Chapter 9: We meet again

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"So, we meet again." Theodore says. "Yes we do." The old man says. "Tristan Grave, correct? It's been 43 years, I need to make sure it's you." Theodore asks to clarify the man's identity. "Yes, it's me." Tristan says. "Good to see you, bud." Theodore says. "Wish I didn't see you." Tristan says. "Why are you here?" Theodore asks. "You told about a war, and the others. Are they the others?" Tristan asks. "Don't play the pronoun game, Grave." Theodore says. "You played it first." Tristan says. "I suppose you're right." Theodore says. "Answers, now!" Tristan demands. "Fine. Theodore is dead, let's get that out of the way, I'm just in his body. Anyways, the three created this universe, that you know, what you don't know is that I created them I gave them this universe. And it is a disgrace! The three created countless of the same race! Just to see which one could be dominant! I created the hive to destroy this universe, but it was beaten time and time again. Except for in this galaxy, and a few others, in this galaxy the weakest strand I created still exists, but at the same time it is the strongest. This planet is so lowly evolved, even after centuries in war, that it will make this strand the strongest once Zaleth is gone. Then Salem, Dorian-5, Earth, and finally Reston. All I have to do is safeguard my creation to the top!" Theodore says, later yelling in anger and later again in joy. "You're a monster." Tristan says.  "No. A monster enjoys murder and destruction. This isn't either, it's annihilation." Theodore says. "Why does it matter if the humans exist in almost every galaxy?" Tristan asks. "It matters because it's not a test, it's a playground. Each and every galaxy and universe, multiverse, and so on, is a playground for it's inhabitants. This is just a test to see if a species can kill it self!" Theodore yells slamming his fist on the table. "So you're restoring the multiverse?" Tristan asks. "Yes I am, why does it matter?" Theodore responds. "It matters because," Tristan pauses.

"The road to hell is paved with good intentions and the ones you love litter the roadside, but what people forget is that the road to heaven is paved with good actions, and the ones you love pave the roadside." He finishes.

"I'll never die, so why would that matter to me?" Theodore asks. "You will lose the war you talked about and you will go to hell for your actions." Tristan says smiling. "I have seen the past, future, present and other timelines! You think that I will die! HA!" Theodore laughs cockily. "Zaleth will survive annihilation, meaning they can and will survive the war." Tristan says. "You put to much faith in your pawn." Theodore says. "A pawn can become a queen." Tristan says. Tristan turns his chair towards the exit. "I have to go to Earth, I met a guy named Tony and he might need my spaceship in the future," Tristan pauses. "But of course, you already knew that." Tristan finishes as he boards his ship and flies to Earth to get weapons.

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