Chapter 4: The old world

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After almost a month Justin, Julian, Sam, and Laura arrive at the edge of the old world. "It's almost as if it's devoid of life." Julian thinks. "What are we hoping to find here?" Laura asks. "If the legends are true." Justin says. They all start to walk through the wasteland. "What is this stuff?" Laura asks as she grabs a btown tentacle. "I have to no clue" Julian whispers. Laura drops it and wipes her hand on a destroyed building. The deserted town they were in had no food, no crops, no water, no life. "What's wrong here?" Sam asks. "I don't know." Justin says. Julian goes into a house to find what looks like a human to be sitting there. Julian pokes it and then it roars louder than a lion. Justin, Laura, and Sam run in the direction of the noise, but are cut off by more creatures. Julian, due to his history as a town militia, grabs a nearby plate and smacks the thing with it. The plate shatters. Julian runs out and kicks the creature into the building. The creature squirms around on the floor and then gets up and pounces at Julian. Julian dodges it but the creature just gets back up. Julian runs down to what they presume is the main street to try and find the others.

Justin and Laura lost track of Sam and ended up running close to the end of the city. "Do you think. That. This town. Has an armory?" Sam asks as she catches her breath. "Maybe that tower over there." Justin responds pointing to a large tower. Justin and Sam stealthily make there way to the tower. The creatures are roaming around the town now. They can't find anyone, some are beginning to hide again. Justin and Sam keep going, they successfully avoid most of the creatures but they end up killing a few with a cane they found. "Their flesh is incredibly deteriorated." Sam says. Justin nods and realizes that the creatures have been dying easily, with only one hit from a cane that's hundreds of years old. They continue to the tower, it appears to be a church worshipping a shadowy object and three prophets. "What's that?" Justin asks pointing to the mural. "It appears to be a mural, I this is a church." Sam responds. Then there's a scream outside.

Laura found her way to the armory, it's one block away from the church. She grabs a sword, and a crossbow. Due to her lack of combat experience she misses every crossbow bolt, luckily they can be grabbed later. She uses the sword and actually kills a few. She gives a scream of happiness. She realizes the mistake she made. The entire town's supply of creatures is coming after her, but Justin and Sam come to the rescue. Justin fight them with his cane and Sam grabs a sword from the armory. Julian comes by and grabs a bow and arrows. They're too tired to keep going so they retreat into the armory. There's nothing to barricade anything so they're stuck in the open. Then there's a series of loud noises. The group fights the creatures for as long as they can. Then a series of loud noises can be heard from outside. The group steps outside and see an old man in a floating wheelchair, he's holding technology that's never been seen. "Hi." The old man says. He puts his thing down. The group assumes it's a weapon since all the creatures are dead, so they put their weapons down also. "Who are you?" Sam and Justin ask. "Just a man from the stars." The man says smiling as if he was at peace. "Wait, you're an alien. But you look like us." Julian says. "Yea, I guess I should explain then." The man says. "If we're going to trust you we'll need to know your name." Laura says speaking for all of them. "Oh, pardon my rudeness, my name is Tristan Grave." He says.

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