Chapter 31: Zaleth three years later

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Three years have passed since the hive's annihilation. Jessica awaited for Nicholas to return, he never had time. Sam and Julian lived a partially happy life. The capital city was rebuilt in months due to the amount of people who helped. The crater was filled with new homes, markets, industrial areas, and monuments to the people who died protecting Zaleth. Sam and Julian are on their balcony of their house, overlooking the crater district. "Three year anniversary of peace." Julian says jokingly. "Yeah, you think Tristan will ever return?" Sam asks. "I don't think so, last we saw him he said he was going to spend some time on Reston and then head to Earth. I doubt he'll even have time for us before he dies. "I think you're right." Sam says resting her head on his shoulder. "When he and I said goodbye he told me something." Julian says. "What'd he say?" Sam asks. "He told me that no matter what happens he'll always see us as his family. But that's only because we're exactly like him and his adventure. He told me about that adventure also. The only difference is that he lost everyone." He answers. "Ironic." Sam says. "What is?" Julian asks.

"He had his tale and we had ours. The only difference was that he didn't die when his last name is Grave, it's ironic." Sam says.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2017 ⏰

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