before it lands. Jessica orders the army to set up camp in that part of the city.

"Should we stay back?" Julian asks Johnson. "We should, we wait for one day if we don't here fighting by then we will go to the city." Johnson responds. "Alright, Johnson." Julian says. Sam and Laura are eagerly awaiting Jessica's status, after all she took a risk with going in the city.

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