Chapter 22: The first charge

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Jessica had three catapults and trebuchets for the first set of soldiers to charge. The first charge will consist of half of Jessica's army. It will be used as bait, and as a necessary sacrifice of war. The men are getting ready as Jessica approaches the soldiers. "I will not lie, none of you will make it back alive. You are the bravest of the brave for volunteering even after I had said what the first charge was for. Your names will be the top of the monument. Thank you for your sacrifice." She says congratulating the men. "Hail the kingdom!" The soldiers yell doing the special salute Reth has. 

Tristan and Julian are sitting in front of Tristan's ship. "Where are you going after this?" Julian asks. "Earth, there's a guy on there that I need to talk to." Tristan answers. "Not back to Reston?" Julian asks. "Reston may be my home planet, but that doesn't mean it's my home." Tristan says. " Why would you say that? Don't you love your daughter?" Julian asks. "Of course I do. I don't believe I said this, I might've, but my best friend was killed on that planet, by her father. I don't want to return there when she isn't alive." Tristan says. "What do you do after Earth? Then after the next planet? And so on?" Julian asks. "Not return to Reston." Tristan says. "What about when you die? What then?" Julian asks. "Then I'll be buried or be in my ship, not on Reston." Tristan says. "Your daughter needs to hear from you, to see you. Your company, your planet, they need you on that planet. I'm not saying you should never leave. I'm saying you can't leave forever." Julian says. "Maybe I'll go, but don't gamble on it." Tristan says. "You do you." Julian says getting up and leaving to find his wife.

"Laura are you okay?" Sam asks Laura. Laura just shrugs. "We all miss Justin, I lost my child also. You're not the only one here who's lost something. Everyone here has." Sam says. Laura shrugs again. "You were fine when we were fighting the hivemind, what happened?" Sam asks. "It's not Justin, it's how useless we are. Tristan doesn't need us, for all we know he's going to betray us." Laura explains. "He won't." Sam says trying to reassure her. "How do you know? Laura asks. "If he was going to betray us he wouldn't be here, or Dorian-5, or Earth helping people." Sam says. Laura hugs her sister. "Thanks sis." Laura says.

The charge is about to begin. Jessica issues the order for the siege equipment to move, starting the battle to end all battles. The first wave charges. The hive hear the soldiers screaming as they run down the hill. So the hive launches some of it's grunts. The first wave is able to beat the hive when the two charges encounter one another. The hive launches double the amount of grunts and one brute. The first wave is destroyed, and due to the siege equipment being moved the second hive wave charges. "Second wave, charge!!!" Jessica orders. The second wave charges in, and the true battle begins.

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